About airio corrupting stats with mods, what we discovered so far.
Since mod name are represented by 3 arbitrary bytes, which can take any value, when it just so happens that one of those bytes is a character from ASCII table that represents a "line feed" (new line character), the stats table structure gets messed up, because all of a sudden there is a new line. This is not so bad, but the problem comes when you start airio next time, it sees invalid entries in stats table and automatically delete invalid stuff = loss of data. One of the bad mods that cause us this problem was mr been car with a chair on roof - irony There may be more such mods..
LF (line feed), HEX 0A, DEC 10
CR (carriage return), HEX 0D, DEC 13
If one of the bytes in a mod name is 0A or 0D, airio stats will get corrupted, as soon as someone makes a pb with that mod.
I don't think that much will change in PC requirements. The game will start using multithreading and this will more efficiently use any relatively modern CPU. Graphics-wise, changing to DirectX11 will also help things. New lighting is not gonna be using ray tracing techniques so I do not expect any significant increase in GPU power there as well.
I first installed LFS back in 2006 and was very quickly put off by its graphics. The truth is, the only issue was the default texture mipmap bias was set way too grainy, but I just uninstalled it without even looking through any options. I then decided to give it another chance in 2011 when I created this account and tried my first online race and was hooked imediately.
I believe you have made a few mistakes. You are setting the variable $remaining_seconds to a fixed value which is 5*60 and then using that same variable that will stay fixed to calculate minutes and seconds. I hope you see what is the issue there. It's better to do something like this:
before a case 5 is called, make a new variable $time0 = time(), then do
$_SESSION['countdown_end_time'] = time() - $time0
$remaining_seconds = $duration - $_SESSION['countdown_end_time']
The math you used for seconds and minutes will result in a message that shows minutes=5, seconds=5. You have to calculate like this:
$minutes = $remaining_seconds % 60
$seconds = $remaining_seconds;
I think this should be it, assuming function time() returns the system time in seconds.
That's perfectly fine, everyone starts from somewhere. Until you have some more meaningful question that shows you did some homework or at least googled it first before posting here, it's gonna be like this.
In order to create a countdown timer, you have to make a timer of some sort, a function that can read system time, I don't know how this is done in PHP.
Then you can make an event or a function that gets called when each second passes and increment your time variable. After that, you show your button with the message. After a certain preset time has passed you should no longer call the timer function.
From your questions, I can see that you don't understand the basics of programming and simple math.
I can not give you the finished working code, but I can steer you in the right direction. Read again this part that Yisc wrote above:
Then you need to create an event called "race_start_timer".
In that event you lower $race_start_time_sec by one.
Then you need to calculate the seconds and minutes again, update the button and call the same event again.
Your counter does not start because you didn't make one. You only display a message with initial settings, nothing is going on there, how do you expect a number to increment? It's not magic. I'm not trying to be rude, just pushing you a bit to think with your own head rather than asking for a finished solution to copy paste.
Ok, I understand, thank you for the explanation Scawen.
Once again, congrats to the LFS dev team. I wish you a good rest in the upcoming holidays. Thank you everyone who actively participated in the testing of all test patches.
Thank you very much Victor, yeah, 240s will do just fine (we will reconfigure our inSim), no other actions needed.
edit. I suppose this limitation is only in your control panel as you used an 8bit integer for this field. Can we change it through inSim to more than 240s after a server has started?
Avg fuel consumption is calculated natively by lfs and it is only displayed after doing at least one lap on the track.
For each particulair car or mod, this is mostly dependent on engine volume, but it also very much depends on air restriction, and a way you drive the car, which gearbox you use and so on. Other than that, mod creators can't adjust it as a parameter.
At the moment max cars on track is still 40. Support for more will come in the following updates later durring next year I guess. Also, I do expect a way to extend the server subscription without canceling it first and then paying again for 79 connections.
Price of LFS is quite reasonable. Take into account all DLC of assetto corsa and then do the comparison again, lfs is much cheaper. Demo content is completely free.
You're not the 1st one who suggested it, this is already in a few years of development. It's going to be dynamic.
If you want to know more, I suggest you take a closer look at all the progress reports concerning lighting and graphics updates. There are even some videos that show off new features. All this and new tire physics are expected to come sometime next year(s).
I'm not sure, but I do know that arrow keys, shift, alt, ctrl, tab and such have a special way of usage, since they don't have an asci character representation.
Yes, for steering, you can just reduce steering max lock of car setup in garage, steering tab. This is much more useful than using non-linear steering by utilizing wheel turn compensation. For example, with XFG at BL1 track you can finish a lap with as little as 12deg, but pit exit and manuvering big mistakes is very tricky. As a starting point, half the max lock then go up from there untill you find good balance between steering precision and steering radius. For linear steering just set wheel turn compensation to 0 (wheel turn then has no effect and you can leave it at any value).
Do not let LFS ffb slider % misslead you, it's just a relative number. It does have a low value like 10% or less, but FFB is close to max for certain cars. The only relevant value is what you see in FFB bar graph, as this is the acutal FFB signal which LFS outputs.