I started this thread, I shouldn't have, I wish I didn't, and I wish I could close the thread.
Some people have a very blinkered view, other don't have a view and form opinions on what other say....
Some poeple race happily for months on FM servers, even years, then do something really stupid, get banned and start pointing the finger at FM community insulting them....
This thread was meant for honest opinion, I got a few, but it has simply turned into a flame-a-thon..... It needs to be closed ASAP....
I hope the LFS community now has the inteeligence to leave this thread alone, eveyone who has a problem, just let it lie, everyone who has read something bad AND NOW FORMED AN OPINION as I read in one thread, should goto the FM servers and actully try it yourself, you will probably be pleasently surprised!!!!
I would like to apologise to everyone for starting this thread, but it goes to show that some people can't form their own opinion, and some people can't understand others.
FM is a great team, and a fantastic community to be part of, most of the time, we have a great laugh and fun races.
Once again,
Thank you