It'd be hard, prolly easier to adda nother transfer.
THat's the problem, the low force on low speed when trning on FFB. THe same problem the DFP has. That's why a G25 has 2 motors. That's why i was thinking about using 2 MOMO FFB motors. THe only problem is wiring them togheter to do the same thing at the same time. And the original electronics quite certainly wouldn't take 2 motors in parralel. That and exchange the momo wheel for a real momo or something else. That alone would aid in turning speed A LOT since it would be much lighter. You could still ad 2 or 3 buttons with a telephone spiral cord inbetween the wheel and the base, make the paddles Subaru WRC style fixed to the base, maybe even construct it to be swinged out of the way using one thumbscrew or something, use the second MOMO's buttons to make a H shifter and a pedal for a clutch. You could use the second pedal axis as a handbrake. Anything else needed?
Bout the Mulsanne straight, it really needed those chicanes. it ruins it, yes, a lot, but with cars going at over 400 kph 20 years ago, something had to be done. But today's cars still reach 350+ kph (though on a different straight or os it right before the Mulsanne corner braking area?).
An Uf1k competitior in the form of the XF body (1,1 I4 with ~55 bgh, a.k.a. Punto gen. 1) toasts it's brakes after 2-3 hard brakes. Like going from 100 kph (and 4th) down to 2nd (30ish or maybe even less) on a downhill braking HARD. The brakes started smoking after that. Literally. And i overheated them driving carefully (watching the brakes mainly) on a long descnet - something like 1000 vertical meters of descent.
I am SUCH an imbecil. I meant in the name tag. Both the turbocharged and twincharged cars wear the TSI badge. Turbos should be 2.0T only i think. Like Audi does.
From the TSI badge i supposed it would be a twincharged unit. Too bad then. Firstly, VW can't distinguish between twin charging and turboing and secodnly, we don't get the twincharger in LFS :/
And i meant to write something else, but i forgot what it was so i'll leave it at this.
everybody wishing for the Nordschleife 24h version of Scirocco put into LFS as an RWD or AWD competitior for the small GTR will be dissappointed. It's FWD. And just like the LFS road car version, a 2.0 TSI. With ~300 bhp.
On another note, TSI is turbocharged yes, so no hopes for N/A. But isn't TSI actually the twincharging technology, first developed for the 1,4 to be used in the Polo, GOlf GT and Touran? /me goes to google.
EDIT: yup, it's the twincharger. Using a superchrager on a clutch for low RPMs and when the turbo spools up, the SC uncltches and the turbo alone does the work. A method of reducing lag. ... r#Commercial_availability
No no no no no, you've got it all wrong (in Clarkson voice). But srsly, this is wrong. This interior is obviously a 1st generation Punto. Trust me, i knpw that, i drive it every day. And it is painfully bright :P
I was talking about the 2008 Charouz. The rumours go that AM will have a full factory LMP1 team in 2009. This was a private team with factory backing (AM gave the engines, helped with development, lent some engineers, etc.).
And 'looking for a great' team via the forums... joining a great team is done by driving/drifting a lot, being good, winning some competitions and the team approaching you.
I don't even know how far i must drive to the closest tracks. 'Near' to me is Rijeka, Monza shouldn't be that far away, Adria speedway is even closer, A1 Ring isn't that far away too, but god knows what's happening there. Anybody know of any tracks near to NW part of Slovenia?
And if you notice, all of the tracks i wrote are in italy, Austria or Croatia. That's right, we don't have a track in Slovenia. THere is something new made on a 500x500 meter piece of land, that is mainly usable for motor bikes and doesn't even have barriers i think and we used to have a 'track' (quite narrow too, with the runoff being half a meter of grass and a barrier besides it) on an old military airfield, but thanks to NATO, the military decided to rebuild the airport or sth and took the track area back.
BMW ont he other hand uses an interesting system int he road cars. They threw away the altenator and starter, put a single motor/generator there, put a very nice capacitor in the trunk (18k Farads, a normal cap in a PC has a cople micro farads). When you rbake, the capacitor charges up and that's then used to charge up the batter. It's A LOT more effective than the normal way, where you charge a battery directly.
I always thought they put extra rubber on the tires for the rain, to make them even smoother. And that the cars grip faaaar more in the rain. Like being onr ails. And that you can take a hairpin at 200 mph.
Are you serious? You're from england and your'e saying 'sorry for bad english'. What are you, 3?? And yes, every car with a windscreen will have a wiper in RL, even the GTRs, Le Mans prototypes, everything. Open cocpit cars naturally don't have wipers. Neither do they have screens.
Aiming at the original quote, nowhere easy. Try making the Alzen Porsche into a rally car. It COULD (mind you, COULD) be done, but it's just wrong. THe cars are fundamentally different (road and offroad racing).
True that, the RB4 does lack power. But 4 WD is being put into all of the cars more or less lately as a safety feature. If you look 10 years back, the only proper AWDs were the EVO and STIs (from which the RB4 differs by having 50 bhp less and actually 30 bhp more than the Impreza GT) and Audi's (R)S cars, which were higher powered. So i see your point. But still, having an R34 thingie in LFS with 500 bhp... Well, seeing the R35 and 911 Turbo are quite simmilar, another match for the FZT perhaps?
Maybe add another car to the TBO class (yes, yes, i know, we have balancing issues already) or maybe to the XRG/XFG, the new car being a 4 door sedan with something like a 2.0 engine. N/A. Add that to the XFR/UFR class. Change the UFR specs to have a 2.0 engine as well and we have an S2000 class - WTCC.
-dunno, would too much of a cow if it was a sedan. If it was a coupe,then yes. Something along the lines of the DBo9 with a V12 maybe. And then make a FZ50 Turbo to compete with it both in the GTR and road class
-Triumph TR3 maybe? Save the Elise for the TBO class methinks. And instead of the elise, Exige 240R would be the thing to be here. Or maybe something with just a little less power (for balancing purposes).
-yes and no. No to the XRG. SOmething dofferent i say. THe XR shape is really nice but with 3 cars already. Dunno, it's becoming the 911 of LFS (which has Carrera S, 4S, Turbo, GT3, GT3 RS, GT2 and maybe some other version too, plus the racing GT3 RSR). And they all look basicly the same.
-don't mind if it's not there. It'd be ina class of it's own anyway...
-covered in the first suggestion (possibly), otherwise sure, why not.
-leave the 3,2 straight 6 for the E46 M3 :P And inline engine (6+) will be useless in an MR i think, it's just too big. V8 is the way to go - competition for the big class (FZ Turbo, the V12ish coupe, etc.). Basicly a 200 mph class.
-YES YES YES!!! With a GTR version
-useless IMO with only one track. The dragstrip is mroe of a test track anyway... Too much work to be done for basicly no purpose other than being driven 20 times donw a road and that's all.
-don't miss a WRC car really since we don't have any stages, but meh, it's a popular demand.
Lowering the power of those two and make a GT3 class? What about GT2? As i said, FZ50 Turbo, DBR9 lookalike, the GTR MR and we have GT1. We already have GT2 (the current GT1, XRR, FXR and FZR), add a prototype and we have multiclass racing. Maybe throw out the FXR and swap it with an MR (F430 thingie). Then we could make the FXR a rally car. I know, this gets rid of a 4WD GTR (appart from the FZR turbo which would HAVE to have 4 WD with 600-700 bhp to be raceable), but in reality, how many 4WD GTRs are out there? There were the IMSA quattros, the Skyline GTR and then the list more or less ends.
VTEC and technologies just give less power and make the cars nicer to drive and make them consume less fuel. THen when you push them, they open up completely. Since we always race the cars in FLS i think it's useless to code the VTEC like technology. MR yes, VTEC no.