Oh ok, I got what you mean. Yeah, this python library adds another abstraction layer between InSim and your app so they can call the functions inside whatever they like. Naming functions correctly can be a very difficult task
You do realize that an OutSim is just one of the packets inside the InSim which is a general term for this entire structure/protocol. So when you say that you will use OutSim instead of InSim it makes no sense.
I do not think that with InSim you can access any other car parameter than what is already contained in the OutSim or OutGauge packets.
[1] set that AI uses player colors and setup
[2] go in single player and select your track, car and car setup
[3] join race - with your car
[4] add AI
[5] leave race - only your car, leave AI
[6] start race
Then an AI path generation process should take place. When it's done a *.knw file will be generated in some of LFS data folders and a race should start. I'm not sure what are the requirements for your layout, it has to have some basic references like start end and maybe something else, not sure.
Car update rate depends on the server and it's increased to 12/s since the new upates. LFS has the interpolation or prediction of car pos and speed which does the small steps inbetween and it does it quite well, for the little data rate that it requires between server/client. What you complain about is due to a missmatch between LFS physics and screen refresh rate, so some frames must be skipped and this causes a "jerking". Set fps limit to 100 and it will be much better, ofc you PC needs to be able to keep that fps stable.
Yeah, that ping is not high enough to cause any weirdness. Is your fps stable? That kind of stutter may be also due to somewhat lower PC spec. Currently, LFS physics runs at 100Hz and if you have a screen refresh rate that is a non-integer multiple of it, that is normal.
Hi Scawen, you should not get into explaining what you did and why. These comments are coming from guys that never programed anything in their lives and are obviously clueless how much effort and patience it takes. Just do your thing.
I will remind that LFS in its current state is a programing master piece - done by basically 1 guy!
Tnx Sawen for your work and progress report on gfx/physics. Might be worth thinking about some number for the gfx update rate which is an integer multiple of the refresh rate, like for example 120Hz. Would be beter for 60, 90, 120 and 240Hz screens. Then subupdates at 8×, giving 960Hz.
About optimizing environment checks, one approach that comes to my mind is to create at least 3 spacial zones around each important car propertiy. Each zone would have an increasing update rate checks, as the radius reduces. This way, one could save some CPU time, by avoiding unecessary checks that would not lead to collision.
That is very fishy because the required USB port ver is 2.0, you probably did not have or did not install correct drivers for the wheel on the old PC (maybe you also had some older version of windows).
Given the very very scattered quality of car mods as we have right now, I do not think that this would be a good idea. The car takes a lot of time to make, but the track is another level of difficulty - we would have so many crappy stuff that you can't even call a track and that is what the game does not need.
Just leave Eric alone and let him finish the existing tracks first..
Scawen, tnx very much for taking the time to write up some of your current progress on the tire physics and graphics.
Feel free to share with us some of your hard decisions, you should not be alone in this task. Many of us in the community know a thing or two about programming and physics - our suggestions may come in handy.
It's a great idea to run physics at 1000Hz and only take a snapshot whenever gfx needs to update. That would result in a much greater FFB fidelity. Also, separate threads for physics and gfx may be a very painful to do now, but a future Scawen will for sure be grateful for that decision.
No need to do anything special with controller settings, just reduce the max lock under steering tab in car setup in the garage and you are good to go. Set wheel turn compensation in options/controls to 0.
For XFG in BL1 you can use as little as 12deg max lock (30 is the default), but you can find something small enough to give you precision and at the same time big enough that you can still do tight turns or exit pit.
Hi, I'm using the same wheel in the latest version of LFS 0.7D with no issues whatsoever.
First of all, download the latest windows drivers for your wheel, then update the wheel firmware, latest is v34. You may only set 1080deg in driver and set overall force to 100%, the rest is fine. Second, you should configure LFS like this: