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You know I really should have waited to hear that from you cause when I got there I was only able to beat 2 1st place finishes on Sim mode, sugo and long beach i believe...i was going to go on a rampage cause the damn thing wouldn't shift into 5 sometimes, then when I told the guy he gave me the run around with, well there are 3 different modes, stick, paddle and auto, i was going to kick him in the balls.......
i told them what was up and that next time it better be working perfectly, or there would be consequences!
S3 licensed
Quote from Panda :ill be at ontario mills friday, havent played f355 in awhile, hope i can set my monza time again.

yo are the machines working over there? just because I been to the gameworks in long beach and the it wasn't shifting with the stick correctly....then I came back after I made them fix it and slaugtered all the pbs over there by 3-5 seconds, but still haven't been to onterio mills...going there in a little bit from 9-12 for 10 bucks so I can finish off the pbs over there what a hard life it all i need is bud....hehehehehehehehhehehehehe
S3 licensed
Scawen? Never heard of him. Happy birthday anyway, whoever you may be
Wait - I know who Scawen is, sheesh. He's the guy that painted my bathroom last year. Short guy, about 60, West African. Has nine kids, one thumb and a Volvo. Really nice chap.


DUDE I"M Scawen so please get it right, thank you for the happy birthday anyway
S3 licensed
Okay well not that any of you really care, but heres the update......okay so I'm on hour 22 of my LFS journey and I have discovered something that amazed me.....check my stats you can see how long I have been playing...and the entire time I just wasn't getting as good as I wanted to forward to a little while ago...I have always been using the throttle brake center reduction at a setting of 1, not really thinking I should have it on anything else, and that was like over a year today I changed it to 0 and damn I have been beating my PBs and going like twice as fast as ever and I love it As I said this isn't something everyone is going to care for cause they probably already know it.......anyways yeah still going on LFS, already have over 1200 miles or 2011 kilometers......i believe I have a probably and I said in my other post need help....So anyone that doesn't have S2 has to buy it cause it's great, and then you can play for over a day straight like me and go crazy!
how many laps..........
S3 licensed
K heres another post I'm just going at it today.......I was wondering how many miles people have driven in one days period on LFS....the only reason I ask is because I just looked at mine and it says 810 so far today, not counting the 200 of so from the previous night....yeah I live for speed and I'm feeling it right now....
PS got a server up if anyone cares for some xfr/ufr AS NAT REV action...
come check it out! Team *RSX* Racing
S3 licensed
Hey come on now don't get offended I think us wheel users are just saying that well hmmmm....since it's a car simulator and not just any old game that people should think about the realism of a mouse compared to a wheel.....and how us wheel users hate to think we are being beaten by somebody just moving a mouse or tapping a keyboard.....You do whatever you want, if you can't afford it I'm sure I understand, but it's not that much more then the game it self......Okay enough, I love everyone no matter what they use. Peace
S3 licensed
Quote from George Kuyumji :Screw all driving Aids, Keyboard, Mouse or Joystick controls. A Steering Wheel should be the only thing able to control a car in a real driving Simulation. Maybe we will reach that point in Simulations in 2007 with iRacing. Until than Arcade Racers will remain in Simulations.

I'm with you my steering wheel brother....anyone that enjoys this game should get one as soon as they can, or risk being labeled, well I will not say the word but come on this game deserves it more then any other, without one whats the point? I mean don't you have to feel the feedback in a track, or actually turn something, rather then just blablabla mousy mouse, or keying Mr keyboard. I can understand if you are a demo racer, but if you are going to spend money on S2 you might as well spend a little bit more, maybe twice as much for a wheel, like the one I have, which I hear isn't the greatest but man let me tell you after 15 hours straight on this game with the black momo man it makes me hurt, maybe cause i set the settings too high perhaps. It also builds muscle, so you don't have to go to the gym.......hmmmm okay it's just good period, I'm going too long here... ... x/Logitech_MOMO_Force.htm
Last edited by theblackrabbi, .
S3 licensed
Yeah I'm good with computers and that Jazz so I figured as much.....Just wanted a second opinion...........

okay im going to list some config settings in cfg that maybe somebody can help me with understanding better.........

Thr Brk Rate 4.00

Steer Look Reduce 0.10

Flip 1
Config 2
Combined Non Linear 0.25

thats about it....i have ideas on what they mean, just needed to make sure after this I'm good
S3 licensed
But My next question is and I looked and now I'm really too tired after over 500 miles of this game, and it's 10:30 am no sleep....sorry.....i was just wondering if there is something where you could edit any option you wanted in the cfg file while playing Part of me thinks not, but I have to ask.
Advanced Config.............
S3 licensed
It's late/I'm tired so I haven't searched for hours trying to figure this one out....But here's my question....I just found out a way to change the force feedback sensitivity in the config file, so I was wondering what other settings in the config file that don't seem so obvious are worth changing, or atleast checking out, as in things you cant do in the game if you know what i mean....example- I changed the Car Shine, and the FF Steps-just found out how to do that :0) there anywhere that says what every option does in the config file, I looked a bit and couldn't find that
S3 licensed
Thats funny cause I was thinking about that exact thing and was going to post it, then of course through searching found this Anyways it's not that I have a thing against people using keyboard, mouse or game pad, but when I'm braking my balls having to turn this bee-atch for 20 minutes...i would just like to think maybe everyone is too People can play how they want, I just agree, because I would love to have a server, not all servers, but just like he said one that everyone is using a wheel Don't hate mouse/keyboard/game pad players
S3 licensed
[quote=hugoluis;125618]I make a texture pack with light textures of cars (by Hugo - me) and new interior (by Boris Lozac) and momo wheel (by Boris Lozac)

Look this examples, its very cool:

The brake lights look like my car but I dont think I'll be needing them for the game
S3 licensed
Yeah thats why I wish, I don't think it would be possible but wasn't sure. And well what can I say I studied German and Spanish in school for many years, but unfortunately did not learn that great a deal of either
Automatic Language Translation
S3 licensed
I know this is probably not in the list of things to do, but it would be so great if lets say I was in a race with a bunch of people speaking German, me being English, if the program could translate a list of languages into I said I don't even think that it's possible but I wish it was.
How young were you when you played your first computer racing game?
S3 licensed
Another question for you guys. Just wondering as it says above, how young were you when you first played a computer/arcade racing game, well computer more like it.......
For me I'm guessing it was around 6 or 7 when we had one of the first macs and I remember having this game where you race a Ferrari around. Ofcourse it was utter %^%^&$#@ but it's like I can still remember the feeling I got playing that game........probably why I still get this feeling inside everytime I race online, or something like that
S3 licensed
Random story on how I love my driving games.......When I was 13 years old, so 13 years ago wow, I went to Las Vegas with my dad for something or another. Well while he was out doing his thing he hooked me up with an all day pass to this arcade so I would have something to do. Well I don't know if anyone has played that 8 player Sim Indy 500, where you can select either Indy 500, Bayside, or Highland Raceway. So the point of this is that I spent probably 10 hours on that game and by the time I was done I beat all the employee's hotlaps and they wanted me to stay and bet money to race them, and this was at 13 years old... ....I just have always been obsessed with racing and cars in general, I'm sure there are others just like me, especially here.....on a positive note I never got into any accidents in the 10 years I have been driving hard and fast as hell - lots of tickets but hey it was worth it man
of course I cant say I can handle a real life race car but I could say that I have the feeling once I get used to driving one after a while I could be pretty damn good.....but I know there is allot more that goes into that
S3 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :I used to drive a bit to much LFS but not anymore so I can safely say i think you gotta get bored of these games, I don't mean just scrap them as LFS is to good for that.

Watch out for your eyes giving up on you, staring at screens all day is the worst thing about playing to many games....:Eyecrazy:

Well I work on computers, atleast I did so I'm all too used to staring into a screen 24/7....just with LFS I'm finally starting to get the feel of setups, and how to make them work, and now it's more addicting.....when I find a job which will be hopefully soon I'll have to bring the laptop to work so I can play it there too
just a lil reply for friend
S3 licensed
Quote from CSU1 :no...noone round here likes driving cars...yiu must have gone into the wrong forum dude....
Ps: thats one really informative thread title dude
pps: Are you a real doctor dude?

Informative, just wait till I come back from the arcade with my copied down PB's....I wiped everyone else off the board with style, and were talking about a lfs type game here my friend.............Dude by the way no I'm not a doctor but if you know one let me know cause my body is starting to Kill from all the driving
Random Question [addicted to driving]
S3 licensed
Is anyone else on here addicted to driving video games/real driving, as in can do it all day always have a good time, and can't get enough. It just seems like I think I should go to driving rehab, cause for the last 14 hours straight I was in the arcade for 7 hours playing 2 great racing games - Ferrari 355 Challenge and the Indy 500 game-Bayside street track rocks! Then I got home and played live for speed for another 7 hours or so straight......can somebody please help me i really don't know what to do......PS after I write this I'm going to take a cruise in my car and drive with superiority!
S3 licensed
Being as I'm always on the computer and when I'm on I play live for speed so I cant listen to music while driving, its too distracting.....but last song was a live set from Mauro Picotto....he is a techno DJ from italy I believe....if anyone wants some drive fast/die young music for their car check him out Wink
S3 licensed
Well I went and played that game again all night, well because all you do is pay 10 bucks for 7 hours And I forgot the write the best times down, but if anyone gets a chance to play it remember this....when you select the type of race you want, select driving-thats just time trial mode, and then before you select it hold down all the assists and start buttons on your right....then you can race against some crazy ass perfect ghost car called am2, don't know what it stands for but the car does perfect laps and it's impossible to beat..well not impossible cause i beat it on the long beach GP track, i was happier then a pig in shit
S3 licensed
Quote from Panda :ill be at ontario mills friday, havent played f355 in awhile, hope i can set my monza time again.

Well when I go tonight in Auburn Hills MI. I'm going to play that %#% from 7pm-2am for only 10 bucks all night, and I'm going to write down all my scores so remember any of the good ones you have. Yeah I went there last night too and played it, and beat the Monza PB I set before, I'll let you know what it is.
speaking of los angeles
S3 licensed
Yeah I'll be back in Los Angeles and I'm going to #$&#$% raid the machines over at the gameworks in ontario mills and long beach and get the high scores Dude you have to go it's in your LFS blood. Just don't do what I do and stand around giving people pointers on racing and braking points ect...they start to get mad I when you tell them to stay and watch you, oh well, not everyone plays that game for 6 hours straight

As far as the games I was on it wasn't networked so you couldn't play linked 2 players, but nobody was anywhere near me so it didn't matter. Went there tonight and beat the last 3 best times at simulator and simulator race against computer best 3 laps, then left cause i was bored with it after beating it all Now if I could only beat everyone at LFS
S3 licensed
Quote from TiJay :Remember this when it was in the local bowling alley. It was the two-player two-screen version, can't remember the shifters but it was bloody good fun! The speakers mounted in the chair was a good idea too (which Outrun 2 didn't continue so that had crappy screen-mounted ones )

I'm sure I'm going to seem like I wanna have sex with this game the amount I talk about it but......Yeah I do know of that version you are talking about, becuase the ones with 3 screens are not multi which sucks, then again 99% of people that play it can finish a lap without mowing the entire grass area or something....I wish I tried that 2 player too I'm sure it would have been a blast. That game just gets even better the more you understand it. We should all get best times out of our local one and compare Okay now I have to go back and play LFS for the 10 hour today....Hi I'm Nick and I'm a LFS addict
My baby 2003 Acura RSX Type-S :)
S3 licensed
This is amazing except that when I took it out in a bunch of parking lots to drive LFS style I messed the shocks up so when I corner I get allot of body roll in the front But still I believe one of the best cars on the market. 6 Speed 200hp which isn't a monster amount of power, but if you drive it right it's really perfect with front wheel drive and all. I know one damn thing is one of the things I love doing after playing this game for hours is go on the streets and drive Not that I drive dangerously, but the amount of control I have is just amazing after practicing online Other then that I lowered it, probably a little bit too much for where i live, and it has a straight pipe exhaust, one muffler so it's loud as hell, so people always know I'm comming and I have a cold air intake. It's a fun car, kinda reminds me of the XFR I think thats why I'm always playing on servers that are hosting that car

http://liveforspeed6969.spaces ... otoAlbum&_c02_owner=1

Just one picture of it after I blacked out the tail lights, I think it looks pretty cool with it for shizzy!