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S2 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :Just a hunch here but it might be SLIGHTLY easier to kill many people in a short space of time with a gun, rather than a knife. You don't even have to be near them! Its brilliant!

Oh so that's why Americans aren't all saying '**** it you can have our guns, we've still got knives which are just as good at indiscriminate killing'.
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :The U.S also deems it necessary to lock away a much larger percentage of its population than any other country. Is this because guns have stopped them committing crimes?

No it's because they freed their slaves so that's the only way they can get the country's black men to do forced labour now.
S2 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :If we were to do something stupid like follow Europes's example, I highly doubt the gang bangers in my neighborhood will comply.
In fact, it would be the green light they've been waiting for.
These anti-gun types don't have a clue about living like that. In fact, they need to stay where they are at and keep up the arm chair quarterbacking. Cause if they were to make the mistake of venturing out into my neck of the woods, they'd get one hell of a wake-up call.

Why do you think there are no-go areas in the USA where armed gangs are a threat?

We have a few rough inner city areas in the UK where - frankly - you wouldn't want to go out at night, but there are very few guns in circulation among those gangs. Why? Because there are very few guns in the UK at all.

You don't seem to appreciate that all private gun ownership does is escalate the problem. Unless you don't see people getting shot as being a problem.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :He's just bought Samba for £12.5M and is paying him £100k a week

He really rates Samba, he was trying to sign him at Tottenham for ages. To be fair Chelsea were after him too for a while, it's probably not a bad bit of business - yes the wages are high but that's what he'd get anywhere else.
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Please inform us which war was fought and won without guns.

Incidentally every war that was won with guns was also lost with guns, by the other side. Wars may be fought with guns but they are won with money.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :It's actually getting me to pick up the first two games to see what the series is all about.

I haven't played Crysis 2 but the first one is a lot like the original Far Cry. The first half is really entertaining then suddenly it turns to shit when they introduce a variety of crap baddies.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Faderhead - TZDV
I would do terrible, illegal things to pretty much every girl in this music video.

God damn.

Sounds a bit like Pop Will Eat Itself if they were shit.
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :Getting weapons will always be easy for criminals its what they do. The only thing gun laws can do is make it more difficult for people who follow laws to protect themselves against people who don't.

This argument is conveniently supported by the fact that as soon as a law-abiding person murders someone they become a 'criminal'.

And what proportion of guns used in criminal acts are stolen from homes where they were legally owned?

Getting guns in the UK isn't easy. Because they're relatively scarce they are very expensive even if you know where to get them, and ammunition is similarly expensive. Yes you get the occasional armed gang member but most aren't. Most 'guns' used in armed robberies are replicas, and most of those that are real guns are stolen legally-owned shotguns.

Outlawing private gun ownership does work.
S2 licensed
The prem will be a poorer place without him.
S2 licensed
Yeah when I first moved to the USA I wasn't old enough to drink there, which was weird. Fortunately thanks to my job, pretty much every club I ever went in gave me free booze.
S2 licensed
The most snow I've ever seen was in NJ in 1996. We were snowed in at our house in Belmar for three days with nothing to entertain ourselves but six bottles of schnapps and two sheets of LSD.

When our landlord eventually dug us out (we didn't try very hard to dig ourselves out) we went for a walk down to the beach and all the single-storey homes like ours had disappeared under snow drifts. Really neat.
S2 licensed
Is that because the Swiss are all perfectly square?

Go Murray!
S2 licensed
Quote from flymike91 : ... p;list=PL97003FBB99FAFACB

America's disgrace in the 1992 LA riots is the best example of how the government cannot protect you, and will not protect you in the event of a real outbreak of mass violence. Is there any reason to believe this kind of civil unrest cannot happen again?

Are you old enough to remember that event? You seem to have a pretty weird attitude towards it.
S2 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Ewwww, you're one of those scumbags who doesn't clear his car of snow before setting off.

I had fun doing it this morning with my dog on the lead jumping up to eat the snow the whole time. A passing neighbour offered to take the lead while I finished clearing the car so I cheekily took him up on the offer knowing that my bozo dog would then just jump up to play with the lead, so I got treated to a few minutes of watching this geezer trying not to get flattened by a flying dog that he can't let go of, pure entertainment.
S2 licensed
There is some white dust floating around outside. Should I start panicking yet?
S2 licensed
Yeah a wheel won't make you faster, sadly. I had the same experience, although I never got a Gxx.
S2 licensed
Some cheap Ford thing.

An over-powered Seven.

Leave the rest of the space for doing donuts.
S2 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :Dishonored, great game.

Yeah I enjoyed Dishonored. It was a bit too easy and the plot was pathetic but the gameplay in general was well thought out.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :It's more about the sitting position rather than the material you're sitting on. I can sit for hours in the M3's bucket seat with a large amount of comfort, whereas I can't sit for hours in some cars because the seats have a horrible design.

Yarr I remember the Corsas in the late '90s were terrible for me, gave me really bad lower back pain after about half an hour.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Look, IMO messi is a great player no doubt. But I think he is nothing without Barcelona. You put Messi with say Atletico Madrid and put Falcao at Barca. And maybe we'd be saying differently.

Look at how Messi performed for Argentina last year.

All the best players end up at great teams. Nobody ever said Platini didn't deserve his awards because he didn't play his whole career for Barnet.
S2 licensed
I think it's nifty. Before, people could only tell you were a bell end when you got out of the car.
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :"I'm an amendment to be,
Yes, an amendment to be,
And I'm hoping that they'll ratify me"

That spoof educational film from The Simpsons is brilliant.

I haven't seen it but was it a parody of School House Rock's "I'm Just A Bill"?

Quote from flymike91 :Its unconstitutional. The second amendment was not added primarily for personal protection, and so banning weapons because they don't fit into that restrictive purpose doesn't take into account the intent of the amendment which was to keep and bear arms in order to protect the State. Pistols are not so useful in that role anymore.

Didn't we already establish that assault rifles are just as effective as pistols against tanks and jets? Why are you still trotting out that stupid argument?
S2 licensed
I'll be disappointed if Zaha ends up at United. He should really be at Arsenal.