Yeah, but you also don't arrest local grocer just for selling food or some other reegular stuff to that hooker.
In this case I had some personal documents on Megaupload that had nothing to do with violation of copyright law and they were lost....
The problem about CISPA is giving too much right to do whatever they f***ing want and they are not known to be very delicate. This is the issue, not the fight to protect copyright material.
That's a good point. But I don't think they would give a fap about our privacy if they "suspect" their interests are endangered. And the term "their interests" is very wide.
There we go, ladies and gentlemen.... a law in many ways worse than SOPA has been passed and this one was backed by many companies and one of them is f***ing Facebook.
So long democracy, so long freedom of speech... welcome post WWII "hunt for communists"... now the most paranoid government in the world has a legal grip on ALL of the information cruising the net.
For all of you youngsters, I think it's time to read George Orwell's "1984" if you haven't already.
First and Lastname: Milan Radonjić
LFSW Username: sermilan
Teamname: Sim Racing Team
Team Tag: AMT
Desired-Carnumber: 02
Date-of-Birth: 14.01.1972
Nationality: serbian
I want to win awards and will pay the fee (Yes/No) No
I found this article in today's newspaper, it's an analysis of how Island got over the crisis. Basically, they applied what every decent cattleman knows: if you want milk from your cows - FFS feed them!
Thanks to the strong will of their citizens (which was crucial) shown on 2010 protests, their President changed the political course and started kicking back the responsibility to those who created the global crisis in the first place - greedy banks.
It's also interesting to learn how they managed to avoid EU sanctions
The article is google-translated, but it's understandable enough to get the point. Link to the article
How does UK police deal with situations when a crime is in process where offender(s) are using guns or other weapons (knives or such)? Do you have special forces that are called for then? (like what happened in Norway)
How easy/hard is for civilians to get in legal possession of a gun?
For example, here it is pretty hard, you apply and takes months or years, they do all sorts of inquiries including asking neighbors about you. And then you get the permit to have it in your house, but not to carry it. Using it also takes miles of procedures because you can't use it even in self defense unless you have a permit for that.
The tax for having a gun has also become huge... you can sell it to another person with a permit, but you'll pay a huge tax... you can take it to be destroyed, but you'll pay a huge fee... so possessing a gun legally here is largely discouraged. There is a black market, but it's not spread and, as you said, gun violence is pretty much non existent here too (any more).
I couldn't agree more and I also think that they should be paid well over the average payment for that. What you described after this justifies why they should have a gun and the action they took how you described it was just what I meant.
Yeah... it was basically the same situation as in the first video (2 cops vs 1 man with a stick) and they dealt reasonably with that.
Didn't look as spectacular as in US, but they overcame the guy, packed him and sent him to the judge to deal with him.
No guns fired, no unnecessary beating when they tied him, 6 mins spent (unlike to US's 20 secs), a few bruises, but everybody will wake up on the next day.
Yap... so let's just put 10 bullets in him...
Those two cops are obviously two scared retards. The guy with the crowbar didn't even raise it on the second cop nor he really looked too aggressive, read the body language (look also how many seconds it took him to get angry after being stunned in the face). He didn't run towards the cop, but just kind of making moves to scare him away.... I don't know, but that Estonian guy in Finland looked more aggressive even though he was only asking for lawyer.
When police dogs attack, they go for bringing down the target, not only to bite him. Policemen were not thinking at all, they were acting franticly and clumsily.
How about using a weapon he had on his disposal - the dog?
Just to make clear: I also don't believe in police with no weapons, that's just too silly. Any armed lunatic could make massacre then easily.
I believe that majority of policeman ARE decent people, but I have also seen this kind of brutality well enough to know that, simply put - these are just plain bustards hiding behind the uniforms.
Jakg, I don't think it's a biased video at all, it's just a collection of police brutality. Each part of the clip shows a number of cops abusing one person or one or more already immobilized persons.
First clip: the cop who shoots is obviously scared of the guy, otherwise he would've let the dog which would bring him down and both cops could then jump and immobilize him... but some brain had to be used and trigger happy attitude dropped.
All the other clips mainly show tied up or already passed people being ganged by the cops.
Police job is to bring criminals to justice, and NOT to judge and execute the sentences. Apart from that first clip, in every other they already had people "ready for packaging" and they could've simply do their jobs and go for some donuts, but they just had to "have their way" with them and that is what's disgusting.
I've seen that sh*t already too much in my country during late '90s, so FU policemen with this attitude, drop fu*king dead! No excuses for this behavior.
The guy who fell out of the car, for example, is probably no angel, but why kicking and beating him up when he already was unconscious before they first approached him?
Also, too many cases of gang beating a person who already is tied, handcuffed or just already disabled.
Breaking of that guy's leg, WTF?! Who ever he was, what ever he did, he was already placed down ond the ground, with hands tied behind his back... why breaking his leg?!
Same here only with -11C. Forecast says it will snow today and tomorrow, after that it will be "only" freezing cold for another week, but with no snow.
Didn't even bother to try digging out my car, there will be no work and no kindergarten for my kid today.
We used to do this, when we were kids .... but with no "sound amplifier", just cut of a piece of a plastic cup, stick it there with one of those things you hang your clothes to dry (don't know the english word for that) aaaand voila! We thought we were sooo cool
-8C here even though they predicted +2C :grumpy: ... oh yes, and it is snowing again ... and it will be snowing for another 4 days...
Getting tired of this... just tried to take the kid out a bit, I barely made to unstuck my car from the place it was parked.
It's going to be hard here, temperatures stay under 0C, so no snow is melting and there is a lot more to come.... I want more orders for exporting snow from you guys, come on, don't be shy