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Where can I find good leagues for the xfr
S3 licensed
Seriously it makes me upset driving anything else in this game these days....

S3 licensed
ok i turned down the ffb settings on the g25...LFS is good again.
So I started doing the Iracing thingy...
S3 licensed
Hey guys just needed some help here. So I started playing iracing, you know that damn service you have to spend your life savings on. Well now that I have been racing on there, LFS is nearly impossible to get a hold of again.

I'm so hooked on the tire model on iracing that lfs just seems to damn slippery now.....I just don't feel that snappy rubber grip feeling I get in iracing...

and ya at higher speeds it looses grip as in lfs, but at slower cornering speeds this iracing cant be beat!

lfs love forever
S3 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Also sharing your S2 account is ilegal and against EULA

not sharing....just testing on a great computer

i think ill have to install itunes than usb share my 3g connection on the iphone to register it...

after ill just undo it

that is if they let me..
radom question.........about unlocking - offline
S3 licensed
haven't posted in forever but had a quick question...

so my local electronics super store has a great g27 setup with everything for i went there the other day to load up live for speed s2 and well as i know you have to activate online and this computer not having one kinda sucked cause i could only play as the slow everyone else there just wanted to play that arcade off road racing game that makes me barf...

so ya is there anyway i can transfer my account over to that computer so i could play as a fast cause and wow the crowds with my awesome driving abilities?

i dont think there is but oh well ill ask anyway.
S3 licensed
Quote from gohfeld23 :It's LA so...first gear and hard on the brake :P

thank you!
S3 licensed
you have tried the games netkar and iracing...

well you guys have a better game hands down...but they have the upper hand on the traction..

i dont know shit really...except that i have driving over 100k miles in los angeles and know how a car acts lol....

not saying make your game like theirs, but im just saying they have great ****ing ideas..

let me beta test for you the man yo
drinking and lfs drinking....
S3 licensed
lol the title was suppose to be drinking and lfs driving lol....

yay or nay?

i mean come on....we know this is a sim....and we know we love drinking...

on the other makes me drive too aggressive in this game...

maybe not such a great idea..

lol at least i get my kicks here and not in real life!
two simple yet complex questions
S3 licensed
pardon me....

but is there ANY chance we might get a ghost car type of mode.....only saying this because thats the #1 way I can beat my best times and it's fun as all hell......thank the guy that made that one there any way that I could use my nifty shifter with the xfgtr...that would be really fun if I could....but i dont think it's possible

thanks guys

S3 licensed
Quote from STF :What about this one?

S3 licensed
Quote from AstroBoy :If you've done it so often, why not learn from your mistake?
I might be thinking outside the box here though.

you know that saying easier said then done.....that about says it all lol...

i can race very well on that track and go pretty long races without flipping my car...but there are those other times where I'm a bit off and it just pisses me off lol.....

but yes im not giving up....lfs till i die
S3 licensed
Quote from z-ro 8 :change the rebound in yer set

details please
S3 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :lol shutup, everyone knows that FE kerbs in FWD and FXR are deadly, deal with it and don't hit the kurbs like everyone else does.

bla bla bla you are no help.....

i can vent when i want to man!

Quote from RasmusL :Some tracks do.. Monza has already been mentioned as one.

and do they flip cars like lfs when a driver makes a minor error?

that would suck
S3 licensed
Quote from th84 :ummmmm, stay off the curbs.

BAM! Problem solved.

but they are part of my racing line
S3 licensed
Quote from dadge :maybe they're like that to stop people cutting corners. seen the curbs at monza?

not sure about any pictures?
S3 licensed
Quote from oldnavy :you have to cut corner on curb but in other way, for most of drivers its not problem to cut and where is photo with you on 2 wheels there you realy shouldnt cut anymore this curb is just too high to cut other ones are okay

yeah but in real racing do they have curbs that are too high to cut as well?
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :

Might change with the new tire physics.

i hope so......all i figure they have to do is make the curbs a little bit smoother....or at least some of them..

i guess we will have to see..
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Don't blame the curbs, blame your driving style. You know you flip all the time, so take the corner different, jeez.

haven't you seen races on tv? i mean im sure you have....dont you see those guys hugging the corners?

why cant i do that without worrying about flipping?
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :It looks like FE Club for me

yes my bad lol
!!!!!!!! F@*@*@ing curbs!!!!
S3 licensed
How many times do I have to race FE Club and hit those freakin curbs and flip my XFR!!!

agggg it's sooo annoying when I'm not all on my game and keep on misjudging the freakin turn by a hair....this always results in the flipping of my car!

come on many times have we seen in a race when a driver is taking the turn real close to the curb and he flips it for hitting the curb a bit hard.....NONE!!

lol lfs is the best game on earth yes...but these curbs have to be a little bit more forgiving!!!!!

i could understand if my springs were like a rock but come on now....
Last edited by theblackrabbi, .
S3 licensed
one might think a mod like this might get implemented in the game!

i for one think it's the best mod ever for this game by far......i was a strong supporter back in the day and I really hope we can see this again soon!

bring back the ghost car!
hey hey hey
S3 licensed
I just found the OG version of the first NFS That game was one of the first great 3d racing games I can remember from so so long ago...being 28 this is the stuff I remember
vJoin the "We're glad LFS is harder and more realistic now" club...
S3 licensed
When the car stops feeling like it's on ice then I'll be happy it's a great game...but compared to older ones the traction just isn't there anymore...doesn't seem to really bite when I get into spins or stuff like that....and im talking about gravel here...anyone else sometimes feel that way as well?
hey hey hey
S3 licensed
I haven't posted here in a long while but hey here it goes!!!!

LFS is customizable, we just dont care about how shit looks....we care about how it drives and how to set the car up...what lfs doesn't have in the Mods department it makes up with great physics as well as that track racing feeling.

hey hell **** it why not just have those neon lights on the undercarridge, that shit would be tight...just like on NFS!!! We could even put the strobes and shit to blind the drivers ahead of us!!!

Hey wait it would be so cool if you could change into a plane, or maybe they would have an alternate route on south city and you can like change into a jet ski and beat everyone by water...or hey how about you can change into animals, like a squirrle?"
S3 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :Correct, fun was removed from LFS ages ago. It's just realism now. Serious business.

J/K. You can still play demo LFS in multiplayer online. Each person needs to register a game account to get online though. This was introduced in patch Z to bring the demo and licenced community together and to make players more accountable in demo servers.

hey ok so what I'm thinking now is that if I tell my buddies to download the game...then they have to go to this site and register a free name so they can play online for free right?