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S3 licensed
You forgot to mention what do you offer in return.
S3 licensed
Both CPU and GPU loads seem to be quite high, it may be that this system is not as powerful for LFS which is quite unlikely, or that something else is using up its resources.

If not already, put a fps cap in LFS to 100fps. It's not good that CPU downclocks due to temperature, while 75C is relatively on the high side, unless we are talking about a laptop.

It's worth checking what WestlY suggested, if you also have a dedicated and integrated GPU, if it for some reason switches to the integrated one.
S3 licensed
Try to use gpu-z and check if there is something wierd going on with CPU and GPU temps when the freezing happens. Also have a look at CPU and HDD/SSD usage in perfomance tab of task manager. Let us know if you notice a pattern.
S3 licensed
Hehe, very nice and pro video, visual effects are great, so as the editing, well done Smile
S3 licensed
Scawen already addressed the increasing amount of gears. He would like to do it, but not at this moment due to complexity of backwards compatibility with car setups and replays.
S3 licensed
Tnx for putting this together. I support suggestions 1 and 3.
S3 licensed
Or in layout square.
S3 licensed
It doesn't matter where you made skin. Just make sure to name it XRR_somename and place it in skins folder. The file type should be jpg and image resolution 1024×1024px. If you want other players to see your skin, then you additionaly have to upload it to lfs world.
S3 licensed
You have to paste and replace the original dds files with these. It shouod be located somewhere in lfs data folder
S3 licensed
It's definately not different enough as it is instantly recognizable. You can try to put letter "e" instead, or something else.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jesse Kyytinen :Any ideas why S1 doesn't work on my new computer? It just opens in the...

The game does some pre cashing and texture conversion at startup durring black screen. In newer versions of LFS, in the black window on the bottom you can actually see what is actually happening, line by line as it happens. As you said, just wait a bit and all is fine.
S3 licensed
Just so you know, if you buy S3 licence then you get an access to a hundreds of cars (mods), that will have a plenty of engine power so you can do wheel spin or drift as much as you want. I think even with S1 where you have XRT available is already much better for drifting than XRG.
S3 licensed
Is this a troll question?

Anyway, you can't get a wheel spin on a car with low engine power like XRG. Just maybe you can pull it out for a very short time, with a very high gear ratio in the 1st gear.
S3 licensed
I'm suggesting 2 quick and easy improvements:

- set default values for multiplayer server list to show empty servers
- set default graphical settings for all mip map bias to -0.5

Justification: 1st is to help beginner players be aware of all available servers, 2nd is to help beginner players not to be scared off by a very grainy look of road/grass textures.
S3 licensed
You're not sick, we all have our internal deamons that hunt us in various ways. This is something to talk about at therapy session with a shrink if you can't handle it on your own.

Also consider doing something else, like a hobby or whatever. Be away from lfs game and forum for some time. A week or two, or more, depends on how you feel. You should not be doing something that you know is harming you.
S3 licensed
Tnx very much for you hard work. The code is very readable, great job !
S3 licensed
Yeah, I looked at it for a good 20 seconds, couldn't see any difference between dash textures, but I trust you. This is then due to image compression I guess. Don't worry about it, the mod is looking very good.

edit: oh I see it on the phone now, I didn't see it in my PC monitor, due to sun blasting at it Smile It's still fine.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Aleksandr_124rus :I'm wondering...the gradient looks stepped, is it possible to fix this so that it looks the same as in the LFS editor?

I feel like I'm in those games where you need to find a difference between two pictures and not see anything Smile

Are you talking about shading and reflections? If so, isn't this due to the new LFS lighting method that the Editor is using? It's still not available in-game, this will be in the upcoming future update.
S3 licensed
Probably better to think about how much time have people all together spent in the cars. Then probably 60-80 million wouldn't sound that large. But yeah, it's known that statistically cars are the least safe means of transport.

Another interesting one - every year, worldwide there are 2 million lost suitcases from all airlines. It's a huge number, but not so much compared with the number of passengers and flights in the same interval (I have no idea about, but it's very big).
S3 licensed
Hi Scawen, could this be done more simply, by not having anything to do with the actual server time?

For example, an estimate for server run time - "elapsed time since last restart", is displayed in the hosting panel on Like some sort of local timer that counts seconds since the last time when the server start button has been pressed. That way we can periodically check and restart our servers manually if required before 49.7 day mark.
S3 licensed
Before it was possible to adjust deadzone with logitech gaming software (lgs) for each axis, but not anymore. Newer wheels or gamepads no longer have such otions, as everything is dumbed down to the max, leaving little to no adjustments what so ever.

What I see useful that it could be implemented in LFS - to remove the deadzone by software. How it should work, a deadzone setting in % would enable the user to compensate for axis deadzone around center. Many gamepads have this deadzone added in firmware due to sticks not returning perfectly to the center every time.

If it's something Scawen would consider, I can give more exact details about such a feature.
S3 licensed
Quote from dh7938726 :Surely adding 2 more gears to LFS wouldnt take 3 months to add and honestly its a suggestion with actual irl applications, just cause its a racing simulator doesnt mean it should only have racing car gearboxes only

I'm quite sure it's not as simple as changing one variable in one line of code. If it were, Scawen would have already done it. However, the suggestion is reasonable and we need support from more people in community.

Anyway, start of April is very close and I'd rather Scawen gets his hands on tyre physics, than to get sidetracked again by these "small and quick updates". There's an infinite amount of them and there will allways be, can you "just do this one" before..
S3 licensed
Trucks usually have many gears because the engine rpm range where it has best efficiency is very short. Therefore, many gears are required for the truck to cover wide moving speed range. F1 cars have 8 gears now days. Most modern road cars have up to 6 gears, some supercars have up to 7 gears. So, stats wise 6 is enough, but some odd balls need more.

Given the variety of mods, there seems to be the need for more than 6 gears to replicate transmission systems. My oppinion is that allowing 8 gears should cover mostly everything, but it's up to Scawen to decide.
S3 licensed
These pedals have their own usb game cotroller, so if you plug them directly into a PC, you should see a separate controller in LFS. If you were to plug them into the TM wheelbase then everything is detected as one controller. You can give it a try, although I don't recommend as you will only have 10bit pedals. To utilize full 12bit res of your pedals, you have to plug them in PC. Especialy now that LFS supports high res controllers (patch E9 and above), this is a no brainer.

The trick for getting them to work is not to select any controller as a primary one. You just have to bind all axis to your LFS controls. You may need to locate TM controller profiles in LFS folder and delete them first.
S3 licensed
In a normal car, this kind of smooth start is a real art. The more you drive the smoother you get. Once you start paying for your own fuel, then you also start to learn all possible ways of gentle driving and fuel saving.