Many many thanks for the nice and simple guide Jakg!I many times change the settings just to see which the best choise was!I am a graphics noob so I had to mess with everything over and over again so that i could distinguish the differences(some none visible by me though!:shrug.My game changed a lot looking more real now!I use Elektrik's textures and Darkone's reflections,and other that cant remember now.
untill a patch that will last longer than they usually do,there wont be any.I also mailed the devs and they told me that LFS 0.5P cant be unlocked cause the servers has been moved!That was bad news for me cause i would like to tweak all the cars and not only 3.
Guys when i try to unlock LFS 0.5P it cant connect to master server!Is anyone having this problem?Mechanik is working but only for demo carsCan anyone help!!
The same for me too.I found out LFS when searching the web for a decent race sim back in December.I suddenly stumble on this great game and it took me sometime to upgrade to S2 in March(15 i remember it!)and G25 was 2 weeks late than expected!(weeks of hell!).Ever since i am not such an outgoer lolololo!
I think that my social life needs to be renewed!lololol!!!!
Thanks the devs for this outstanding project!
The way i see it i will be playing for many many years,LFS of course!!!
I firstly tried using pitspotter with 0.5 X version but it said connection timeout even though i did what i was supposed to do.
Yes i overwrote the old .dll with the new one and now no crashing there,but still no visible gauges.I dont want to be a pain in the ass so i can understand if u give up helping.I too am feed up with it!I still can use succesfully the drift gauge which is something.Could u please post your cfg so i could notice any values that are different in mine.Maybe i made changes that blocks the thing of working.I want to really thank you for all the help no matter of the result!
Everything done but,now when i launch LFS it crashes ,before even the opening screen.If i put the values to what they where before its all ok.Also insim port doesnt seem to work.I m saying this because the pit spotter that needed the insim port also it didnt work so i guess i do something wrong.Im a newbie here so sorry for the silly questions and a big thanks for your help!
Until now i used drift gauge.The thing is i tried all suggested but still not working.I already have a .dll from the drift gauge should i overwhite it?This is my cfg
I hope my post isnt offtopic.I tried to use pitspotter but hadnt any luck This is my config.The only changes in it are for the drift gauge.I tried the suggested solutions but nothing still.Any help,i know that this isnt working atm but i would love to try it out with older versions of the game.
For me also the help i found here with all the ''techniques'' everyone of u stated was enormous,a big thanx again guys,thats the community i love!.In fact i am LFSing since mid March and i only now find out that practise is the magic word.Take things easy and concentrate to basics at first and speed plus less braking distance will follow.Once ive learned well enough each corner of a track then and only then i push harder,braking later than i was doing previously and applying a bit sooner the gas pedal.Also there is a magor issue with the speedo.If i look at it all the time and i try to keep the ''right'' speed i almost every time lose my concentration and taste the grass.The smoother i am the faster i go and then pushing isnt as stressfull for me.
Only recently ive downloaded Pit spotter and the problem is that when its beeing launched it stays at the dis screen saying connection timeout.Ive done all the suggested by the pitspotter text but still i cannot get it to work.Any suggestions plz?I think its usefull for me and i would like to give it a try!