It feels very good in many ways and I would say that if it wasn't for live for speed it could very well take top spot. But yes in a way it is a little bit too game-ish and not as LFS is a simulator. I would have to say it's cool driving a Ferrari or another super sports car cause you get the cocpit and sounds like the real thing so thats cool. Also the cars feel more like rubber to asfault, sure LFS has improved on this, but you know how it can slide a tad bit to much sometimes. illepall I guess I have been playing too much of this game to really take time to learn and enjoy other computer games.......I already posted this in the general forum, but has anyone played the "arcade" game ferarri 355 challenge. Now thats a game to compare the rest with Like I said it's in the general racing talk thing that I posted this so I dont have get into the details here, all I can say is check it out at your local gameworks or arcade if that have it
Yeah it's nice to know people have apprechiated it besides me. I guess I can say I never raced a real ferarri before, but I would have to say from my own experience that nothing even in computer games comes to the feeling you get with that game...Just imagine crazy me playing that game all night for like 7 weeks till I mastered it. I guess to really know what it's about you have to play it as much as you do LFS or something like that But hey I say this, anyone that gets best times remember them and post them on here I just had this obsesion with beating all the times on there and was curious how other people did too
But another thing is after playing LFS so long as I said it was so much easier to understand the fundamentals of racing, then I would say after playing the ferarri one as much as I did I really got a better feel of LFS too. Both great games, It's almost 9am over here and I still have yet to get sleep, but these darn LFS races are just too much fun Thank you for this game!
Has anyone played this arcade game? It's the most amazing racing game hands down ever made. It's like 10 years old or more but damn the physics are so on and it feels like nothing else that I have ever played. I say this cause I spent the last 6 weeks mastering it and damn if you played it you know how hard it is. If you haven't played it it's a one player game where you race a Ferrari 355 on like 7 differnet tracks. There is novice mode for the girly men and intermetite where you use the paddle shifters, or the simulator mode which is run with the clutch and a 6 speed gear box.
So my question was has anyone played this and what did they think of it?
Dont get me wrong I sucked at the game until I started playing LFS a bunch and LFS thought me what I needed to know about racing to apply to that game (also helped me get 3 tickets in 3 months my fault., so I'm not baggin on LFS It's just you know how you want the tires to respoond to the road and stick a certain way, kinda like LFS but it really grips in real it's a rush thats all I can say..
One last thing if you want to check it out I do believe it's at every gameworks arcade, so thats one place to check if you live around one. All I'm saying is if you live for speed you got to check this one out Thanks for bearing with me and reading this, take care yallz
Hey guys I didn't say it was the most amazing thing in the world it just made me laugh at what people will do to win is all. And it just got me into thinking that something like that is alright to do in that situation Maybe I was the only one that found it amusing
Kay I'm going to try and post this multilayer replay. Now the race was excellent with the xfr cars on Westhill. We raced 10 laps and it was super. So what I'm trying to get at is if you go to the last lap, if you have the time and all then about 1:30 into the 10th lap I was catching up to the leader, and right as I was going to pass him for the lead he tried to ...use his move. So I came up with my move that you will see in the movie. Now I'm not complaining about that person, I could care less I just think it was a funny way to end a great race, at least for me
PS, I thought I did the right thing by not crashing into the grass, but i drove defensively what do you think?
last thing, i never do this i rarly hit people and if I do it's cause i have to use the phucking mouse and not my wheel
I'm name dropping because I felt like maybe they would get the picture and play like real people It just got me so mad that this happend in one of my first races after a while, and I don't believe anyone should get away with it. Sorry if I offended anyone by dropping names in the first place, but it just really pissed me off to hell.
Hi I haven't played this game in a month now, so I'm getting back into it. I love it as always but I had a very bad experience against 3 players. As soon as I mentioned I was from the USA the started hating against me, saying F the US, F me, and then on the first race crashed me right away.
I'm not sure if the LFS community is as great as everyone says now, and I just might go on to play more Rfactor because of these 3 people, Metal Headshot, Campos_MIC (Marcio Campos, and gsbr ([VTA]GR-R)
Thanks guys for killing my experience. I'm not whining but this is baby shit. They booted me for no reason after, so this just adds to my frustration a bit, especially since in trying to get back into the game I loved not too long ago. illepall
I have been playing sim racing games since I was like 8 and now that I have my license for 10 years I can say I have a major problem with speeding/racing on the street. It's like when I play this game and then go drive I feel like a racer just because of all the practice I have had on the game.
Now there is a difference between me and some **** that goes out and kills somebody. I know my limits and I know exactly how to drive my car without loosing control. I keep my limits high yes, but I still know how to drive without endangering those around me.
Those people have no sense in what they are doing, and they are the ones you always see getting into accidents and killing people.
Don't take what I'm saying and make me seem like one of them, all I'm saying is that I can see how people want to drive fast after playing the games.
Until now I thought everyone had it, so thats why I was asking. maybe it's a california thing, or something, because all my old friends from school have it, and some co-workers, I really thought more people had it by now.
I wasn't asking people what they thought about my post, but if they had myspace, I guess not that many people do ,and that's cool I guess, whatever floats your boat. I just find it a good way of keeping up on friends that live out of state, or country for that matter, or ones I dont have time to normaly see.
The physics in Rfactor I believe are more real life then LFS is. People say that cars just don't straighten out like they do, but all I can say is we have been playing too much live for speed. When I drive my car and try to get it sideways, there is always a point where the car snaps back into place, or just keeps on spinning. Why doesn't live for speed have this effect? I was watching some dudes drifting video from lfs and I could say it looks way too easy, and the cars tires never catch a real edge like they do in Rfactor. I mean it's like driving on rain, and the cars just keep on sliding and sliding, and the only way to get them back the right way is to forcefully turn the wheel in some way to make it straighten out again....Dont you think that the cars should be able to correct themselves from all that rubber in contract with the street, or do you think they should just keep on sliding around till you make them stick again.
Is this confusing the way I'm saying it? I mean people just go off on Rfactor drifting, but when you look at the video from Rfactor, and then live for speed, and then a real life drifting video, you can really tell that Rfactor looks way more realistic. And then try drifting on Rfactor and it's impossible, not like the 2 first minutes on lfs when I did my first drift.
I hope in the next live for speed you can feel the effect of the cars catching the ground at some point, just like they do in real life.
Keep in mind I love live for speed, but rfactor just takes more work, and certainly isn't anything like live for speed.
How is this too spammy? I like myspace to keep track of people, and stuff, I think it's interesting to see what's up with other people like that, so how is this too spammy? Anyways it would be cool to have LFS friends on there
but come on it's just a game....I think people can be very rude with kicking too. I mean mistakes happen for gods sake, and people should learn to deal with it
I know this is off topic, but check this video out cause I'm just wondering what you guys think of it. I think it looks pretty damn close to life. I have tried on LFS and it's great, just wondered what other people thought.
I just find LFS FF to be the easiest to communicated with, if that makes sense. You feel the wheel go this way, you turn the other way, then you correct. Maybe i have been playing this game too much, but it seems to have the most direct feel of any other game I have played. I used to think it felt like a real car, and still do kinda, but now I just think it's the easiest FF to use in a game. Not saying it's a baby game, but the feeling I get while driving just tells me exactly what to do, and doesn't leave me with a million other things to worry about.
It's so simple, but at the same time so much fun, and challenging that it makes it my choice over RF or GTR.. The only thing I love about those games is that I can feel the car on the pavement more so then I can with LFS. But the FF is much harder to get a feel on, and takes much more patience to get it just right.
Then play that game for 10 minutes to an hour, whatever makes you makes you hate it more......
Then go back and play Live for Speed, it's that easy!
I just tried that and it works. That game is so bad, when I come back to Live for Speed the physics and FF just blows my mind.........not saying I was bored of this game after 5 months of playing on my free time, but man after trying something else you really do appreciate the work that was put into making a real driving simulator.