First of all, for all wheels you should set FF steps to 10000 and FF rate to 100Hz. Now, if you do not have ffb, this happends sometimes after you do the alt+tab or if you mess with wheel control panel, the fix is just to press shift+c in lfs to reinitialize controlers and FFB should come back up. If the FFB is not initialized the wheel sets the autocentering spring, while as soon as the game takes over there should not be any FFB in the menu, but should be on the track. About strength I would not set more than about 20% in LFS, to avoid clipping, some cars may even go up to 35% but that's it, after that it clips heavily and you lose FFB details.
No, there are no ffb options in LFS, other than the overall ffb strength and 2 more options for adjusting ffb resolution and sample rate. It only uses a constant force effect, there are no periodic effects, no damper or spring which may give this additional details that you talk about.
edit: I'm not saying that LFS lacks from these forces, just that all of them are calculated internally in lfs physics engine, summed together, and sent out as only one FFB effect - constant force effect, which is then updated at the FF rate (should be 100Hz to get the most details, like vibrations when driving over curbs or grass).
First of all, you can not call a PC high end if it does not have a dedicated gfx card. If you have an Intel CPU you can try with these settings, it disables the antialiasing but it increases the fps immensely. I'm running it with an HD4600 graphics chip in the cpu and LFS works fine. For stabile 100fps some compromises in screen resolution and details have to be made. Make sure the multiplayer speed-up option is enabled and set LOD reduction to the max.
edit: if someone would explain to me how to add an image as an attachment to the post I would appreciate it.
Older versions of LFS had max wheel turn at 900, newer ones have up to 1080 and some cars (GTi) have extended wheel rotation range.
As long as you have wheel turn compensation in LFS set to 0, the wheel turn option does not do anything. Your rotation degrees will be set by whatever you set in your wheel firmware/user interface and LFS will take that as X-axis full range.
If you however want to match the movement of your wheel to the ingame car wheel, then you need to set in both LFS and wheel firmware the same rotation degrees preferably 1080, and set wheel turn compensation to 1.0 - that way LFS will scale the steering axis for each car, but most probably once you get passed the virtual car's rotation degrees you will not feel any end stop force.
Yeah, we at AirAttack will probably do something similar, continue to rent only 1 demo server to run airio from Rack Service and other game servers from But without updating airio for new bytes required for mods and new inSim it will be very tricky to manage servers..
Hi dude, welcome back, and oh boy, so many new things are going on right now in LFS, and buying an S3 license is more than worth it. Devs recently released moded cars support, and there are already many new cars created by community members in S3 already as mods. Aside from that, there is a league race 1h+ almost every day.
I was also wondering this, actually, a lot of gauges are angled kind of oddly. But I guess once the car gets up to speed the needles are somehow aligned in a nice visible position such that the driver can pick it up by a peripheral vision more easily. Also, the car is designed for oval racing, so most of the time driver head is also tilted to one side
Well, the cockpit view is not that bad. It is depending on which FOV you are using. I usually play with 82deg, which is a little bit zoomed in comparison to 90deg by default. You can make a windscreen a bit higher and adjust a seat position. If you can make the windscreen side frame thinner that would help also.
That is actually a very good question. For 2 wheelers to work, gyroscope forces acting on the wheel need to be simulated correctly. I do not know if lfs physics engine includes this already.
Very well said man, I completely understand this. Coding can be very frustrating and one needs a "win", or a different relatively easily completable task to feel good again and have the motivation to continue on the previous one. I pretty much do this on a daily basis, not strictly related to programming only
You can use wheel turn compensation that will make your steering non-linear. But much better is just to lower the max lock on a given car, which will give you much more precision on the analog stick axis for steering. One example, in XFG on BL1 I could drive normally even with 12deg (out of 30deg) max lock.
I used to play LFS from a mobile connection. My experience was that I spend about 40MB is 1h of racing in demo server with 12cars. In contrast, compare that with CSGO where in 10min it pulled about 60-70MB. LFS net code is extremely well optimized, it is a work of art. As the guys said ping is the other side of the story that can make or break your bussines. Even so, LFS is quite tolerant for pings up to 100-200ms, so in principle, you should be ok.
It's a cool idea, but without some crazy AI machine learning algorithms, it can not be done. If you want to interact with cars whose actions were pre-recorded, what happens when you crash into them, will they keep driving the same as if there was no crash? Even if they do, for sure eventually it will lead to a crash?
On the other hand, racing ghosts from a replay is very reasonable and can be done.
The hosting will not be for free, but as Scawen said it will be a quarter of the current lfs hosting price and that is for sure much cheaper than any of the current alternative host providers, which is great.
You tell me, a long time ago I decided to make team skins for all cars, and guess what they all had vertical gradients going through the entire car, which I needed to manually connect sides-back and sides-front, it was a nightmare but I got better at doing it.
I think that Scawen said in some of progress reports that the game will run even faster in DX11 mode and that he is not using the actual features of DX11 yet, except for the brightness information used for automatic exposure. The game will probably put more load on cpu and not so much on gpu.
We've come to a point where we are happy about the news that there will be some update news