Whoever told you it costs that much was having you on. Maybe 1,100, but never 11k. The last turbo I ordered was for a 05 Ford Focus (someone forgot to put in the new panel filter). It was about 800 notes brand new, direct from Garrett. If VW are claiming it is 11k then they are lying to you.
Secondly, about FWD/RWD/AWD. FWD is always the slowest, it is just a fact of life. I can break traction in a 60HP van with nice sticky tyres on dry asphalt. So now I've got on the standard wheels with cheap rubber again, I regularly spin up the front wheels. You'll struggle to get that to happen in a RWD or AWD vehicle with the same power. Which costs time off the line. A good drive can compensate for a lot of inherent flaws with a vehicle and drive through them. But that isn't you.
I run catless, but that is only because I needed a new front section quickly at it was £35 for sans cat, or 70 with cat and wait a day. I went sans cat.
Point 1: The studies are based on the legal drink drive limit, normally 1 pint of normal strength lager (size and weight dictates how quickly you reach the legal limit). The drivers reaction times were quicker than a text driver. If you're getting a skin full the balance of risk swings the other way very quickly.
Point 2: So accident rates go up because people continue to break the law. That just means they are ****ing stupid.
My old Omega had a slider, but the dimmer switch was broken so half the dash would dim, the other half would just turn off. Unfortunately it was the speedo that'd turn off, so I had to leave it on full whack.
It does apply here, you can only break the sound barrier offshore. Or over very exact bits of land, mostly islands. When Concorde was flying the flight path went over Guernsey, they'd break the sound barrier over the island. The sound the sonic boom made was fantastic. But lets be honest, there is no way it'd damage your vehicle from that altitude. It is just a silly clause trumped up as a "just in case" measure.
Indeed, the load is shifted to your GPU instead. You have been able to do that on a Windows based OS for quite some time now, it is also possible on a fair few flavours of *nix.
It is a software thing brah, not hardware.
I know, that is why I don't like using the Mail, the reporters are all a bunch of cut and paste idiots. Half way down the page they start using Corsa again, but a lot of their articles have just been direct cut and paste from places like Facebook.
When I was working at a garage a customer had taken their car to one of those car doctor places and were told it'd cost them about 15k to get their car sorted (insurance wouldn't pay out because the guy who hit them didn't hang around, when I left town they were still fighting with insurance over that) when I was chatting with the guys at the insurance approved place he was telling me that they will never use anything but genuine parts and you can't use second hand parts because there are copy parts and you can't prove if they are genuine or not.
We were able to do the same work for 1k, cost so much because the rear end was quite stoved in, so we sent it to a body shop to be straightened out.
Got in a tank slapper avoiding a dick who doesn't know the right of way and ripped off my handbrake cable at the same time. Getting a bit of oppo in a van is good fun though. Just a shame the half brick was kicked up and yanked off my cable.
Insurance companies have been getting referral payments from personal injury firms, so they are encouraging claimants to trump up injuries to get money. The gov't has tried to put an end to it which they hope will stop these sorts of cases, as well as trying to stop no win no fee legal practises.
To check your starter get some jump leads and a battery (you can use the one on the car, I choose not to). Connect jump leads to battery, place live terminal on one of the terminals on the starter, place the earth on the casing of the starter (if you used the car battery, then on any bit of metal). If you hear it operate try the next, if it operates again- one terminal will drive the motor, one will operate the ram, so you'll get "WIZZZZZZ" and "THUNK" respectivly- you have a connection issue. If you don't hear anything, the starter is toast.
True enough, I gave up driving while I was at uni because I couldn't afford the extra expense. Sold my car to the parents and used the money to buy a push bike. We seem to have fallen into a belief where driving is a right not a luxury. I can't afford to run a private jet, so I stick to buy a ticket like everyone else. I have no right to kick up a stink about it costing too much to run my own jet.
I didn't mean they will not cover your third party obligations, if you only have TPFT then it isn't an issue, but I sport full comp so am mindful of the fact if I do something stupid I wouldn't be covered.
My insurance (Aviva) won't cover acts of God, but there is no specification of what that includes, so could apply to anything from a tree falling down, an earth quake or just someone ploughing into the side of me. I'm also not covered for terrorism. xD
That is why I'm glad I did defensive driving, if someone is right up my back bumper I will hold speed. When you speed up they will follow you and slowing down just turns them into bigger dicks.
But yes, when I was a youth I'd regularly stray the speed limit, but a close call stopped me from doing that instantly.
If your insurer felt the like it, they are well within their rights to cancel the policy for anyway who caused a crash by breaking the law. It happens to a lot of people. It is even in your contract with your broker, but I'm sure you've read that cover to cover, right?