Filled mine up last week for £46, the highest it's ever been. Fortunately a tank of fuel lasts me three or four weeks as I only have a ten minute commute.
Nonetheless I can see how badly it affects those who have a long commute, and it's not going to get any better. What's going to happen is that as fuel costs escalate, it will gradually begin to affect our lifestyles.
We'll start living closer to where we work, and travelling less in general. Food produce should start to be produced locally for the supermarkets as the French do, rather than trucking it all to a central distribution centre, then trucking it back out again all over the country.
I once read that since the fifties, we've been having one big oil party - cheap, convenient energy that we're getting drunk on with large cars, driving longer distances, flying abroad for holidays, filling our homes with cheap consumer goods that consume cheap energy, building things from cheap plastics and transporting things from China where the labour is cheap and the shipping fuel oil is cheap... etc etc.
And it's all going to start to change, and it'll be like we're suffering the hangover the morning after. Not because the oil is running out (yet) but because the demand has shot up so much from places like India and China.
Nonetheless, 1 in 8 barrels of oil produced globally ends up in the fuel tank of an American motorist. Time to ditch the V8s, guys.