also some very weird ffb. sometimes it feels like it's not there and then suddenly all force turning the wheel left. it's pretty much unplayable atm...
i tried with a saturation of 15% and linearity 0% with a rotation of 360° in the profiler. that seemed to work until i restarted the game...
I lost my faith in you TVE when you were the first to disappear into the bed around midnight on saturday... After all the talk about getting loaded the day before
Anyway, big THANK YOU to Mr and Ms Jason for doing everything to provide a very memorable weekend, looking forward to next year
Also nice to get to know some people I never heard of before, and that weird swedish dude (junksy :razz I spent a night with at the airport playing airhockey, drinking cappuccino, having a laugh and talking to polish waitresses
I disagree and say it's answer:
d) Fernando Alonso is the last European driver to win at the Nürburgring and in the same year he became World Champion.
Last Nürburgring winners:
2005 Alonso (WDC: Alonso)
2006 Schumacher (WDC: Alonso)
2007 Alonso (WDC: Kimi)
2009 Webber (WDC: Button)
Or did I understood that wrong with "Last driver to win at" and it is refering to 2009 (Last race held there?)
Usually a number < 1 means that the program isn't finished, which is very much the case here. Just increasing the version number with every patch is stupid and seems more like a "which developer has the biggest epenis" competition...
My guess is that some software firewalls (or similar) tend to pop up there asking for permission. So people will notice instead of comming here and saying "that patch can't go online".
Which is useless for the usual 5 lap sprint races most of the servers run. However it would be a nice feature for all those leagues out there and add to the immersion quite a bit.
+1 For optional server setting, but I guess that patch is still a few more months away.
The problem is that "what is relevant" is a very open term. Sometimes things like "ss button spam" comes out of nowhere and is not really on a topic current. But it's still nice to get it "fixed" (although I think it has been like this since that button was created) if it's an "easy" one.
If things like the bug tracker are simple and fast to use (for scawen and the people reporting) it might be worth a try though. Although I fear we would get 100 reports of the same bug just described very differently... So there would be a need to filter and we end up again at the start...
Some more self discipline would be the best way, but I don't see that happen or last longer than one patch.