I have no idea what you just wrote, I don't understand what, do you mean by fluency? Are you talking about micro stutering? If so, just wait a little bit longer, the new update will have 1000Hz physiscs which should provide a very smooth gameplay and a minimal stutering (non-fluency) at any screen refresh rate above say 60Hz.
Servers with airio have a private chat feature. You can use command !pm +username to add people in private chat list !pm -username to remove them, then !pm text, where text is your message which will be sent to everyone in the pm list. All of the players have to do this in order to continue with ptivate chat.
But another similar and extremely annoying thing happens quite often to me: I write a long reply that took me quite some time to write nicely, then click the reply button and the forum says: "Access denied, you don't have permission to post" and I'm logged out of the forum. After that, I lose motivation to write it again and simply do not reply..
Best is to make a report in our forum. Then we will deal with it. You can find forum link by typing !forum in the chat, then use arrow keys to find the text and ctrl+c to copy it. Or use !discord and report it there under reports.
And you are using the clutch when you want to shift gears, but nothing happens? In some cars, like FBM, you also have to lift the throttle when you want to upshift.
I did have a problem that I was not shifting into gears correctly, or do a miss shift due to not correctly operating the clutch pedal, but I never had problems like yours on my G29 and H-shifter. I don't think there is any issue in LFS.
While we're at it, how about adding guns and weapons, such that we can use those tanks, planes, and submarines and recreate historical battles in a more immersive experience?
No tnx, this is not a good idea. Just the thought of all the technical challenges of animating a driver character makes my brain hurt.
edit: in VR you can actually step outside of your car and lie next to it for example
What are your end results? What kind of program would you like to make?
There are various approaches, you could use many different programming languages, but to make your life easier some guys already made some libraries for inSim that have all the required functions you will need. It would be smart to use that and for start just make an app that establishes the connection with inSim in LFS.
Gustavo, that's one hell of a specific request to ask from someone for free. Making such a detailed skin is a very time-consuming task, there's probably no one willing to invest their time into it just like that.
To be honest, I'm not sure if the message comes from our Airio or LFS itself. I'm more inclined to say that it's from our Airio, but I could be wrong..
Nikko, the issue is that when you join server and go to a pit right away, all cars are available, or if one just joins race without even going to pit first these messages will appear, but only if it just so happens that the previously selected car is not available in the server.
I already had that enabled, but I still don't see anything under the pedals, I have also ticked the <- -> button in extra status info.
edit: I figured it out, I had the gamepad connected as controler and it didn't show. It only started showing once I plugged in my FFB wheel.
edit2: I love this FF bar, it is exactly what we needed, tnx once again for implementing it Is it possible to have the value of this bar graph in the spare variable of the outSim packet, OSO_EXTRA_1?
// if (OSOpts & OSO_EXTRA_1)
float SteerTorque; // Nm : steering torque on front wheels (proportional to force feedback)
float Spare; // spare -> here the value of FF bar?
Yeah, we see this very common. It is probably an LFS issue. You first have to join race with the car you're sure it's available on server, then after you will have the normal choice of cars and some will be grayed out if they are not allowed.