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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I guess the host should stay at the top of the list...

I would say so, especially for dedicated servers.

Perhaps you could [colour code the controller type [W, M, Kn, Ks] for the host to be a different colour (wouldn't work with dedicated hosts)] make the background of the host name darker than the rest, if you want to sort it completely alphabetically, but I personally, would prefer the host to stay at the top.

Edit 2
Last edited by spiderbait90, . Reason : More info
S3 licensed
Quote from yeager :taking screen shots requires speed to avoid any delay whilst the game is running, dumping to a BMP only requires a dump of the image in memory, a JPEG would require compression of this image and therefore take longer.

Perhaps it could temporarily store it as a BMP, then convert to JPEG whilst the users car is not on track, but also having an option (in the CFG) to allow for BMPs to also be exported

Its something which would be nice to have, but it isn't (in my opinion) a priority.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tim NL :Yes , i have the same.
Limiting to 100FPS and no problem, when i set no limit ( 150-260 fps) it goes wrong with rolling in Shift-U mode.


Limited to 100FPS, no bug.

Unlimited (125'ish - 200) Bug.

The flickers aren't quite as intense as the youtube video that someone posted, but they are there none the less.
S3 licensed
Quote from Highharti :I got the XFR/UFR-Bug thingy:

It's the tyres.
Both cars can now use R1 tyres. That wasn't possible before the patch.
They were able to use R4 instead (what they can't do anymore).

That's why people using Z16 getting OOS errors as soon as someone joines the track on R4-Tyres...

And I would think that Pre-Z16 players would get an OOS when a Z16 player joins the track on R1 tyres?
S3 licensed
It doesn't matter how long you were over the speed limit, it's still breaking the law.

Its like saying "I only shot him once"... So? you still shot him.
S3 licensed
Im going to use my Business Management qualification here... I never thought I would need too.

Penetration Pricing. Start out with low prices, and gradually bring up the prices as you attract customers. The low price attracts customers and as you complete projects, you can add them to your portfolio, whilst slowly increasing the prices.

Another thing is to make sure that your own website looks nice. Potential customers could be put off if your own website, looks naff.
S3 licensed
Quote from spiderbait90 :I will believe it when I see it, or a dev confirms it.

I believe it now. And I must say that it looks really nice.

It would be nice if we could get confirmation on how much S3 is going to cost, so that we can 'top-up' our account funds.
S3 licensed
I will believe it when I see it, or a dev confirms it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jordan2007 :
Im on skype with Brt900 and hes telling me to write this crap, so ayyyyy!

Well don't.

You say that you can't earn respect... it's because your posts are full of shit, like that one [and every other one of your's in this thread for that matter].
S3 licensed
Solution - Don't Crash and get stuck.

Since the MRT is a real life car, I think its good that it hasn't got a reverse gear, like the real car.
S3 licensed
I hope Fisichella has a good weekend, would be a shame to see him go backwards after the last race. Especially since the car he has should be better than the Force India.
S3 licensed
So what you are saying, is that the Eurofighter is the 'Proton Wira of the Skies'.

I'd rather it wasn't.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :A cessna is not a Eurofighter though...

Compare like with like.

Driving a Proton (or similar hatchback) may be easy, but an F1 car, probably not so much.

Flying a Cessna (or similar aircraft) may be easy, but a Eurofighter, probably not so much.
S3 licensed
My birthday... 09/09/09.

I don't think anything will be released on that day, if that is what you are hinting at?
S3 licensed
Things that are great about this forum;

Occasionally there is a thread which has a decent amount of intellegance and thought put into it. This is not one of those threads.

Occasionally there are threads which don't turn into spam fests. This is not one of those threads.

There are alot of decent members on this forum, but some of us/them/me need to think before posting sometimes, as it can make the person look abit stupid.


The forum has a Scotland, England & Wales flag, as well as the generic 'GBR' one that most forums leave us with.


Off - Topic : Who is that in your avatar Takumi? She looks familiar for some reason
Last edited by spiderbait90, .
S3 licensed
Im sorry you think im a 'fanboy', but its not something I am going to loose sleep over.

I bought the game for what it already had, not what it would have in the future.

My post could have been worded better, and I appologise that you find it 'un-acceptable', but it looks ok in my eyes.

Games development takes a long time, and by the sounds of it, Scawen has re-written a few years worth of code. Maybe you should be encouraging him rather than asking a question which has been asked about 200 times already?, that's what im saying.

I am not 'ass licking', but they are giving this update for free [to S1 & S2 users], perhaps they should be getting a little more praise as apposed to the questions about development speed.

Im sure Scawen will release the patch as soon as it is ready, and tested and bug free. He isn't sitting here laughing at us bickering over it, lets face it, he isn't that mean.
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :I'm not getting impatient, really. I just cant understand why the fk it takes so long.

Sounds like impatience to me.

It takes so long because they want their product to be as good as it can be, wouldn't you? In real life, would you drive a car that was only half built properly, where they decided to miss out a few bolts so that it takes less time. No? You wouldn't.

If the speed of development bothers you, then go away and make your own game, rather than bitching about other people's.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Wow.... Nice haircut Kimi.....

Or rather, lack of.

A good race, the best of the season so far in my opinion. Nice to see an underdog up there.

They seem confident that they can do the same in Monza, but personally I don't think that they can. I will be pleased for them if they can, but I just don't see it happening.
S3 licensed
Where the hell did that pole position come from? Even if he has a lower fuel load than the rest of the top 10, still a great qualifying result for Fisichella.
S3 licensed
It has already been stated numerous times, that it is not possible to automate the system at this time. My guess would be that the licence system would need atleast a partial overhaul to automate the system.

I won't sign this, however if it happens, good for you guys, I hope you enjoy the ability to change your name.
S3 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :Mmm, I just downloaded the demo and I have no FFB on my G25, And I have UAC turned off

I think it only works with the full game patched to 1.02

S3 licensed
For people having problems with Logitech wheels not having force feedback, who cannot fix the problem using the registery fix, try disabling UAC.

Disabling UAC worked for my DFP.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Granted Fibre optics can handle stupidly high speeds, but good old fashioned copper wire should still be good enough for 40 - 50mbs (according to Ofcom)

Quote :In theory, copper wires could still achieve speeds of up to 50Mbps if an upstream modem is hosted in the exchange. However, in practice actual speeds would probably be far lower, as the quality of copper wiring varies considerably between households.


It could, but doesn't.

What they are saying is that in ideal conditions, with ideal equipment, 50Mbps is possible, but I highly doubt that anywhere has 'ideal' conditions.

To achieve the 50Mbps ofcom said that an 'upstream modem' would need to be installed for every street, which has not happened. ... -reach-50mbps-says-ofcom/
S3 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :Paying for 8mb only getting 6.5mb

If your area isn't on fibre optic cables then every ISP will be the same, copper phone lines aren't designed for the super high speeds which fibre optic cables can offer.
S3 licensed
It could be done just assigning pitboxes as you join the track, since it is difficult to determine who are teammates. For example.

Connection 1 : Pitbox #1
Connection 2 : Pitbox #2
Connection 16 : Pitbox #16
Connection 17 : Pitbox #1 [along with Connection 1]
Connection 18 : Pitbox #2
Connection 32: Pitbox #16

If there are more than 32 connections, whenver you spectate your Pitbox allocation go's to the next person who joins the track.

Of course, if this was implimented in a certain way, it could allow for server admins to manually allocate pit boxes via a command such as "/box 1 spiderbait90" or "/box 14 Lerts". Manual allocations would stick utill the user disconnects.

Implimentation this way would also allow legue admins to create a script to automatically set pitbox's for the teams participating in the legue, at each race, without needing to go through a long process of getting each driver to join the track in a certain sequence to get the drivers to the desired pitbox.

Of course, this feature should also be able to be disabled by server admins in my opinion.
Last edited by spiderbait90, . Reason : mistakes.... its been a long day