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Quote from Crommi :Potentiometers have certain coil-thickness that contributes to number of steps it has. G25 pedal pots don't seem to have very thin coils that would give you 1024 steps, also they're not even being used for their full range (try turning pots beyond pedal movement limits and input is still linear).

Simply increasing output resolution to drivers does not magically make pedal pots more accurate.

That is just complete BS.

Ιm not a technician but from the first day i used my braking in iRacing was much smoother.I managed to brake later and more accurate.Also i noticed a more detailed ffb.

Maybe its just me.
S3 licensed
I had a great race also last night.I couldnt drive well enough at the start,but after some laps my XRT calmed down!Thanks to the organisers and the comentators,for this fun event.Also good job from most of the GT2 drivers when lapping!

I m really hoping for another event to take place soon.I m the Greek guy with the Aegyptian pronounced name!I loled big time when i heard the comentary,keep up the good work guys!

I woyld really love to race again for 2 hrs,or maybe more.-yes i m an endurance addict!!-
S3 licensed
Team Name:Greek Virtual Racing
LFS Usernames of those in team:sosna
Car choice:XRT

S3 licensed
Hello all,my problem is that when i installed G25 in Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit in the screen is appeared like gamepad.(the screenshot is with DFP but the same is going on with the G25).

I have the latest drivers installed.What can i do to fix this,any ideas?

Last edited by sosna, .
S3 licensed
''Real life'' values for me too.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jertje :I think you'll appreciate it at some point, as the system teaches you to reach your limit in a linear fashion, instead of overdriving like crazy and then downtuning your driving to stabilise your times and consistency.

Being 'punished' for offs and spins doesn't mean it will impede your ability to drive fast, as most people assume. It just means that you should drive as fast as you're comfortable with - I learnt that the hard way in a lot of my earlier races at LRP.

Try focussing on getting 0 incidents in a race, have it be your absolute priority, but don't think about it as much that it starts slowing you down by 5-6 seconds. Let go drivers behind you if you can't drive away from them at a comfortable pace, and don't chase people that are making you push beyond what you're capable of at the time.
Just run your laps, focus on your marks and before you know it your confidence will rise, your rythem will come and you will be able to push the car more without endangering your objective of getting 0 incidents.

You'd be surprised how much more consistent and fast you will be that race. It should also come as no surprise that the fastest guy in iRacing (Greger Huttu) is also the most consistent by far, with far less than 1 incident per race. Higher speeds don't automatically create more incidents

+1,i m much more consistent and of course safer-cleaner than LFS just because i dont overdrive or try anything out of my reach!I was frustrated to be stuck in 3.2 and after some clean races i managed a 4.45 which is decent.The most important thing though is the consistency in my laptimes!
S3 licensed
John Henry's reply in a thread ''Is iRacing a Rich Mans Sim??''

''You're right that we have to be more creative about growing the volume. And we will be. There are things in the works that are really exciting. I'm going to start writing about these things as soon as we get a blog up.

With regard to this thread, here's the way I look at it.

The price of developing this sport is what it is.

We have spent thus far what it took to produce it.

It took a long time to produce just to get the service to where it is right now. But it's set up for volume - size and security.

It's not perfect yet.

The price of what it is going to take to get this to where we want it "is what it is."

The price of the service is what it is.

We are committed to this for the extreme, very long-term. I don't know how else to say it. Size is not going to be an issue. I realize price is an issue for some. I had to gulp and say "This is worth it." Others have felt the same and I am very appreciative of all of you who have. Developers have staked productive parts of their careers on what we believe in.

And, additionally, a great many others will feel the same as we make further announcements.

It's fine to debate all of this, but it is what it is.

Once again, let me say to you, I feel a great obligation to everyone here - all of you - who have chosen to pioneer this sport. I am committed to making your investment here, something you will be proud of.


No comments by me!
S3 licensed
Quote from BWX232 :After I tried iRacing, everything else seems like a flawed sim in so many ways- especially rF and LFS- not to mention all the ISI stuff, except maybe Richard Burns Rally- but I guess that's a little different because of the different type of sim..
And I don't think iRacing is "harder" than LFS, it does feel more realistic though.

off topic on:+1,my thoughts exactly!:off topic off
S3 licensed
Right foot braking (G25 and shifter) and when needed left foot braking for car balancing!But it always depends on the ca/track/situation!
S3 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :It's amazing how your time can drop as you get comfortable pushing some places.

I've turned a 1:03.5 in a warmup session. It feels like real acomplishment in iRacing when you get a lap right.

Stuart Duff - Hope to see more of you guys on there. Doing mostly the Solstice at LRP, as its my favorite, till I get a Mazda license.

Also, whenever I enable shadows my 8800gt crashes. Which is annoying. Aside from that and Noobs, I'm really enjoying the software.

The whole accomplishment thing made me go for the annual sub!

Not an expert but is your card overclocked,maybe this is causing it.
S3 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Well my PB is 01:03.345, and I normally get close to this in races. I might try using 4th from the uphill right hander though. I did try it briefly and the engine seemed to bog down too much, but I'll give it another go tomorrow.

omg!Fast time i would say.

I only yesterday started practising and did a race in this track and my lap times at first were at 1.06.Then gradually as i pushed i reached 1.04 but going into the .03 means a lot of pushing!.

At first the track felt weird -needs to be brave and push more even when you think theres no more space!-

The gears are a bit of,but sometimes i leave 4th and try to take these corners flat out with a bit of a lift.Maybe a 3rd in the uphill section would make me some time.

I definately need more practise laps.

Great guide Itar,thanks!
S3 licensed
Guys a question plz:do you have center spring box cheched or not.Cause with it unchecked i managed a 1.49.6 and when i check it i was able to manage a 1.49.1 within few laps.Driving was easier.
S3 licensed
Quote from HuntTheShunt :Hi Sosna,
I am very interested that you say the FFB is good as there is a long thread on iRacing about problems getting any feel out of a G25. I have found that turning the sound OFF gives a true indication how good the FFB setup is
How have you done it?
Is the logitech profiler active
What are the settings in the windows Game Controller
Lastly the setting in the iRacing sim for the Solstice


So my settings in the Logitech profiler are:

-101% overall strength
-all the rest at 0 and box unchecked(centrering spring)
-total degrees 900.

Hope this helps!

S3 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Παρέμβαση για αναφορά στην ιδιωματική διαφορά πολιτισμών: οι αγγλόφωνοι, ως συνετοί και σεβαζόμενοι τις ιδιότητες των ξύλινων κατασκευών (και πιθανώς επειδή δεν είναι πολύ γερές στα μέρη τους - βλ. τον Παρθενώνα μας που αν και μαρμάρινος αντέχει ακόμα [αναγκαία πατριωτική τσόντα]) λένε "touch wood" ή "knock on wood" - το τελευταίο βέβαια προσδίδει την ένοια του χτυπήματος αλλά όχι με το εύρος και τη γενικότητα του "hit".


Γενική Γραμματεία Διεθνών Ιδιωματισμών

ok boss point taken!αν κ το σεβαζόμενοι είναι κάπως!

Γενική Γραμματεία Απανταχού Ημιαγγλομαθών!
Last edited by sosna, .
S3 licensed
@HuntTheShunt,the peculiar with my G25 and the drivers (the latest ones) is that it always worked for me fine.Never had a probled (touch wood) even though many recommended to shut down Logitech profiler.I ve done all changes in all games so far with it without windows game controller and everything worked.

Because my G25 isnt on i ll tell you a bit later (in about 10 hours from now when i ll put the wheel on!) of my exact settings.

does anyone have a problem with the iRacing forum or is it just me?It says

''Error 500: org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils''

edit:after Xaotik corrections
Last edited by sosna, .
S3 licensed
So far i raced 3 times with rookie Solstice@Laguna and scored 4th,3rd and 7th.Unfotunately my races werent incident free so my SR is at 2.58 but i m only active since 12/8 when i did the purchase.

My first impressions are exellent especially as for the ffb is concerned.I managed to hit 1.50 low repetedly in Laguna with rookie Solstice but what i found was that time at rookie level which im now isnt the main thing to watch.The rest of the field i raced with were more cautious and i only had one slight contact.

The incidents came cause i pushed more during races and that i should have done in practise session.The same happened of course and in time trials so no more pushing for the best time for me but gradually building speed.Many of u stated this but i had to found out myself!

I am astounished by the tracks i ve been to,Laguna and Skips so far.The details i get from my G25 are incredible and someone has to feel that so that he can appreciate the work has been done by iRacing devs.

As for the car handling,i found it more challenging and rewarding compering it with netKarPro and then LFS follows.

The web interface at first looks and feels a bit odd but after a couple of hours by using it i got the hang of it and seems preety easy and ''ergonomical''.

I have a lot to discover racing wise so I think i ll go for the annual subscription.

All in all i felt it to be more proffesional if this is the right word and needs more attention cause you re not playing but really simming,worthing every peenny imho.

I was amazed also from the depth of information in the web interface and this shows the job the ve done.

Sorry for the lengthy post.These are my fisrt impressions!

edit:the support of them when i need to change my name was instant so a big thumbs up for their attention and proffesionalism!(i know that we pay a lot and these behaviour is to be expected!,but their attitude made me decide easier for the annual subscription!).Off course the same i ve experienced so far both with LFS and netKarPro support!
Last edited by sosna, .
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :Yeah, I wrote my name when the payment, but theorically it was only necessary for validating the payment, they have no access to it.

I wrote the name on the credit card and afterwards i sent an email for my name to change.Everything was complete in 2 hours max.Also if anyone does this dont forget to log out from ur previous name and login with ur new.I didnt at first and i couldnt race cause the name in myRacing wasnt the same with the name beside the SR.
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Added. List has been hugely updated. If your not on there let me know.

after a name change im in too,Nasos Charalampou.
S3 licensed
Quote from Fetzo :you are OVER the limit if you lose the tail. it's way easier to control a oversteering situation (yes even while turning in to a corner) than actually push the car to it's limit and keep it there without overdriving it.

walther röhrl explains it in his book "Sportlich Auto fahren mit Walter Röhrl" roughly this way: Take a long stick and try balance it in you open hand. it's way easier to make big movements to counteract the falling over of the stick than to make minimal corrections (which barely can't be seen).

racing on the limit is like balancing such a stick without having to make big corrections.

he also said, that in the past days racing the rwds also had some extreme drift angles in even the fast corners, mostly because the speed was roughly the same in these cars when drifting with the rear far out(at least on gravel) as it where in a 4-wheel drifting, but also because it was more safer and easier to lose the griplevel and control the car in such a drift than having the danger, that the car regains grip on the rear axle in mid-corner.

that all changed with the quattro, obviously.

imho, every one should do what he/she wants. have fun with it, there are enough servers for racing, drag racing, cruising and drifiting out there.

the best way to get a better racer is to race. you can learn some car control in drifiting too, but it's very different from the actions you have to take in racing to catch a slide. you never want to have the rear stepping out that far in racing. you do that either just for fun or you are too drunk to catch it in time (mostly my excuse).

i think, one of the main reason, drifters like lfs so much is, that it is so easy to recover from wild slides. it's almost impossible to lose a street car or the GTRs in lfs. in other simulations, it's way more difficult.

Nicely said!

When i started playing LFS i almost the same time started drifting as well.These drift sessions i had helped me to understand more about my new G25 and of course allowed me to be more comfortable in over the limit situations.My throttle control went smoother and of course i could balance the car better than previous times.

Cause its a sim the whell is the part that tells us what is going on with tyre sound of course,so with a good whell control,racing was easier.At least for me drifting taught me quick about some basic stuff and with racing now i am finding out some details to improve.

Noone can deny that its a matter of preference and personal taste so they both -drifting and racing- are loved by me.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jarulf :
I just tend to use English in all the software i use.

I am doing the same thing.Never comfortable with greek in LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from Drunken Predator :The first post was far more reasonable, polite and nicely written than any of the replies. Keep up the good attitude!
Dont let the "we are here to say you suck because we dont think alike"
guys which this forum is loaded with to take ya down..
Being open minded is a good thing!

(i aint no drifter either.. but its fun to go sideways )

S3 licensed
S3 licensed
when racing needed cohones and the drivers could really be called men!
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Bitching and moaning ISN'T going to speed things up. Have patience and you never know, you might be rewarded.

I don't know when I'm going to get around to looking at such things again, and I obviously can't vouch for other people, though I'm shocked that it's actually been a year now since I first started toying with this. I want a week off work soon, to enjoy the summer and catch up with things like this, so who knows.

although many would hate me,are those two linked?

I mean enjoy summertime and recharge ur batteries for the new season thats about to start.

We waited till now,a bit more wouldnt make a difference at least for me.

sorry right-now-release-it-guys!
S3 licensed
Quote from Glenn67 :Did I

amazing vids!

also the crashes DejaVu posted was so scary!The safety nowdays is unbelievable -i recall Kubicas Montreal crash,that took my breath out for some moments-