He asked if someone could upload an XFG skin for him. I did it, 'cause why not... nothing illegal, an XFG skin. He wanted to have fun, so there you go.
His second post was, without thanking me or whatsoever, like "now I need this one to be uploaded"... I ignored him and when I came back, he already erased all his posts, leaving just mine to stand there... well, like that.
In conclusion: he should've been beaten much more by his parents.
I did, as a kid, and this is when Matti became a LEGEND! Jens Weissflog could only come close, but never really be better than Matti.
Now I watch it occasionally, mostly sky flying at the end of the season (which is now ). Still remember Ahonen's crash after braking WR at the time, from few years a go.
Sooo, yes... someone in Serbia actually watches ski jumping / flying and admire those crazy bastards