Yeah the jagged bits pee'd me off a bit to say the least as I have everything maxed!
I've just figured it out though...0 degree camera roll looks great, 25ish + looks smooth, but inbetween, especially about 4-5 degree's of camera roll, which I used here, looks like a ruddy staircase
I'll retake the shot with zero roll and tweak in Photoshop instead (well, Gimp on this PC)
This had me tearing me hair out for a bit too, then, typically, realised it's really easy, at least at a basic level (tho this may not be the 'right' way to do it :shrug
I just:
Click on camera so it's pink
Object>Transform>Move on Axis
I used the Global XYZ as they seemed simplest to visualise
Object>Transform>Rotate on Axis
I used Local XYZ for this as then camera stays in same place
Same applies to moving cars, this was my first attempt at changing the scene (so it's very basic!...and it's that skin you love too...)
Cheers Might retake it with different skin, most of my skins are 'road car' skins through preference but I've made a fair few race ones.
Hmm...I'll have a think, still like the 'impromptu' look of road cars racing.
Smoke, not so sure, don't want it to become a drifting pic...a bit sideways on this bend but don't want to look like I've been spinning the wheels all the way, it's a race