Yes, that would be doable, it's a good idea. You can play around and make the curve such that it's almost flat at the top, with a very small angle between horizontal line and then a bigger angle down to 0 input. The break point (center) could be somewhat before the actual central value of input. If you are very keen on doing a real life smooth start, some trial and error is required untill you nail the curve.
Note that axis clutch in lfs is saturated completely (fully open clutch) for about 70% of axis input, so take that into consideration when playing with DXtweak axis calibration.
Well, the bite point of clutch is known to be very small in lfs. One has to be very precise, so 8bit (logitech) pedals will not cut it. With 10bits like the ones from thrustmaster, it's a little bit easier, but still quite challenging.
We did mention this to Scawen, but for bikes. I wouldn't worry about it too much before a new tire physics is released. Then we can go nuts with all kinds of requests
Yeah, I think good solution would be a text command to set this timeout in server side. Default timeout should be in the order of magnitude of 1 lap, so 4min sounds reasonable.
You have to debug your code to see where the problem is. Without posting what you have so far and what is inside of this txt file, it's impossible to help further.
You have to put a limit such that $CurrPage is never negative (or less than 1) which ever is the starting value, it must not be less than starting value. But as I see, this limiter is already there, so there should be no problem. What kind of problem do you observe when pressing page back button?
This doesn't seems like a scroll bar as you would see in windows for example. I think it's just a manual trick, that shows certain number of lines of text. Pressing up and down button just itterates through the array, or some index.
I beleive this is the fault of the speed limiter routine in LFS.
If it doesn't have already, it should have a PID loop. It may also be that it is simply not reacting fast enough. Scawen needs to retune some parameters for it. It has 3 terms, proportional, integral and differential. Most probably integral needs incresing a little bit.
Then I suggest to lookup how to create a substring that removes all characters after decimal point, including the point. I don't know what programing language lapper uses, try to dig that out then google how to do substrings in it.
Do you need to round the number to the nearest integer, or you just do not want to display any digits after a decimal point, when showing it on screen?
I'm guessing there is a way to cast float into an integer, or to use some stardard string formating procedure to create a substring which has no digits after a decimal point.