I've been testing the MOD AI generation, and have found that very heavy vehicles have trouble braking enough when going downhill.
The best example I've found for recreation is the Metro Bus mod on SO5 (it can't make the turn) and SO3 (hits the barrier so hard it flips over and falls into the underworld).
Very good! Jon and I gave it a thrashing around a banger oval - absolutely excellent fighting physics there, it's robust but not invincible, you can really bump, rub, nudge and push as safely as any other car, and more so than most. Two people who spent an hour a week doing this sort of thing, every week for 5 and 10 years respectively, both love it
We've got a couple of banger ovals in the tracklist at PiranMOTODestructionDerby, if you want to try it there against a good selection of other car times. (!v to vote for track, we were on Standlake). I've attached my banger set, too.
I'm going to need some help dialling this one in as a WIP I'm as close to getting the modding part right as I'm going to get by myself, so now I'm just trying to get enough time to get the modelling up to WIP standard. So, here's the background for reference, and some very quick (potato quality, sorry) clips.
The specs are from a range of coaches, but most closely the MAN Lion and its many versions and copycats. The wheelbase, track, height, width, length are to a blueprint-type illustration of a mid-year Lion, and the basic shapes are my favourite bits from a few different makes and models of that style of coach.
It seems a little narrow visually, but it's not numerically and it's still enormous, so probably best not to widen it. Maybe it's just me. The front tyres are the correct size for the Lion, the tyre pressure is MAN's recommended maximum for highway use. The rears are wider to account for not being double wheels. They get a really thorough stretching (see clip) at anything other than a snail's pace, because...
The weight is ~19 tonnes, just under the limit of 20 I found listed. Other sources say 20 to 25, but I thought best to play it safe. I was already surprised it as that heavy. I also found a COG diagram for a loaded Lion - it's very high, well above the top of the tyres. I haven't found a good guide for engine position, but it's so much weight that the engine position, even at 600kg for a 12 litre V6, is almost inconsequential
Front suspension is double-wishbone - no problem - but IRL they are mostly solid axle in the rear with some intelligent balancing or other, depending on the manufacturer. I figure for modding purposes, I can upgrade to double-wishbone rear and use anti-roll. That helps a lot with the tyre-stretching too. It can be a little boaty when you drive it hard, but the bounciness seems about right to me when it is driven gently. I have no reference for just how boaty a coach should be when hooned
The engine I have tried a million variations of, and this is in the ballpark, I think. It's got less torque and more BHP than for the Lion. I've gone with 7 gears - they are usually 6 in an auto, but up to 12 in a manual. 6 was a bit of a pain to go up through, 7 doesn't seem unreasonable. It's not exactly spec, it may be a little overpowered, but this little extra doesn't seem out of place when driving it properly, and much less really does limit you from driving it "like you stole it".
The current engine lets you just about get to 100mph/160kph... if you have enough road. You can just about get there in the entire length of the Westhill before running out of road, and you top out there briefy at KY1, but not quite on BL1. It's difficult to find a real top speed - I know it's at least 90mph from my own motorway adventures It'll lap at least as good as: KY1 in 1:09, SO3 in 1:08, BL1 in 2:16, and BL3 in 1:45.
I'm going rogue on the roof details - the weight frame has so many bars up in the top to get that COG high enough that I need some kind of justification for it to sit right in my head. So, this one has humps at both the front and the back, and I can imagine that the air-conditioners that they house are made from depleted uranium or something It's less usual to have two, but there are some out there like that.
Hopefully it won't be too much longer before I've got a complete mesh (as in 'lacking holes/features', not as in 'finished') that I can submit, but what little time I do get is split between this and many other projects
Against some unrestricted cars, from the line:
From an MRT & BF1:
Suspension and tyres:
Stop stop stop stop turn turn turn turn!
Mixing it with the UF1@50% boys:
They left a gap on the inside... so big you could... *ahem*
We love the LCT over at PM DD, we did a round on an SO3
I have done about a million drop-test comparisons with LCT in one window and Racha in the other, so thank you for you help
I'm trying to avoid using other people's models, I don't want to pay for them and I'm not yet sure how to find a way to trust the sources of the free ones (watching that discussion closely). If I run into something I can't do with LFS editor, I'll try to learn a little blender
So, I've spent more hours than I can count on the modelling, more hours than that on the building, setups and test-driving beforehand, and more hours still just enjoying it around the roads of Westhill... not least the sound of the engine, it really growls and roars! We're not worthy, martin18
Some quick progress/testing (potato quality, sorry) clips (excuse the lumpy bits: I'm not done refining the bits that are there xD)
As you can see, it's more 240 at the rear, more 280 at the front, but neither exactly - my own take on the series rather than a replica.
Edit: Some hybrids action. The set was a bit stiff for offroad, but
Hi all, the 6th season of PiranMOTODestructionDerby Open DD events will start in 2 weeks - Friday 7th January.
In the meantime, there is of course our annual pilgrimage to the Bullring for Rony's legendary Crashmas event on Boxing day at 18:00 UTC, and a [TC] Fun Event on NYE, 31st December @ 16:30 UTC.
A very merry christmas and a happy new year to all of you, from all of us at PiranMOTO!
The season finale arrives just in time to celebrate the arrival of the next phase of LFS - Come join us to revel in the glory of modding with **Mods in every round!**
Not only that, but finally there are no more reasons why we can't have a first official visit to Rockingham, and put the lake to good use!
Awesome, and the extra scaling options will make it a lot easier to keep things straight in 3D in my head, too.
Am I right in thinking that the unshared edges would only need to be made into shared edges for the gouroud shading? ie, if the two triangles with an unshared edge are in different groups it won't matter? (I can't test until later)
PS: I like how some people have rated the engine sound of the football
I was thinking that if we could distinguish between 'date of first release' and 'date of latest update' that would help. Sometimes I want to see all recent updates, but most often I just want to see if there's anything brand new - it's tricky to know how far to scroll to be sure you haven't missed one when a bunch are being updated often.
Ahh, yes, I had missed the divider in build mode, thanks for that. The slider will be helpful, and there's more fusing options too. (At the point it appears I'm usually trying desperately to keep track of that one last point in the cloud )
I can't see a 'rotate triangles' in tri mode though?
1) They're not known things, unless it is by accident. I've very little modelling experience either
2) The idea behind the first is to add smoothing with as few new triangles as possible; the idea behind the second is to divide the edges in order to add features (a fold to represent the door edge, in my case).
I think the radial version covers the uses of the first, albeit for more triangles.
The division of the edge is the most important thing, I think. Every other operation can be done easily enough manually once that edge is divided with algorithmic precision
I don't know if it's a good way to solve this problem or not*, but I wanted a darker tint looking inwards than outwards so I copied all my glass, moved the copy a fraction inwards, flipped the triangles.
Now I have two sets of glass that appear to be in the same place, and I can control the textures for viewing in/out separately.
(*I haven't crash-tested it yet, maybe if the two layers get mangled into each other the artefacts will return?)
Top job again Jake, these are so much fun and a yet another new technique to master
I'm with those who would like a no shell config - seems a waste to hide all that, and my local club always have one or two without a shell in practices.
I love the 'fuse to average' and 'fuse to green' functions in points mode, that really helps balancing the workload between the modder and the gouraud
I thought 'subdivide' and/or 'subdivide radial' functions would be equally helpful for triangles mode, for those times you need just a tiny bit more control of the curves than you thought you would. I took some screenies of doing it manually.
They could delete the original triangles, make the new points at the average positions, make the new triangles with the same properties as the replaced one, and then select them.
If it could cope with multiple selections we could stack the operations too.