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S3 licensed

Someone needs to do a graphical interpretation of all the replies, should be interesting to see and compare to the actual date! I'd say we should just count 2018 or ignore the year altogether for the graph Big grin.
S3 licensed
I miss the Norwegian guy, haven't seen him in a while :/...

And as always - reading the small updates is lovely, Scawen!
S3 licensed
Fridays should be OK for me, but maybe push it to 19 UTC on Friday?
S3 licensed
All days will be pretty busy for me this half-year Big grin. I guess Tuesday and Thursday will be OKish. Maybe consider Saturday evening?
S3 licensed
Actually Scawen has stated that right now Victor has another job as he isn't doing much right now so if I understand LFS right now supports only 2 of them? I'll try to find a quote.

Bishtop, please don't misunderstand me - I like that you're still so active in LFS and I don't have anything against you Smile. I'm just always trying to rely on direct Scawen quotes and not assumptions. And I do trust him.

E: yeah, those quotes are quite old now so who knows who's correct...
Last edited by Sobis, .
S3 licensed
But I did and he stated that this is their main job? Could you find the post where he states otherwise?
S3 licensed
Yeah, I didn't like that Bishtop stated that as a fact without any quotes so I just had to find them, I don't like misinformation Big grin.
S3 licensed
Quote from bishtop :Its always been a side project for them and never their main project which scawen has stated a few times, still that makes what they have achieved that little more impressive

Wait what do you mean "Its always been a side project for them and never their main project"? I believe Scawen actually said that LFS is actually their main project and it makes them their living. I'll try to search for that post.

Quote from Scawen :[...] We think we should earn money for the work we do. We work hard to make a game that many people love. If we don't get paid for it, we'll have to stop developing Live for Speed and get another job.

I can't pay you for this job, we are a small team and we don't hire employees. But I'd be grateful if you would pass on the message. Thanks.

Quote from Scawen :[...]
I do love this job and it is only because of the support of the Live for Speed racers that we have been able to go on so long.
We are very lucky to be able to work from home and be able to choose our time of work each day. It's really great to be self employed, being creative and making something that people enjoy. I want this to go on and to get done the things that we have planned, even if it takes a long time!

I don't mind at all that our earnings have decreased a lot from what they used to be, some time after S2 was released. That is only to be expected, without expanding the business.

I'm pretty sure you would find more quotes with this simple search
Last edited by Sobis, .
S3 licensed
Hmm... I'd say highly unlikely? Are you sure it's the same account? If you still have the transaction details or the voucher code, tech support should help.

Actually in case of licenses you should always contact tech support, not forums. Tech support in LFS does work and they do resolve problems whenever possible (1st hand experience).
S3 licensed
Is the server intended to be password protected in between the events?
S3 licensed
What do you mean "old owner"? So that account is not really yours, you just bought it from someone? That is illegal Wink
S3 licensed
LFSW name: Sobis
In-game name: LLM.Sobis
Full team name: Last Lap Motorsports
Nation: Lithuania
S3 licensed
Quote from Kid222 :Yes, even Scawen was interested in who that is.

S3 licensed
Yeah, what's wrong with having a little of faith? I still come here several times per day just to check what's happening and if there's something new!
S3 licensed
Oh Nova, why so aggressive? If you've read his messages, you should've noticed that he's mostly talking about drift setups, not racing ones. I believe in drifting the setup is not as crucial as in racing.
S3 licensed
Even a short explanation would be nice to read, these interesting finds always give hope!
S3 licensed
Well I personally like to discuss what to give/get as a gift. Me and my girlfriend decided the budget of our gifts and we chose the gifts ourselves. We think that getting a gift you actually need or want is much better than having a surprise with the risk of the present being not interesting or worse - useless.

Also, why wait for christmas? We already have our gifts ordered and most of them are here already Big grin. But that's a different topic...
What happen to Brasil reseller?
S3 licensed
I noticed that the previous link for official LFS reseller in Brasil is down Also, going to BR Cruise web page LFS voucher options are still there but they give errors now.

I haven't noticed any talks about it so lock the thread if it's private.
S3 licensed
If you feel that a particular race is golden, don't hesitate to save the mpr and share it. I'd gladly see some action!
S3 licensed
Nice report! I still feel a bit bummed by that round 39 finish, where I didn't keep a safe distance and Yann spun mostly because of my lag :/.
S3 licensed
Great series, loved it! Thank you for organizing this. I'm looking forward to more organised events!
S3 licensed
Quote from :Yes. And he is not interested.

So he's basically holding the code for himself? That sucks :/. Then again, it's his code so it's his decision.

How old is that info? Maybe after all this time he'd be more willing to let someone update it?
S3 licensed
I'd say go for S2 and see how it feels. The jump S0 (demo) --> S2 is huge but S2 --> S3 is relatively minor. If you really love S2, then you can go S2 --> S3. Don't worry, you will not pay more by upgrading from S2 to S3 later on because each license step costs 12 pounds (might be cheaper in Czech Republic?).

I'm saying this because most of the racing is done on S2 servers. Only sometimes you need S3 to play online at some servers. Of course you won't get Rockingham without S3 so if you really do want to try RO, then go for S3.
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :at a desk

That's a really bad screen... How can you work like that? Ya right
S3 licensed
Thanks, I didn't think it's that simple. I'll just go with DE-9