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S3 licensed
Oh I see now, this is a very bad move from TM, tnx for clearing it up. How do you even plug the th8a in the PC? You need some kind of an interface that will convert it into a HID.
S3 licensed
No worries, all your suggestions are very good points for improving the bikes in lfs and I'm sure that Scawen already has some of them in his notes. But these about help to geting unbogged in the sand are quite usefull.
S3 licensed
Hi, these are all very nice suggestions, but it must wait. Scawen already spent a lot of time on bike improvements, but it can only go so much with the current physics. He said that he needs to focus on releasing the intermediate versions of lfs that includes gfx and multithreading. After that, he will only have one version of lfs to work on, as now every change he makes he must do twice (public version and intermediate). Also, he can then finalize the new tyre physics, release that and only then new bike improvements will make sense.

At the moment gyro forces from the front wheel are not simulated, but there is a plan to do it in the future. In my oppinion this is the crutial part for a correct simulation of bike physics. At the moment, what driver input does is make a set point for a bike lean angle and then lfs tries to do what ever is neccessary to achieve it. There is no direct connection to a steering handle bars at the moment, in a sense that exists already for cars. This model is good enough for now, but will eventualy be upgraded.

Once done, many players will realize that one has to do countersteering in order to balance centrifugal force and gyro forces from the front wheel which will make the bike lean at a certain angle, enabling the bike to steer due to difrent tyre radius at the contact patch. This is exactly one of the points you mentioned.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
I have no way of testing it as I only have T300RS and no h-shifter, but I find it realy hard to beleive that once you plug the shifter in the wheelbase it must show each gear as a button press. Can you show us your TM control panel and tab for shifter? The wheelbase firmware is made in such a way that it has some buttons alocated via HID descriptor regardles if shifter is connected or not.

Good news is that if you plug the shifter to a PC that lfs can see some buttons are pressed when ypu shiftinto gear. Then make sure that you set axis clutch and a pattern h-shifter. Then bind clutch pedal to the corresponding clutch axis and make sure that the car you are driving needs a throttle blip before the gear shift.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
Please, do not change the menus, it's the very spirit of LFS which I love the most of all sims.
S3 licensed
Quote from Avraham Vandezwin :Smile I do not wish to enter into conflict with you on nuclear power, and I will listen to all your arguments. But I admit to being more than doubtful about this. Shrug

Not at all, be my guest. I'm not in this field. It's just my observation from what I see at the conferences when guys talk about advances in their research for the development of fusion power. Nuclear (fission) power is already quite old tech from the 50's. It does have some drawbacks, but mostly is quite good, in fact, the best that we have at the moment taking into account how "green" it is overall.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
Here's some of the reading material for you guys with a lot of free time. A research paper on "how far are we from fusion power". To cut a long story short, some experts say not before 2050, but we'll see..Global warming by that time is gonna do its thing and it ain't gonna be nice, unless one lives in Iceland, or Scandinavian countries, where it will be quite pleasant Smile
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
You have to set the server in S3 mode to be able to use mods in it. Without any inSim app in it, it's gonna be pretty much dead, just a heads up not to keep your hopes up high too much.

We already tried making such a Porsche Cup server and it didn't live up, and we did have a working inSim in it.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Avraham Vandezwin :Smile Unless you have good news on that front?

Well, if we do get the energy from fusion reactors in some 10-20 years, we're good, otherwise, we're screwed pretty much. I don't know how the top of German leadership manages to go by shutting down all nuclear power plants, it's absolute madness, this is the cleanest and most efficient energy source we have today.
S3 licensed
Quote from Avraham Vandezwin :Big grin I hope you don't waste time reading all this.
This topic is in itself an ecocide.

Well, I skim through it. It is always the same story between you 3 guys Smile Trying to outsmart each other with fancy philosophical ideas, that does not solve anything, global warming is still happening, what ever we say Smile
S3 licensed
Bummer Frown
S3 licensed
You guys have so much free time.
S3 licensed
One bike; one FWD, one RWD mod for GTi, and one mod for FBM class would be awesome (skippy maybe)
S3 licensed
AR92, how about you use "_" instead of "~" for naming your textures?
S3 licensed
You should note that 10ms between outSim packets is only valid as long as you have a rock-solid 100fps in the game. If it drops below 100fps, packets will no longer have 10ms separation, therefore - you may lose the sync between your app and LFS.

The ID of the outSim packet is just an identifier number such that you could in principle send different packets from 2 LFS instances to the same app, they would differ in this preset ID number.

Time has the units of milliseconds I think. For both time and ID, it seems like you are not converting the bits correctly into a number, you may want to check that, have a look into inSim.txt and outSim_packets.txt
S3 licensed
Not that I know of. You can only remove view of driver hands from cockpit view.
S3 licensed
When you create a team in lfs world you are then able to edit who the members are. If someone else created the team and added you there, they first need to remove you from their team, before you can add yourself to your team.

We have an issue that we no longer know who created the team entry in lfs world, so we can't edit the team members anymore. I hope this is not the case with LR Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :But I still don't know what this "gear debounce" is, where it is set, when it appears. Is it something intentional or a bug? Uhmm

What I believe they are saying is that, yes, the effect that is already there is wanted and is intentional, just not in the amounts that it is currently present - it needs to be toned down (less friction in the clutch pack). Similarly, when AI wanted to pass a car in front it would deviate from its path, but it would do it way too quickly and not be able to recover after. You fixed it by lowering the rate or speed at which the steering wheel input of the AI car was manipulated.

In this case, I'm not sure what you can do, but my guess is playing with the clutch friction coefficients of bikes may be the key. Or maybe a slight modification of the clutch slip curve to allow more smoother bite point, in other words less steep curve in the force vs distance graph at the bite point. I don't know how you modeled the friction force, this is quite an art in the numerical simulations world. The very same thing you will have in your tire physics model.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
The effect is not exaggerated, it's just that engeneers in lfs allways install the best quality clutch packs in all wehicles, it's made from unobtainium so it also wears less.
S3 licensed
Pedro, others did a tiny tiny amount compared to what lfs devs did with entire lfs code. If it were not for lfs devs, we wouo
ld not be having this disscusion. My oppinion is that we need to request access for more stuff through inSim, then making all kinds of apps would be possible.
S3 licensed
Well, yes, that is not good. But how about this, are those companies burning all the fossil fuel they produce by themselves? Or are we the users, responsible as well?
S3 licensed
My guess is that both car and track editor already existed in some form and were used by Scawen and Eric to make cars and tracks.

Your question has already been asked before and we had quite a discussion about it. The real question is if Scawen plans to release the track editor at some point and what about the track licensing issues? But we should not go offtopic, this thread is for latest test patch issues only.
S3 licensed
I see. Even though this is for the benefit of everyone and I know that you have only the best intentions, I still think that you should drop it. Many times in the past skillful people offered lfs dev team some programing help and they kept refusing it. This is how they chose to go with this and there's nothing we can do about it.

Even if you do sucseed, how do you plan to keep your app up to date with every single new patch? Lfs lazy got killed exactly because of it. It's simply not a viable solution in the long run, even if lfs devs may be ok with it.
S3 licensed
What exactly are you trying to do? It for sure smells like a no no.
S3 licensed
My father bought this car in 2006 (2002 manufacture year) and we're still driving it (me mostly). Can't wait to test it in lfs, tnx very much for the mod, on the pictures it looks spot on, interrior could use some more details, but it's fine. About max speed, I never went faster than 180km/h with it when it was newish, my guess is that would cap at 195km/h or so. Already at about 140km/h it starts lifting front end a little and the wheel becomes super light, aero is quite bad on it.