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S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :I like to see someone indicate in front of me because that way I know that
a) the driver has noticed me and
b) the driver expects me to do the pass now.
No matter the direction the driver before me indicates, the situation is safer than without indication, because we both know what the other driver will do. I know he will slow down, he knows I'll pass. No uncertainty.

I feel exactly the same. It's not really the direction of signing that counts, it's the fact that the driver ahead has seen the incoming driver. Even if there is a little miscommunication about on which side to pass because the front driver doesn't move to one side fast enough, you still know that no matter what happens, the driver in front has seen you and wants to avoid a collision just as much as you.

In other cases it's "I hope he's seen me..."

Let's not forget that there are few professional drivers amongst the LFS drivers. On a real life circuit you know the guy in front of you has probably at least some racing experience and knows the rules of racing (not always - even in F1 you see people who don't know the meaning of mirrors and blue flags). When he doesn't sign directions you can still be pretty sure he knows you are there.

Online in LFS is a different thing. Quite a few drivers don't even have a driving license in real life, never been on a circuit or never raced any other realistic racing game with other people. When you tail someone it's not straightforward to blindly assume he knows you are there. Some people have due to their small FOV and no virtual mirror simply no rear view unless they look behind them. And even with a mirror some people just don't see you.

I'm not saying everyone must use their turning lights, but I sure know to appreciate it.
S2 licensed
In my experience people that can lap you without causing accidents don't need to be pointed where/when they can pass. They'll see what you are doing and anticipate to it. Some other drivers on the other hand think they have the whole road when lapping and crash you off the road no matter if you're just holding your line, moving aside, holding in, signing directions,...

Nevertheless, I usually sign directions when someone on the same lap is coming in at a lot faster pace than I'm running and I don't want to risk an accident by fighting him. It's just to indicate that I'm not going to battle and allow a safe and quick pass. In that case I sign to the side of the road I'm staying at. It's just that without such signals you sometimes just can't figure out what someone's doing in front of you. I've had it happen more than once when I lap/overtake someone the other car appears to go off the racing line to make room, and when you make your move they suddenly cross your track, obviously not aware that you were there. And then of course it's the usual "n00b, wtf are you doing? Ban this moron. Wrecker on the track. He rammed me just to get past. Plz vote"...

Turning indicators are a great way to let the car behind know that you've seen him. Too bad there are two ways of interpretation.

I know that in racing situations you sign to the opposite side of where you are going. I did that initially too in LFS, but most people don't seem to have real circuit experience and didn't really understand what I was doing. So I reverted to using road-style indication. Just sign to the direction you are heading. The other car will soon enough see that you are going that way and stay that way.
S2 licensed
Quote from JTbo :I could test this of course, today at 12 UTC (around 5h 20 mins from now) I start long race host will start somewhat before that, I place my nick to server name. We see if there really is not anyone interested from long race.
Details from race

I read your other topic. I'm quite sure there is interest in such races, but... You do realize that 12 UTC is during working hours for most Europeans?
S2 licensed
If there's one thing I hate, it's taking off another car by accident. So I try to avoid it at all costs, but of course that doesn't always work.

I like battling for position, but when I see a car is coming in from behind at a much higher pace than my own, I usually let it pass without much trouble. I often use my direction lights to sign that I'm staying at one side of the track so he can make a safe pass without confusion. Of course I could try to hold him behind me and defend my position, but what's the point? It will only make the faster driver more angry and in the end force him to do stupid things in which we both may go off.

However, when I see the incoming car is running at more or less the same pace (I'm faster in sector x, the other's faster in sector y) then I like a good fight. But, even though I do look around a lot and try to leave enough room for a fair fight, it frequently happens that I push it a bit too far in the heat of the moment. It's rare I take someone out on the entry of a turn, but it happened more than once I lost control on the exit by stepping too early on the accellerator pedal in the hope to stay ahead. When I'm on the inside it's usually just me spinning, but when I'm on the outside the car slides across the track taking the car on the inside with me.

Of course, it happens the other way around too. But although regrettable, those are just racing incidents.

And some people just choose idiot moments to place an overtaking maneuver. Like in Aston's chicane. With Patch S/T the chicane became a lot easier, but with the previous patch the chicane was quite hard if you pushed. I usually needed every inch of space the chicane offered, but still there were people trying to overtake through the chicane, either forcing me off the track, or both going off.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Ok folks, I say enough with the madness. Aren't you guys tired of it by now? I can understand the BF1 madness right now and almost everyone racing with it, but the only place running GTR cars was freakin Aston National yet again tonight. Aren't you guys about tired of that place? It's been over a year now! Let's race somewhere else for a change.

There were a lot of other circuits/configurations for GTR cars online tonight. Choice enough, but they were all empty apart from AS National and some Kyoto configuration... So it seems people prefer Aston National. I find it fun to drive myself too.

And right now the BF1 is a car that draws away many people from the other classes. But that will even itself again over the coming months.

I think a serious problem LFS has at the moment is too few drivers for too many cars / circuit combinations.

JTbo: Because not everyone has the time for races of an hour or longer. Many times I jump in the car whenever I have some spare time. That may be only 20 minutes. Then I'm happy to find 5 lap GTR servers so I can at least drive a few races. Not that I'm saying there shouldn't be 10+ lap servers. I've been enjoying the 20 lap races at the DRT Aston server and I imagine even longer races can be very challenging... But as I said, not everyone has the time for it.
S2 licensed
I like the way the new font looks. It gives more of a racing feeling, but I do agree with the topic starter: I too find them more difficult to read than the old ones. I'm not saying the devs must put in an option to switch between the new and old ones, but I would appreciate it.
S2 licensed
Quote from dave81983 :Ok,
Shall I risk not sending them??

My guess is that if you don't send the cut-off connectors, they won't send you a replacement wheel. It's just a way for them to know that your current wheel is really broken - saving you the hassle of sending the complete unit back to them (which may be expensive). If they didn't, everyone would start asking a new wheel...

Anyway, you cut off the connectors... But why shouldn't you be able to put new connectors on it? Even if you have two left hands you probably know someone with a soldering iron that can help you out. The connector's used by Logitech are nothing special (at least not on the DFP I have). Every electronic parts shop has them in stock. You just have to find out the correct wiring.
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :Go bye it now, it takes couple of days before you can actually activate LFS after you've bought the license.

If you use a credit card it just takes minutes to get the license and activate the game.
S2 licensed
Be sure to read I need to find a Host who welcomes the SLOWEST drivers. There's some good advice in there to get you started.

As for the wheel, get the Wingman Team drivers.
S2 licensed
It depends. Sometimes I don't drive for weeks, other times I drive for hours each day of the week. I guess as soon as the new patch is out I'll be online more often.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :There are still English speakers who take pride in speaking and typing correctly, but the kids.. the kids.. SMS and MSN have done more "damage" to the English WRITTEN word than I think any teacher or education regime could ever counter.

Do you think this only happens with the English language? I don't know what's wrong with young people in the world of today, but their knowledge of their own native language seems to be on an all time low. I know it's wrong to generalize like this: There are still quite a few youngsters taking pride in knowing their language, but the tendency is obvious. People don't care...

I read several Dutch speaking websites and forums (Dutch is my native language) and each day I find myself horrified by the raping of our language. It's not only the SMS, MSN, 1337 h4x0r, whatever... style they practice, but the fact they just don't know the correct spelling and grammar. If a word somewhat looks like how it's pronounced, it's fine for them.

Ok, there are parts in the world where education isn't a common thing as it is for us, but these people all have/had good education. I'm not saying punctuation, spelling and grammar errors should not be tolerated - everyone makes mistakes and it's not a big deal. But the things I read today are way beyond what one could call an occasional error. When you speak these people about their language, the standard reply is either they have a form of dyslexia or something in the way of "who cares". I never knew laziness is also a form of dislexia...
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :hes trying to download the drivers now, would the omegas be better than the nVidias?

The Omega drivers are not official. They are based on the official drivers with a few tweaks and extra applications to get the most out of your card. If you are looking at pure speed, the Omega drivers may be a good choice, but - even though many don't have any issues - they may be a bit less stable than the official drivers.

Make sure you download the Omega drivers for nVidia cards. ATI Omega won't do much

But don't expect miracles. You should face it. A GF2 is just the bare minimum. I had a GF2 GTS which is one of the fastest GF2 cards. The MX series are the slowest. You'll probably get the game running with a more or less acceptable framerate, but at the cost of mediocre graphics. I know money doesn't grow on most people's back, but for gaming you can't get around the fact that you have to update every once in a while.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :Hi am wondering with my video card NVIDIA GeForce MX 100/200 (microaoft Corporation) Is it old if so how old and is there any updates for it can you give me a website where i can try and get updates.

The MX 100/200 cards are GeForce 2 cards. The GeForce 2 is - although outdated for modern computer games - still sufficient for games that require not too much. For LFS it's about the lowest you can go, but it works (I used to drive with a GeForce 2 GTS on a P3 700 - with the graphics somewhat turned down the framerate was _acceptable_).

Now to answer your question, all you need is the driverpack from nVidia (the manufacturers of the GeForce chips). The driverpack supports all their cards since the antique TNT2 up to the latest GeForce 7900GTX.

Anyway, you should consider upgrading...
S2 licensed
If I want to try a combo I never did before, I usually immediatly join a server and spectate with whomever seems to be doing fine. I watch him/her going for at least a few laps to learn the circuit and the braking points. Then, depending on the density of the traffic I start practicing online or offline (if there's a race going on with cars all over the track I go offline, but if only a few people are racing I practice online making sure I don't obstruct anyone).

I also find that I improve most by racing better drivers. It may not look that rewarding when you finish far from the podium, but you're often improving - both in lap times as in battles. If you race slower drivers, you win a lot - but you don't get better.
Somehow racing better drivers motivates me to do better. And it works.

Something I found funny in the early days is to tail someone at a SAFE distance. And by safe I mean you can't even crash into him if you wouldn't brake at all. Just visible in the distance. You shouldn't pick someone who's 5 seconds a lap faster of course. The fun wouldn't last too long, but if you tail someone who's slightly faster you will find yourself having a lot of fun trying to keep up. You'll try different driving lines, braking points, apex',... and you have almost realtime feedback by looking at the distance between you and the car ahead. As soon as you can keep up with him, it's time to pick another - slightly faster - victim. Of course this depends on how consistent the driver in front of you is performing, but you'll learn from it and it's fun because with some imagination it feels like a battle. And at a certain point you will feel confident enough to attack the car in front and actually overtake it - hopefully in a way that both cars continue...

And it's like JohnPenn says. Don't stare yourself blind at the laptimes. You can win a race with laptimes that may be seconds slower than other cars on the track. You should drive consistently. And don't forget, there can be great fights and races for other places than the top 3 too...
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :it wouldnt detach them from lfs, i've done it before..
plus it wouldnt render the skins useless.. its called UVW Mapping lol you can map it.. exactly the same way

Well, I don't know much about 3d rendering. My best work was a slightly edited dS Autos scene - which wasn't much

So I stand corrected.

Quote :but i still dont get your post.. is it FOR, or AGAINST my post?

It was neither for, nor against. You have valid points, I won't deny that. But so does MorroW. Besides, I am happy with his renders and I think that's the most important thing. I'm quite sure MorroW will improve his work and models over time, but for my needs it's excellent at this point. At A4 printed size the imperfections of the model are neglectible at normal viewing distance. It's supposed to be decoration, not some hyper realistic prototype rendering
S2 licensed
Quote from MorroW :Taavi,
But now something from MorroW Designs.

Hehe, this car looks familiar to me. I was planning to make a post about your renders here, but you beat me at it

Quote from XCNuse ::/ looks good morrow.. but those tailights are.. frightening looking, really puts down the rest of the car imo, the turning signals and reverse lights look like there is no depth to them at all
also, the mirrors.. look like a parabola, they should be flat (does look good with them inside the 'capsule' more though

You point at the imperfections of the mirrors & taillights and of course MorroW could make better looking mirrors & taillights . But that would be just the top of the ice berg. The interior should be redone, in fact to make a car look excellent at these resolutions the whole model should be redone or highly refined. All shapes should be a lot smoother. That's a lot of work and in the end you'd probably end up with a great looking model for which the game skins no longer exactly fit. Then every skin would have to be adapted just for the renders. I think that's going a bit far.

Ok, but then why the cool rims and not better taillights? Even from at a distance the rims are clearly visible and the default LFS rims don't look spectacular at all. MorroW Designs' rims completely change the look of the car whereas better taillights and mirrors are more subtle cosmetic changes.

Also, let's not forget that most people asking MorroW Designs for renders are only interested in renders at screen resolutions, or will resize the images for use on their websites and such. At those resolutions the imperfections don't come out so clearly. Looking at the high resolution renders, the model' imperfections are clearly visible, but I will print them to A4 format. That's a lot smaller than 1:1 on your computer monitor so the imperfections will be less visible.

I'm not saying MorroW shouldn't improve the models (I told him that myself too :P), but it's like he said: what's the point of it? It would detach the cars from the game Live For Speed.

I asked MorroW only to do 1600x1200 renders, but he proposed to render at these high resolutions because I wanted to print the final renders on A4. The final renders took 17 hours, but he spent a lot of time with me finding the best camera angles and fixing small (but visible) errors in the scene. I really appreciate the work MorroW put into it. He could just as well have said 'bugger off' or rendered at my requested 1600x1200 with his old default scenes and camera viewpoints (which contained a few errors and would probably have been too dark for my skin). Instead he spent a lot more time on it than I wanted him to, but in the end I think the results are excellent and I'm very grateful to MorroW and his team.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :You also forgot actually monitor footprint and heat

On the footprint I agree. I said that in my first post too. I have 2 24" TFT displays on my desk and I can't even imagine having 2 similar sized CRT displays on it.

But even though TFTs consume a lot less than CRT displays they still generate heat. It's not much of a problem with the smaller 17" and 19" displays, but 24" and 30" displays have huge backlights that produce a lot of heat.

Quote :purely from a work point of view, sitting infront of a CRT for 8 hours is a pain in the backside, even at 100Hz, the TFT wins hands down.

I couldn't agree more. I used to have quite frequently painful eyes because of sitting too long behind a CRT monitor (programmer), even though I had high-end CRT monitors (@ 100 and 120Hz). Since I switced to TFT I could spend the same amount of time behind the screen, but without getting as tired. Of course it's still not healthy :P, but I feel a lot more comfortable.

Quote :Ok, so I run my work CRT at 1600x1200, it gives me more real estate , but even at a "lowly" 1280 x 1024 thats enough, and when it comes to gaming it's more than enough for me.

For gaming 1280x1024 may suffice, but the days I was a gamer have passed a long time ago. Now I race occassionally for fun. For me the amount of information I can put on a single screen is important. The higher the resolution, the better. I don't think I could switch back to 1280x1024. I would get claustrophobia :P

Quote :The way TFT displays colour and contrast make it so much more vivid and vibrant (IMO)

That's not entirely true. TFT appears to be more vivid, but that's because it's way brighter than CRT. In reality the colors are somewhat off because TFT's gamut is smaller than a CRT's gamut. (gamut = color spectrum the display can show).

But just as you, I don't want to go back to CRT. TFT is way better for my needs.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :I am a CAD designer, at work I have a top end 21" CRT monitor, and home I have a pretty decent 19" LCD, which do you think I prefer working on?.

Actually that's difficult to guess.

As a CAD designer you probably like high resolutions so you can see more information on the screen. Since 19" TFT are only 1280x1024 and the 21" works fin at 1600x1200 (and probably even higher) the CRT wins here both hands down.

[21" CRT] 1 - 0 [19" TFT]

CAD designer - as most computer jobs - requires you to spend many hours sitting behind your display. So you would benefit from a flickerfree TFT, but on the other hand many CAD programs have a black background so you wouldn't have much issues with CRT's flicker anyway. But I'll go with the TFT because it's extra sharpness also means better readability and thus less tiring.

[21" CRT] 0 - 1 [19" TFT]

Colors are not important for a CAD designer, nor for gaming, nor for surfing. So even though the CRT is probably better at this field, the TFT has no drawbacks in your case.

[21" CRT] 1 - 1 [19" TFT]

Responsiveness is also of no importance for a CAD designer, but as LFS gamer you'll want an acceptable response time. However, you state you have a decent TFT so I guess ghosting is not an issue. No winner here either.

[21" CRT] 1 - 1 [19" TFT]

But if you're a gamer who frequently attends LAN parties I don't think you like dragging a 21" monitor with you. So the light TFT is the clear winner here.

[21" CRT] 0 - 1 [19" TFT]

If you like watching movies on your computer the 21" has obviously the advantage in size and being a CRT also in black level.

[21" CRT] 1 - 0 [19" TFT]

So in the end, it's a tie for TFT and CRT (4 - 4). It just depends where your priorities are. So to answer your question: I don't know
S2 licensed
Quote from ramtech :i own 21" + 22" CRTs and my laptop has a 17" lcd..
i must say :
CRTs have much better smoothing while playing games, and much sharper graphics while working on 3dsmax, photoshop, etc.
the lcd though, is way brighter, and the colours correction is way better.
make ur choise..
i use both

You shouldn't compare between a desktop screen and a laptop screen. Laptop TFTs in noway represent today's TFT quality. In laptops low power consumption, low weight and low thickness come in first. Quality is second.

Usually even the cheaper desktop TFT screens provide a way better picture quality than even high-end laptop displays.

However, I'm somewhat surprised with your findings. You say the CRT is sharper? Now, if there's one thing TFT screens excell at it's sharpness. No CRT monitor can match that. Are you sure you are running your laptop display in the native resolution? Because if you don't, you will get a blurry picture due to the interpolation. Unlike CRT which can use about any resolution in its working range, TFT displays have only 1 resolution they are sharp at. That's also a drawback for gaming of larger TFT displays with high resolutions. Not every graphis card can pump out smooth gameplay at 1920x1200 or higher. On a CRT you just set the resolution a tad smaller, but everything still looks fine. On a TFT any resolution other than the native will require interpolation and thus blur. Bye bye superior sharpness in games. Live For Speed on the other hand isn't that 'heavy'. With a high-end graphics card, it plays well at 1920x1200 and everything turned up.

You also find the color correction better on the TFT. Do you mean by this the way the colors look? Because no matter how good TFT has become lately, CRT still beats the crap out of TFT here. Yes, TFT is way brighter (way too bright in many cases), but the colors are usually less vibrant than with CRT screens and if you compare to a color calibrated CRT monitor the TFT is clearly different. However, the better TFT screens can get pretty close to a color calibrated CRT using a calibration spider. Still not perfect though. Especially visible in the blacks which are always grey due to the backlight leakage. Because of the different (inferior) gamut, viewing angle,... of TFT screens the colors will never be as good as CRT - well, at least not until a major technology break-through happens.

Does that mean TFT sucks? Hell no... I wouldn't want to live without it anymore. The small space it takes on my desk... I have 2 24" TFT displays and my desk still looks empty and spacy. I can't even imagine having that in CRT on my desk. It just wouldn't fit because of the CRT's depth. The colors are somewhat off, but I managed to configure it very close to a color calibrated CRT. Of course, if you're into DTP or photo retouching where colors are extremely important you may want to stick with CRT, but for most other users TFT will do just fine. TFTs are often bashed by gamers for their slow responsiveness, but every not-too-cheap modern TFT will be good enough for the casual gamer and the more expensive displays will satisfy even hardcore gamers. The bad thing is that the response time manufacturers give up doesn't say much. I've seen 8ms displays with terrible ghosting and 25ms screens on which gaming was pretty acceptable. My display is has a 12/16ms response time. I DO notice ghosting, but the amount is so small it doesn't bother me.

The only thing that really annoys me is the black level. My displays are amongst the best available in terms of black level, but in a dark room it just looks grey. THis is especially annoying when watching movies. In daylight the black level is excellent.

CRT pros & cons:
+ Color correctness
+ Resolution independant
+ Excellent black level
+ Excellent viewing angle
+ Excellent responsiveness
- Weight
- Dimensions (especially depth)
- Sharpness (although good to acceptable when new, CRT screens tend to lose sharpness over the years, especially in the corners)
- Not flickerfree. Even at 100Hz you'll notice you get less tired sitting behind a TFT
- Power consumption

Other problems that may raise depending on make and quality are: moire, convergency problems, concussion/tilting, somewhat darker in the corners,...

TFT pros & cons:
+ Excellent sharpness
+ Flickerfree. Even at only 60Hz, TFTs produce a steady flickerfree image that can keep your behind the display for hours and hours
+ Weight
+ Dimensions (especially depth)
+ Power consumption (the larger TFT displays tend to consume quite a bit too, but nowhere close what a similar CRT would consume)
- Bad black level (it always looks greyish)
- Slightly worse colors for the high-end displays to rather bad colors for the cheap TFT displays
- Only 1 native resolution: all the rest is interpolated and thus blurry
- Acceptable viewing angle for MVA/PVA panels to bad viewing angle for TN panels
- Acceptable responsiveness for fast and modern displays, bad for older displays

Other problems that may raise depending on make and quality are: inconsistent backlight (darker areas), annoying backlight leakage on the borders, dark/bright areas due to pressure on the display (bad construction) and last but not least: the infamous dead pixels.

Coming from (a good) CRT, switching to TFT will take some familiarisation. Some of the drawbacks of TFT will make you wish you went for another CRT, but in the end you'll be happy with it. CRT is a dying breed.

On the other hand, I don't think the future is in TFT, though. TFT is good for now, but technologies like OLED and SED look far more promising. Of course, TFT is here now - widely available and cheap. SED and OLED are not even available yet
Last edited by SatCP, .
S2 licensed
Quote from VALE 46 :I also want to point out that with my wheel set at 900, i am turning it exactly the same amount as "me" in the game. Even if i jump straight to a single seater with 900 degrees i only turn it as much as in game, but i dont have anything stopping me turn more (which does nothing).

Why do people often say this amount of rotation is too much, when thats how much "you" turn the wheel in game

That's because you can use whatever amount of rotation you want. The obvious reason for this is to allow people with a steering wheel that has only 200° of rotation to play the game. Otherwise these people wouldn't be able to take hair pins and such because their wheel doesn't let them turn far enough. The other way it's the same story of course. If a 1500° wheel existed, you would be able to use the full amount of rotation too. But is that realistic? No.

If you want the optimal realism, you should set your wheel and game to the amount of rotation the car really has. The streetcars have all 720°, the race cars 540° and the open wheel racers 270° (I'm not sure about the last - I don't drive open wheel racers).

And yes, some people do find 720° and even 540° way too much. It's easier to catch a slide with a limited amount of rotation. I think most drifters will use way lower settings, but racers can benefit from the extra precision you get with the high amounts of rotation. If you're used to driving a 200°-270° wheel it's not easy to pick up the 720/540° modes. When I got my DFP to replace my totally worn out Trustmaster T2, I found it rather impossible to catch slides. But instead of setting the amount of rotation to something like 270°, I sticked with the higher amounts and learned to handle it. It took a while, but now I catch a slide just as easily as I did with the Trustmaster.

The 720°/540° modes probably won't improve your lap times (usually the opposite), but it makes close pack racing a lot more precise and most important it's more realistic.
S2 licensed
The DFP is a wheel that continues to amaze me. On one side it's an excellent steering wheel, especially considering the price tag. But it has many flaws. The weird thing is that everyone is experiencing different flaws. It's as if no two wheels are the same

I too have problems with the pedals. The wheel itself is fine. 100% satisfied on that part although I wish the paddles were a bit more professional. The pedals on the other hand act funny every once in a while: Sometimes it happens - mid race - the pedals suddenly lose their calibration. The slightest touch at the accelerator or brake pedal will cause maximum acceleration or braking power, often leading to a spin because you don't expect that to happen. If I rapidly press the accelerator and brake to the metal they are calibrated again. It even happens when I calibrated the wheel and pedals upon LFS startup. Calibration lock on / off has no effect.

It's rare (had it about 5 times in over 1000 laps), but when it happens it's very annoying and usually ruins the race.
S2 licensed
Weird way of thinking

Most people I know who got a new computer just before their exams did a lot worse than expected. If he really wants to encourage you he should have promised a new rig if your results were good
S2 licensed
That's normal. The 'hard lock' is only available in 200 degrees mode. It's the one you can hear clicking loudly when switching between 200 degrees and 200+ degrees. It's not a force feedback effect though, it's a hardware stop that has only 2 positions: 200 degrees lock, 900 degrees lock.

For any other setting, the steering wheel will use it's force feedback to simulate the turning ends. So yes, you can easily turn beyond these limits since the power of the force feedback is limited, but turning further doesn't affect your in-game turning circle. It would have been nice if they'd allowed hard locks in a lot more positions, but that would probably have made the wheel more expensive. Money they better use for a better set of pedals

Btw, you use the full 900° rotation mode. That's a bit pointless as it makes you have to steer a lot more than the cars do in reality. Streetcars (also the ones in LFS) have a full turning circle of 720°, racing cars (like the GTR class in LFS) 540° and open wheel racers even less (I believe 270°, but I'm not sure - I never drive these cars).
S2 licensed
Processor: AMD Athlon64 3200+
Mainboard: Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe
Memory: Kingston Hyper-X 2048 MB
Graphics: Asus ATI Radeon X850XT PE
Harddisk: Western Digital Raptor 74GB (main storage is on a separate fileserver)
Power Supply: Antec TruePower 480
Case: Lian-Li PC-61 (stealth modded)
Display: 2x Dell UltraSharp 2405FPW (although I use only one screen in games)
Keyboard: Cherry SpaceSaver (cheap stuff, but I hate media keys)
Mouse: Logitech MX 510
Steering Wheel: Logitech Driving Force Pro

Sorry for the weird colors: it's an edited pic but I didn't have a better one around
S2 licensed
I haven't experienced problems with my wheel (DFP). I calibrated it once, and it has worked fine ever since. But the pedals act funny every once in a while. Sometimes it happens - mid race - the pedals suddenly lose their calibration. The slightest touch at the accelerator or brake pedal will cause maximum acceleration or braking power, often leading to a spin because you don't expect that to happen. If I rapidly press the accelerator and brake to the metal they are calibrated again.

It's rare, but when it happens it's very anoying.