E pa lepo trkanje bilo sinoć... prosto ne mogu da verujem da nije bilo udesa na početku trka
Dobri dueli sa Leonom u drugoj trci. Moglo i sa Nikijem da nisam zajeb'o stvari... previše lako mi pobeg'o
I'm not really sure their staying on Mars can take long, because of water and food supplies primarily. And then there's oxygen needed too.
To grow plants you need a lot fertile soil, first of all and then you'll need a lot of water too, to grow food enough for 5 people to eat for years. Assuming there is ice on Mars, water would not be the problem, but what about the soil? They can't bring much of it from Earth, because of its weight.
Plants use CO2 and make oxygen during the day and vice versa during night. Is there enough of it there?
It has to be thoroughly prepared, it's never been done before and they have to think about everything that can go wrong. Comparing to this, a trip to the Moon is like going downtown for groceries .
Difficult, but not impossible
It doesn't have to be that drastic, but our system is drastic in opposite direction. You can just watch them do it and you are able to do absolutely nothing legally. It's completely crazy.
Of course, I do not greet a "shoot everybody on your land" type of law, but some kind of self protection would be nice.
Another bad low in our country: if they steal money or goods valued less than 200 EUR, they would not go after them (that's why policeman asked if the car was moved, because then it would've been treated as a stealing attempt).
So, basically you are not able to legally protect your own property from robbers.
It's true, Deko. Self defense laws here are just stupid. I went once to police to report my car had been robbed (rear window was broken, they went in but didn't steal anything, cause there wasn't anything to steal in it).
Policeman asked if my car was moved and I said no. He answered that they couldn't do anything about it then.
I've asked him what could I do myself to protect my car next time if I see someone robbing it? He said "nothing, and I wouldn't advise you to, because you'd be the one with pressed charges against". He explained if I attacked the robber and:
1. cause him browses or brake one tooth it'd be consider like minor charges
2. bleed him or brake a bone or brake two or more teeth, that would be major charges
So, next time I catch someone trying to rob my car I can just bark at him hoping that he would go away. That's how stupid some of the laws here are and I completely agree with Boris wanting that particular US law in our country too.
That's true, but still there will be a very long line of competent people volunteering for the mission, aware of the difficulties of the task. It won't be easy, but it's not impossible.
Yeah, but I guess they've already solved that when they sent people on the Moon (don't know how though)
That has been trained a few years a go.
The main problem in my view is finding a real interest in this. Simple "a race to Mars" is not enough this time as it was for the Moon. It would be good to see China, Russia, EU, USA and other relevant nations join forces in this, but I don't see it coming really.
In my personal view (and I may be a dreamer, Utopian or whatever...), these kinds of achievements are actually the only ones that count. These kinds of steps are making us closer to understanding who and where we really are and not those like who was on the red carpet last night and what he/she was wearing (not meaning any disrespect to anybody). The budgets spent on these kinds of achievements make much more sense to me than those spent in military purposes (under any justification).
I don't think it would be too long, 20 years maybe (IF there's a solid interest in that). There have been preparations for this trip since long time a go. The main problem is oxygen and food, which they tried to solve with space-gardening experiments, to grow plants on the actual ship. A trip to Mars and back would take a bit more than a year and a half in optimum conditions (launch windows primarily).