I believe that new AIs in LFS are implemented using some machine learning algorithms, but don't quote me on that. There were attempts to decode the AI path files, but no one succeeded so far and devs are quite silent about their inner workings. We don't really know how they work at all.
What I saw is that once you start racing against them, they do get slightly better, but only by a small margin. This is still nothing close to racing against humans, but it does provide some sort of single-player fun. To add "spacial awareness" to AI is probably the task that needs scientific research, I mean this is an extremely complex topic and one can do many implementations from simple to more advanced. Again, this is something that LFS devs don't have time to work on, so I don't think it will be any better than what we have now.
Yes, set in your wheel driver the max rotation angle that is availavle. In LFS under options/controls set wheel turn to that value and wheel turn compensation to 1.0, that way you will have 1:1 steering angle in every car and LFS will readjust the wheel turn for each car automatically. Optionaly, in garage under steering you can adjust max lock on per car basis, this will also affect the available wheel turn.
Yeah, this is a cool suggestion, but it's actually very complicated to implement.
At the moment, for each car (or mod) it has to be defined how the driver's hands are moving along with the wheel at several angles lock to lock, then LFS fills in the rest by linear interpolation. The question is, how to implement the gear actuation? It would require users to make additional animations for each shifter config, for each angle (for each gear for H-shifter, seq or paddle would be simpler)..
Does it really matter what is the actual pit lane speed limit, as long as it's exactly the same for everyone?
This is in reality a problem, for example in 24h races like Leman, where you could have as long as 4h driving with a speed limit under a safety car, due to yellow flags and track repairs for example. There even the tiniest differences in each car's speed controller add up such that some cars become faster. However, it is not allowed to pass under the yellow flag anyway.
You do have access to that signal at the output of your sound card As far as I know, there is no other output of such events via inSim (telemetry) yet.
What most bass shakers do is take game audio signal and extract the certain frequency range that corresponds to tire scraping noise. This is usually done with a bandpass filter, by use of FFT (fast fourier transform). After that the app usually connects to a serial port of arduino and sends some numbers to it, then arduino outputs a PWM signal. You feed this signal to H-bridge amplifier and then into your bass shaker. As simple as that. I think I've seen somewhere already such projects, it should be relatively easy to find.
This question has been asked and answered a few times already.
Briefly, do not select any particular controller. When you move any input it should be registered in the blue/yellow axis bars, there you can see which input corresponds to which axis, then use it and assign to the lfs input control you want. The only requirement is that the car steering axis must be set to your wheel steering axis (usually named X-axis) in order for the ffb to work.
some suggestion for other settings:
wheel turn 1080 or 900 (or whatever you set in your wheel drivers)
ffb strength: 15%
ffb steps: 10000
ffb rate: 100Hz
edit: each of your controllers have a long list of axis (more than 20 in total), so make sure to view all of them, there is a scroll button so you may not even see that particular axis is actually moving until you scroll down
The only way to increase attendence at events and all other servers in general is simply to attract more players. Note that I used "simply", while in fact this is a very complex thing. Lfs needs more updates in all departments, but they will come in time. Don't forget that one of lfs main strengths is that it has a very specilized and small community. This is a double egde sword, that may bring a lot of risk. We survived all these years, so community will exist as long as the sim exists. I actually preffer that Scawen keeps the game as it is, without too much mumbo jumbo.
Hi man, can ypu give us some specs for it? Like how much hp is the engine, how much hp is the electric motor for a winch?, What is the max weight this thing can pull?
I admire his work, this model can put to shame many car mods..It is definitely out of place and not needed in lfs, but what the hell, he put his effort and time into it, we should appreciate it for what it is.
I have a 60Hz monitor, so it looks more fluid if I set 120fps cap instead of 100fps. The physics and ffb engine anyway runs as 100Hz, unless there is a fps drop below 100fps, so all good there.
It's an interesting question of how much AI can be rendered in an online race. Imagine a lag spike, how would that reflect to your 10 AI cars + 1 you as a human driver as seen by other human+AI drivers. I think this would be a pure mess quite quickly, again 3 is quite a safe value Internet connections for all drivers would have to be close to perfection for this to work good.
Yeah, I see what you mean. Unfortunately, at the moment LFS is not the simulator to drive against many AI's online with your friend/friends. For safety reasons, I mean that each AI takes some PC resources and 3 AI's is safe to calculate on most older CPU's. This is not really an issue on modern ones, so I guess that it is a reasonable request to allow "max guests" to a higher number like 10 or more.
You have to set the server in any other than "demo mode", to have more than 15 connections available. In S2 mode, you can have 47 connections. Note that the cost of renting demo server (15 connections) and S2 (47 connections) is very different for a reason. Which one did you rent?
Guest cars are reserved for AI players from a single connection (user). For safety reasons, 3 is more than enough.
I'm amazed by how good Chat GPT's answer is. It is exactly correct.
On the other hand, I have also played with this setting in LFS and saw no obvious difference, but I keep it turned off. I also use frame limit instead of vsinc to cap the fps to 120, as it doesn't introduce any controller input lag.
Hi, yes, you simply need to turn on ffb (force feedback) in LFS and if your wheel supports DirectInput, it will just reproduce that ffb as a 2 channel vibration by the 2 motors normally found in gamepads. Since LFS is only 1 ffb axis sim, only 1 of the motors should be spinning, namely the one corresponding to an X-axis (or steering axis).
First check with DIview or Wheelcheck programs if your wheel supports ffb. If it does then you can enable ffb in options/controls and reinitialize the controler in LFS with ctrl+c and adjust the ffb strenght slider as needed.
The wheel that you use is a non-ffb gamepad in the shape of a wheel. My guess is that it has 180deg lock to lock, or maybe even 270deg. Anyway it has 8bit (256 steps) resolution in the steering axis which is very low. Unfortunately, you will not be able to set 1:1 match with any of the available cars, lowest steering lock is 450deg. What you can do is just set wheel turn compensation to 0 in lfs/options/controls 2nd slider from the top, this will enable the linear steering. Additionaly you can fine tune car steering lock in garage under setup/steering max lock, you can set right away to about 50% and go from there. Lower it even more if you need more steering precision. This will be the balance of finding the optimal max lock and steering precision.
example: XFG in BL1 track you can get away with as low as 12-15deg max lock