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I'll go for Aston north, or Kyoto National... in the reverse config
S2 licensed
Quote from felplacerad :Am I the only one who can see the resemblance to this song:

I seriously think they're very alike.

HAHAHAH Classic from Bam and the boys!!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :This thread made me go like this.


Hahha ok THAT is nuts
S2 licensed
By starting this thread I think i've created a monster. By the end this could be a torture pit
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :Sorry but no one beats Jan Terri, except maybe the infamous dead super-antirockstar that I'm unwilling to mention because no video of him could be considered safe for work, and most clips are simply outrageous. If you don't know Jan Terri be careful, this video (and others from her) could give you the creeps.

I love ugly music.

What a cutie!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :I like it, almost not enough bad, but still passes barely.

This I like too, they actually have lot of skill, but those songs are enough crazy and insane sample of this crazy trend going on in Japan, I find it almost parody

<-- those two

Oh yes, warning you may want to kill yourself after seeing this so just think twice before watching it.

Also I look power rangers and Thundercats etc, I'm in quest of finding worst that I can watch/hear, still have not found enough bad, but Thundercats are getting quite close there.

Oh dear lord.
S2 licensed
This thread title is lifting a few eyebrows!
S2 licensed
That was awesome, how did you get the camera shake at the end?
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :

EDIT2: Does she do porn? If not, wait 2 years...

We can only hope!
S2 licensed
BT have just bought PlusNet if you're interested
S2 licensed
"Don't eat Gellibaff. It's not nice."
OK I think i've actually found the WORST SONG EVER.
S2 licensed
Feast your ears upon the delights of this wonderful piece of 'music' which must have taken a MASSIVE 20 minutes to make, probably on their calculator.

Sit in AWE at the conviction of the lady singing, and gape in wonderment at the amazing guitar skills near the end!

I think this might actually kill some people.

(i'd do the bird though)

S2 licensed
TANK PLUS! on the atari 2600, played it before PacMan!
S2 licensed
Occ! Occ! Occ! Occ!! :d :d
S2 licensed
Hahaha damn it I was also planning to use that tune, but to be fair you've done perfect justice to it! fantastic video! well done!
S2 licensed
Great stuff vain! fast or not, nice clean driving!!! looks like it was fun
S2 licensed
Quote from Wenom :I somehow managed to get it work, I downloaded the drivers from the website. Ofcourse the installation procedure wasn't so "smooth" as in XP.

AHA! good call!!! just tried it from the web, didn't work, so pressed back then whilst it was doing the progress bar detection thing I slapped it into another USB port and it picked it up no worries!!

Thanks for the inspiration!!

Now if only I can get media centre to pick up my xbox360 as an extender i'm laughing!
S2 licensed
Just spoke to Logitech and they say the drivers will be out when Vista Home is publically available.
S2 licensed
ahh guess there is, just installed the CD and it's not finding the wheel.... doh
G25 with Vista... any trick to setting it up?
S2 licensed
Hi, I just installed Vista Ultimate and before I try to setup the G25 I was wondering...

Do I just use the Logitech XP drivers CD that came with it? or is there a special Vista version?


S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :Nice footage and alot of the scenes looked very real, but it's a bit to long IMO and from other slow motion videos i've seen they cut out the straights and all the clips who the car sliding around or going through the chicane (Which looked great BTW)

The music wasn't quite to my taste and the camera positions were nice but were all to the same (Same positions just a differnt part of track)

Those aside, it's good but it needs something extra. I think with slow mo videos there really can't be any straights as it's just a waste of time in which you cold be going through the chicane again.

Great points, I totally get you on the straights part, nothing interesting about a car going down a straight in slowmotion!

I'm trying lots of techniques before launching into a project.. dont want to start one and find new things half way through and have it changing in style half way through

S2 licensed
Noting a distinct lack of life here from anyone but a lot of views, so guessing the crap hosting might be causing a problem... so here are the YouTube links, although since this was a Video Quality test, it kinda defeats the point!


Comments welcome haha
S2 licensed
Hi All, just had another go, few different angles this time thrown into the mix

This time it's the FZ at SS1

i'm still uploading to Megaupload as that might be faster, link to follow

Alternative link
Last edited by Robster230, .