Because you've driven more km's right? Because of that you're ''super'' experienced? You're awfully confident about yourself, but then again... you are that G!nhore
Anyway, i'm not going to bet about such a stupid thing..
If you think you're a better driver, go ahead.. i don't really care. That comment was only ment as a ''joke'' in the first place.
Yeah could just be dirty, it's the same problem i'm having with my G25.
It seems like my socks always leave lots of dust on and in my pedals. I can feel it grinding against the pedals when i put my foot down.
I found the intro of this game of mine called ''Postal 2'' quite amusing.
(Note the highlighted area).
So that's how bad it can get.. and believe me, this game really is that bad.
That acoustic version is well done indeed.
Though this performance really made me scared, it's really bad, and kind of frightening. It really made me doubt if she actually is female, because of the screaming and the deep singing. ... eature=related&fmt=18
That's true, i've also heard about people experiencing errors with these transformation packs, however i haven't had any of those in the time i have mine installed.
If you see it like that.
I just think Vista is crap, except for the graphical side (and DX10).
Immediatly replaced it for XP when i got my new desktop, which is significantly faster and more reliable.
But i don't think i have to take that answer of you serious, coming from someone who just turned 14..