I expected some delay, I sat on it for some hours before figuring I should fire off an e-mail, you have to send them to payment[at]mojojojo. I'd settle with a "we're quite busy, we'll sort it when we get time".
It just says "Account not Premium" or something along those lines. When I log in on the webby it tells me to get premium and the checker says I haven't paid.
Minecraft blows chunks. I slapped down my almost hard earned cash to waste away my afternoon and the game still says my account isn't premium. If it doesn't get sorted soon I will have to dispute the transaction with PayPal.
This is probably why PayPal froze the account before, they don't deliver the goods.
You have no idea how stoked I am about that. Just a few more weeks and I can start getting insurance premiums based on insurance bands, rather than the broker putting some numbers in a hat and pulling them out at random.
You should try it. Though my advice, try it with a chick. It is just wrong to look down and find a hairy biker humming on your junk. Even if it does feel good.
Not that I'd know from experience or anything. ¬_¬
Because they don't run front plates in that state, you can put whatever the hell you like on the front of your car. It happens in a lot of places in North America, JDM guys run Jap plates on front and Euro guys run German plates.
I've seen that car a few times and it should be scrapped as it isn't road legal. But the owner lives in a state with no inspection, so you can drive any old rust bucket around and not a damn thing can be done about it.
From memory you need around 15 minutes of idling time to replenish the power you draw by starting an engine. That is assuming you do it on the first try. If you have a bitch to start motor you'll need even longer.
Snowing down here... again. Which helps the ice issue because now I have no idea where the hell it is.
It looks like they are replacing the back section (if you follow the pipe down it ends at a flange). So they propped it up rather than having to fight with a saggy pipe.