So if someone is giving an advise he is automatically saying that he's better? Wow.
That's probably frustration. I mean if you really slowed him down 1s a lap (you should understand yourself that on oval it's a LOT) he has the reason to be frustrated IMO.
If you were ninja'd by someone and you delete your message, the next person shall commentate the person who ninja'd someone else (I hope that's clear... :/).
Hello, recently I had my pc accessed by someone (I had no other choice) and I don't know what he did with it as I had to go. When I got back I found 2 disks (both of them containing ~7 GB) and I have no idea what they do. It's mostly filled with .KWI files and .BIN files (check .txt attachment). Is there a way to get some logs or something that would show what they were doing with my PC and whether they installed something?
Matt, what a f****** idiot you are. You were going on 2 (right) wheels in the middle of the road with no danger of hitting the wall and you still turned left? Where is the logic in that?!
Anyway, the race was great and it was really fun to watch the stream. Too bad I didn't get to race .