although u do this the fear isnt there cause u re still playing a game.
U surelly think about crash in real life,i personally think is a lie that u never consider the risks during a race cause this is one of the main factors that restrain u and sometimes not letting u going even quicker.
from my experience once tryin to reach the limit the fear is present,the way u face it allows you to be quick or not
Not being the total master of this but put both profiler(some say not to use it but mine works great-they use the windows game control panel) and LFS in 720 and wheel turn compensation to 1.0,this will match the degrees depending on the car you use.
hope not to messed things thats what i use and it works just fine.
edit:i used to play with 360 rotation but after i got used the 720 saw that its smoother and much more rewarding cause lower degrees needed more accurate turning and sometimes was quite difficult.I should also mention that even though i was smooth enough and gentle with the tyres now its even better,lasting longer i mean than before(dont know maybe i got better)
its been said before,this tune is for ppl who just want to have fun,by creating all sorts of combinations with the existent lfs cars.Its not compulsory to use it,nor sjould it used online for cheating.Althouhg a race with 500bhp XRTs would be fun!