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S3 licensed
great race and great broadcasting,nice to hear the racers point of view too!

small problems with the screen like a bit of lag but other than that excellent job!

high level racing

Mika may the force be with u
S3 licensed
Quote from Feffe85 :hehe.. all i meant was that it´s fun for a while with blinking rims, but i dont see its purpose.

i like it sure i do (lfstune), but maybe u should make all of the stuff work on one car at a time? i mean, the xrt, that i almost always use, cant be changed to the extent that you really can have fun with the program..

and NO, i wont go, cause all i did was comment what u did and i stand for what i think.. any problem with that?

we all have the right to freely express our opinions as long as they are not insulting others!
S3 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :well my opinion is that ctra should make a server CTRA 1 for S2 we will avoid most noobs there...

i dont think its a case of lincense rather than a case of practise as its been said above!

i am S2 and i had created crashes but almost every time tried to be polite let the others pass and calmly rejoin!
Also if i am the one to blame in a spin situation i instantly let the ''victim'' pass so that everyone enjoys a race and not be a nerve-braker
S3 licensed
tet a queue--->spin
S3 licensed
Quote from March Hare :I know exatly how you feel.
It was the exact same for me when I was on the CTRA Race 1.

Try to race when they have a SO track. Start off slowly so you are left behind. Then as all the others crash and hit the walls and pit. You just cruise to points.

That's how I got my silver license.

my strategy exactly!

Cool down drive calm with no exaggeration and that way you can earn slowly but syrelly score points!

only if u are sure enough give some pressure on!

also this strategy reflects at small and tight tracks,the larger ones have more recovery places!
S3 licensed
Quote from JonhyBRA :i think everybody can wait you deserve some rest =D

thanks a lot for this release! you are doing a great work

S3 licensed
Quote from ciph :Sry for the late release i was busy alot. See the first page for infos

really really thanx mate!

Punctual like a Swiss clock!

Have a nice rest of weekend!
S3 licensed
Ciph is coming!lol

like the Santa he is bringing a christmass gift to us all!
S3 licensed
patience ppl!Time is coming soon
S3 licensed
Quote from wien :And if you're human, you may never reach WR speed at all. I know I put that idea away years ago.

thats the case for me too!
S3 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :Quick answer for a quick question.


S3 licensed
Quote from natedog420 :you you can tweak rb4, lx4, lx6, fz50, fxo, rac. just start the game with lfstune. then pick xrt and join the race then pit. after that you can pick any of those i listed and have the power and torque. but if you want different settings you have to switch back to xrt and restart lfstune and set new settings. then you can pit and pick out of the list again. its very fun. i like driving a lx6 with 4wd and about 550-650hp. very fun and hard to control witch it is a challenge but once you get it its a blast man. rear wheel drive fxo is fun to.

yeap a lot of fun!
S3 licensed
i believe K. Tsuchiya is on the right track,in terms of correctly using tweak apps,benefiting of them!

Of course fun is and must be intact but creating classes of similar and yet different cars would spice things up!

Ciph is right! no one is capable to force how anyone should have fun!
Its like the arguement about the views we are using:incar means hardcore and from god's view is noob-arcade racer!

We all enjoy the things we like!If the same things match with some others individuals then all are welcomed joining and having fun together!but forcing my personal likings to another being is just dictatorship!

Discussion is welcomed and all views (exept chase view )appreciated as long as we can communicate in a logical basis!

poor english i know,sorry for that!
S3 licensed
a huge thanks to Ciph!Nice tweak!

considering the upcoming additions a big bravo for ur time and effort so we are all enjoying destroying tyres!
S3 licensed
Quote from Bodhidharmazen :I understand, the goal is REALISM.

Yet, the new patch should include two modes:

1) Simulation

2) Arcade

For hardcore fans, I guess, mode 1 its ok, they want to believe they are driving "the real thing".

Still, I play (PLAY) LFS because I like to drive and because I like to play. I have never liked that we have to struggle with setups, on top of that now tyres are useless and we have a clutch that forces us to be "gentle".

No thanks, I like to test mysefl DRIVING, I like to compete with others to try my skills against theirs. THATS IT, if I want to race a car I would buy a gokart or maybe inscribe myself in a real league.

Sorry for the developers, and Im sure some of you readers will hate me and even (maybe) insult me. But anyway, Im just exposing MY opinion.

as pointed out by u a coin has 2 sides!and u can see-use the one u like!
S3 licensed
Quote from -DrftMstr- :Drifting is not racing yes. But it is one form of motorsports. And yes, LFS is a racing simulator implying drifting is not included. Developping a drift car is not very useful. The cars presently offered by LFS covers much of the needs, ranging from various amounts of power, weight, layout, etc. I think it's a very choice already.

NOW. To all of those avid "hardcore" race drivers, if you don't like drifting, do as you would do in real life: turn a blind eye and move on with life. There are irrelevant and offensive comments that would have gotten you a good beating in real life. If you don't get the "trend", don't make up ignorant assumptions and make some pathetic generalization. Because at the end, those who say "drifters" are immature are often as immature as they are.

But what do you people know, if you were some REAL avid hardcore circuit drivers, you wouldn't be here playing some VIDEO GAME simulating real life, because your sorry ass would have been outside driving on a real race track. Oh wait, some of you don't really have a life outside video games and this is supposed to be living a dream, right...I simply hate how SOME of the people here pretend to be something they are not.So what is the difference between pretending to be a racecar driver and pretending to be Takumi? NONE! Prentenders.

For those real race car drivers, for those who got a chance to drive real racecars, you can cool down your snobiness. You may have alot more opportunity that others but there are those stuck up "I am too cool for you because I drive a open wheeler and I can insult anyone around" comments that needs to be kept inside your mouth. Because maybe of the people are here for the same reason as you: to pretend to be something you are not.

And I thought Live For Speed was a racing simulator not a poser simulator. Wait... That's the Sims.

Now it reminds me not to visit LFSPoserForum so often.

+1 at everything my thoughts exactly!
S3 licensed
A huge thanks to LFS devs!!!Great news!!!
S3 licensed
Quote from Busta :.....I'll upload the layouts tommorow or monday when i've finished the one im working on.

οκ thanks!
S3 licensed
Busta is it possible to upload the layouts for these 5 tracks?I would like to use it off line!

Thanks in advance
S3 licensed
awesome work! enjoyed watching

music is kicking!

great camera angles also!
S3 licensed
a big thanks!nice job motary!
S3 licensed
That did the trick!Really really thanks!It was the only value I didnt mess up with!
S3 licensed
Α small question:what does the angle that is shown means and the 2 red numbers with positive and negative value(maybe the speed diference between my car and the car infront and behind?)?I found out that have to do with the pitspotter but I tried everything and still cannot disable them.How could this be possible?
S3 licensed
Quote from kaynd :........I love to take setup challenges

Thats why we all in GVR Team love you!
S3 licensed
Since CTRA servers launched i found some great space for racing!I am learning alot basically cause its bumper to bumper racing!Most of the guys i personally raced were nice and polite enough!There were also some exceptions of racers who simply didnt care about anything but points and places,so that was leading in chaos!Every time i have a close call(almost run off track cause of a behind hit) i always try to be patient(not working everytime though!)I think that is the key cause otherwise u get angree and easilly out of control spoiling ur race and the rest of the grid.

For me patience is the key!