You don't need more than 100fps, as lfs physics engine at the moment runs at 100Hz. However, it does make sense to cap fps to 120, if you have a 60Hz monitor. It's only going to give you a bit more smoothness, at a small computational cost. If you have a 120Hz or even higher refresh rate monitor, then I would recommend to use vsinc, to lock fps to whatever is display Hz, as that gives best smoothness, while not introducing significant enough wheel/controller input lag, compared to 60Hz where 16ms is too much lag.
It's very rewarding to see so much progress on this project. My hats off to you man, this track has a huge potential. In the comparison video you posted it seems like an extremely good match with the terrain and the basic track elements. The fence model is top-notch. Once you add some textures, it's going to be eye candy.
One question, I suppose the hardest part for the finishing touches is to add some roughness to the track surface. Do you plan it and how do you plan to do it? Of course, it largely depends on whether you can get laser-scanned track data or not. Also what Aleksandr pointed out if we can get the track editor or not.
What I would hate seeing if we get a track editor is you having to redo the track in order to fit with whatever the track editor wants.. I hope that all your time and effort pay off in the end. I personally, would be willing to give some eur if this gets into lfs within some license scheme like S4 or something.
By taking it slow I mean that we only restrict for now to updates of layout editor, but baby steps first. Those 3-4 new objects first, then if they get implemented we go on from there - slowly.
You will greatly increase the chances of someone making your helmets if you provide some picture references of your desired designs. Some graphical guide lines even in paint will works also.
I think that if we keep talking more about track editor, it may just become real
Jokes aside, there are many many things to consider, as here sky is the limit or in other words, it's Pandora's box regarding the possibilities. We do not want devs to suffer, we have to take it slowly if we wish these ideas to even be considered.
I fully agree with all of the above, "only a few" elements can make a huge difference with the layout editor, regarding the immersion and layout variety. That will give us plenty of time to mess with it before a real need for a track editor comes along.
It's just like having more LEGO pieces of different shapes and sizes, that spark the imagination of the creator to build amazing things. The addition of a few types of trees that are already present in the original LFS tracks is more than enough.
Usualy with logitech wheels, this kind of error is due to device drivers. Some say never use logi ghub it's crap, some say only use logi lgs drivers and so on. I'm using ghub with G29 and lfs works fine. Try uninstalling it again and then install again lattest ghub with drivers.
Not to go into too much details, lfs supports 2 ffb axis now, this change was done some updates before the lattest one, so if everything was working a few months ago, it should still keep working. Nothing in connection with how ffb is handeled has changed recently in lfs, so it's probably logi being logi and windows being windows.
Very interesting, but no, I don't think we'll ever see LFS going from 24bit color space to 30bit or 36bit. This would require a huge gfx rework, if it's even possible with the present compiler which is used. Someone pls correct me if I'm wrong.
The back buffer dynamic brightness implementation we saw in one of the progress reports some years ago is in my opinnion good enough and a very nice addition.
Try to set wheel/joystick as controler, set the brake axis calibration values to 0% and 100% then switch back to mouse. Not sure if it's even possible without any game device, but give it a shot and let us know.
After phys/lighting/multithreading. On its own, this is already a huge undertaking and it for sure should not be sidetracked again by another "can of worms" as eclipse already mentioned. This way one would also avoid all potential compatibility issues. To succesfuly create a decent track takes enourmous amount of work and creativity, it should be done when lfs is ready for it.
Since I already had patched 0.7E11 lfs, it did offer me online right away to download new 0.7E12 patch, However, As I came to know this is not the case if one has the official 0.7E lfs. It's fine in most cases, except now where 0.7E lfs is not compatible with 0.7E12 lfs servers.
Still, I think no actions are needed here. We expect 0.7F official to be released soon, so no big deal in this short transition period.
Yeah, I have those same errors since a couple years ago. It only shows up when I use laptop with integrated intel hd 4600 gpu, which is inside the i7 cpu. Nothing to worry about, it's just a warning.
This DirectInput error sounds like issues with an ffb controller. Do you have any device plugged in? If you have, try unplugging it and see if error persists.