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S3 licensed
Maybe your axis is broken?

There is no way we can answer such a general question. Please provide all the details that Mandula mentioned.
S3 licensed
So this thread is basicaly about begging for money without giving anything in return. Bravo.
S3 licensed
Yes, I see, that is indeed a small issue. Although not ideal, but for now, the only thing left to do is to turn off displaying wheel rim in the car.
S3 licensed
I still never said it here Smile
S3 licensed
You're welcome, I'm glad you were able to optimize lfs gfx settings for your PC. Note that you don't need more than 100fps. Lfs runs at 100Hz at the moment, so you even have some headroom to put some of the settings higher than what you have now.
S3 licensed
You can start at [AA] Blackwood GTI server and drive XFG, you can ask anyone for car setup and some driving tips. Demo scene is quite popular, so you'll find many good quality populated servers to choose from.
S3 licensed
I'm also getting CreateRenderTarget failed warnings on my low end laptop with integrated Intel HD4600 gpu. Most of the times it says mirror, some times environment and ocasionaly something about a wehicle. This appeared since patch U13 if I believe correctly. It is something to do with gpu feature that is not supported I guess, but it's not a big deal since the game runs normaly.

Bad packet error sounds like an invalid packet was sent most probably, so check your lapper code again. The other one packet from invalid UCID 20, try to figure out what has this ID and you may find more details about error.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
Quote from RealistAdam :Also, when it comes to storage space, I have 2 storage areas. Games and windows files are in a separate memory. So it's irrelevant.

How can you say something like that? Of course that it matters on other things than just this. It depends very much on which type of storage device lfs runs on and also the overall system stability and health. Not counting external drive devices, it's: pata HDD < sata HDD < sata3 HDD < sata3 SSD < NVme SSD. Not enough RAM or not well optimized system clogged with many startup apps, basicaly anything that consumes system resources in that particulair moment may be resposible for the freezes.

I yet have not noticed majority of issues you are mentioning, related with lfs freezing or crashes. It's not reasonable to assume that something is wrong with LFS if it only shows up very rarely and only on 1 or 2 PC's.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :How would the developers earn money then? Uhmm

Do you really think he actualy thought about anyone elses needs excepts for his own ones? Just another default teen.
S3 licensed
Sqlyzy, you can use LFS editor to add parts to the car and paint it. Find a sponsor, then you'll get S3 for free.
S3 licensed
My firmware is compatible with Arduino ProMicro as well. All you have to do is attach a pot to it and upload one HEX file and that's it, it's plug and play and ready to go.
S3 licensed
Quote from paket42x :Options - Misc - Maximum buffered frames 2

I find that I get most fps in all scenarios with this set to 1. The rest you mentioned is very good suggestion for setting for low end PC.
S3 licensed
You can also try to find which view gives you most fps. The one where you only see tyres, or when you press F, the force view is also very fps friendly.
S3 licensed
No need to shame him for his PC, it is what he has.
S3 licensed
I'm sorry to tell you but this is as much fps as you can get. Try turning off antialiasing and using lower screen resolution like 1280×720.
Last edited by rane_nbg, .
S3 licensed
I see, tnx for explanation. How much is a hard limit for LOD3 then?
S3 licensed
You first wrote that LOD2 limit is 8192 and then in next sentence that it is 1000. You probably meant LOD3 limit is 1000?
S3 licensed
I thought it was obvious - I was sarcastic about non-car machines Smile

On the serious side, the subobject physics may lead to a many new features like improved car model physics, falling off parts, dynamic aero elements, mechanical failures and similair.
S3 licensed
Rain and snow in LFS is years and years into the feature. It's not comming any time soon, since it has nothing to do with new lighting system and day/night cycle.

Realistic surprize could be the implementation of realistic bike physics. Or adding physics to a moving subobjects, enabling us to create working machines, like planes, caterpilar/crane wehicles.
S3 licensed
Sometimes I like to think about what goes through Scawen's head when he reads our interpretation of his work present and future Smile
S3 licensed
Knowing the "program" so far, weather is not comming this year. Day/night cycle is already implemented and showcased to us a few years ago, so no surprizes there.
S3 licensed
Sure man, we can hope for what ever we want Smile

That was a clever way not to ask a direct question. I also like how you put the year in brackets. Better safe than sorry.
S3 licensed
how much money are you willing to spend on it?
S3 licensed
Could be that was not working or something and your addresses or keys were not read properly.