Too entertaining for me, I would have been better off commentating...
Sorry to Mr Ikzra(Spelling of your name?), my attention was on Nogiec after his spin, and when I noticed you making a move, I was too slow in "telling" you to abandon your overtaking move and both of us went off-road
On Saturday, I ran another test, just before the GTAL race. I got about 3% packet loss, that seemed alright, and it was indeed running smooth.
But come Sunday evening, when being on the Kyoto 250 server, I had about 4 disconnects, before I finally went to the router and re-plugged it with rage.
At least it worked again without problems, but because I was in a hurry, I couldn't test that time.
Still can't locate the problem, it's as you say, maybe heavy traffic.
As for the idea that the router may be broken, wouldn't it be rather 50-50, it either works fine or doesn't work at all?