I seriously don't understand why a country would allow guns to be sold freely to everyone, I just don't get it.
For example, why would one buy an automatic gun other than shoot a number of people? I think USA is on the way of reducing significantly the number of violent deaths of its citizens with that ban you mentioned.
2. simplicity (small installation, doesn't choke a comp, easy setting, easy menu navigation etc.)
3. honesty of the devs (one time payment only, don't want to rip you off, in fact we are constantly pressure them to let us give them our money)
4. big choice of cars and tracks
5. great fun racing with good drivers, a very powerful stress relief tool
well i wouldn't mind no licenses or only fictional tracks. I am interested in this game as far the physics would be a little bit advanced and not as arcardish as other titles ...
Hilarious how Dolan can create such a drama. Please keep posting them, I will laugh atleast.
It's also interesting how people started stuffing Dolan crap as soon as someone gets upset with it. Yeah, keep on laughing, but not for long.
I'm gonna keep expanding my ignore list with who ever posts Dolan, great way to filter out retards and not wasting my bandwidth. Tnx for ruining my mood and finally this thread too. You can keep on craping here, as far as I am concerned, 'cause I won't be visiting it any more. It stinks now.
RIP The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
The whole idea of putting all dolans into separate thread was even worse joke than the dolans themselves. Omg we don't like dem jews so we put them into separate places. See where I'm going?
Yeah, I do... you're comparing my request to move Dolan to its own thread with the persecution of an ethnic group, which eventually led to a mass murder never before nor after recorded........................ do you even begin to understand what kind of BS you're bringing in?!
Don't worry, we're not gonna gas Dolan there
And congratulations, you're just entered my ignore list, I don't wanna read one more line from you.
Just because someone doesn't get them doesn't mean that someone has some kind of valid reason why we should remove just those types of jokes from this thread.
Fine. Then I'll post this one here because she thought it was funny (there's a picture there, so no braking the rules of "funny PICTURES thread"). Apparently, she "laughed so hard during her arraignment in criminal court Saturday night that Judge Gia Morris told her lawyer, “You’re going to have to have your client stop laughing.”
You see where this is going?
There are many of us who wouldn't like to see any Dolan ever and we don't ask you to stop posting. We ask you to post it where it belongs, in its own thread because we find it offensive. Why the hell all of you persist in efforts to post it HERE and nowhere else on LFS forum?
Don't post Dolan HERE, because we find it offensive, post it in the existing DOLAN THREAD instead, why is this so freaking hard to do?
Can all the dolan-haters just stfu seriosly, there's plenty of ppl who finds Dolan funny, and this thread is about people posting what they think is fun/humor pictures, so they belong here perfectly fine. Back to posting pics now.
Yeah, "plenty of people", sure... Dolan thread was opened on 14th July and the last post is on 7th August, that speaks for itself how popular it is. Why didn't it live, why "plenty" of people had lost interest in it so quickly?
The thing is, unlike any other sense of humor, Dolan crap can not exist on its own, it needs reactions of people like me to be funny, i.e. our reactions to it is what is "funny". It's like me coming to your living room, taking a crap and then laughing at your stunned reaction, sure as hell it's funny!... if I was an idiot.
There is a thread called The bad jokes thread, where the guys smartly separated from the main thread because some people can find it offensive. And there it is... you can go there if you are interested or you can skip it if you don't like that kind of humor.
Following that logic, I seriously don't think that separating Dolan from the "mainstream" humor is a bad idea, because some like it, but too many find it offensive. When I come here for some fun I don't expect to see badly drown duck taking a sh*t on badly drown dog and suppose that it is funny
@response to TVE: comparison of Dolan and an F1 driver is, mildly said, inadequate.
I really don't see why you people persist so much in posting that crap here when there is a thread ONLY for Dolan. Can someone of you please reasonably explain that?
And, oh yeah... "Me mad", yeah, ahahahahahahaha.... very funny, veeeery veeeery funny, ahahahahah....... I'm pissing my pants laughing, aaaaahhhhh... great humor, just great!
Then go to the topic opened for Dolan only and laugh your ass off there. Find it yourself, it's buried somewhere in the Off topic part of the forum. It's been so interesting to everyone that it sank as soon as it was opened.
I know that my reaction is actually what is supposed to be funny about it, but still... it's just a crap comic that shocks people and nothing more.
If you like a shocking kind of humor, go watch all of the episodes of Monty Python flying circus and all of the movies they made, then go back to your shitty Dolan, you'll know what I mean.
Watching if a car is coming (and not stopping) is far more important thing to notice than the color of the light.
I agree. I almost hit and older pedestrian once. I had a conditional green (green arrow on the side, while the main light is red), so I was approaching the turn. When I was about 3m from it, the lights turned green for pedestrians and an older man just stepped on the crossing, without checking. I stopped like 10cm from him and then he started chastising me and pointing to his green light.
I was like: "man, what's it up to you even if I go to jail for this if you are dead? Just pay a little more attention yourself too, it's healthier for both of us"
Neko se dobro zezao ovde... ja nisam mogao da vozim ovu trku, jer mi je comp bio u kvaru, a vidim "da sam vozio odlično u prvoj trci, a u drugoj ispao"
Ne znam otkud to, ali moja licenca je poslednji put zabeležila trku 2.12, pa ne znam ko je to vozio kao AMT sermilan
a sve mi se čini da je bata Wlaytche bio taj zajebant
When I go to multiplayer in LFS (S2), I join a server and here is the problem.
I see the players driving and in less than 3 sec, It comes back to the main menu!!
Maybe that's because I have an Nissan S15 and it takes the place of the XRT.
Thank you
You need to have a pink skin for your Nissan S15 cause that's the only one allowed for it online, otherwise everything else is just fine