There is an anecdote (amog all of them) about him, goes something like this:
He went to the cafe and ordered a tea. While he was waiting for it, he started thinking...
The waitress brought him the tea, but he remained motionless and appeared absent. Some 15 minutes later, the waitress was passing by his table and said to him: - Sir, your tea is getting colder
He startled and looked at her... then he said: - young lady, you've just downgraded human kind for about 100 years
Didn't know a year in Germany ends on November 30th?
Better leave this subject alone, there has been a lot of similar ones with long and painful discussions.
News will be there when Scawen finishes the job... whenever that might be
There was no better actor to impersonate Conan than Schwarzenegger. I've read a lot of Conan comics when I was a kid and Schwarzi represented him just as he was in the comics: big, not very handsome, a bit dumb... he even looked like the comic character, a lot.
This pretty guy is not what I would expect of him to be
What about gold on European Championship 2003 and silver in 1995... and bronze in 2007?
Lithuania is a great basketball nation, so there's no doubt that the EC in September is going to be a spectacle in your country and for your national team
No, the same thing happens in rFactor. No matter how one sets the controller, there is always a steering lag. Never tried F1 2010, but I've seen videos with that issue. Have you tried it and can steering lag be avoided?
...whose country has the most of nuclear power and already has the habit of attacking different countries around the world in order to "install peace and democracy"? I wouldn't say so.