Too bad for Hulkenberg, but apparently Williams seems to need the money from Maldonado (as he seems most likely to get the drive atm). Barrichello is fixed as he can develope a car which is what Williams is really in need. Performance wise they should have kept Hulkenberg or get hold of Heidfeld...
Guess lots depends on the renault drivers and if Ferrari really wants to keep Massa. If they don't they could either get Kubica (who seems to get along with Alonso) or Sutil (haha) or Hulkenberg (as clear #2). Also Petrov isn't comfirmed yet either... I think the chance of a german replacing Petrov is quite high (Sutil, Heidfeld, Hulkenberg).
As far as I understodd it DirectX is delivers an Interface for Input (Keyboard, Wheel etc.) and Output (Graphics, Sound etc).
So from my knowlegde any LFS physics update doesn't even touch any DirectX related, unless Scawen has tp update some parts of the lfs graphic engine which I highly doubt.
If you mean PhysX (, thats something totally different and not supported by lfs as far as I know.
Yet XP is still the most used Microsoft OS in Europe, and not everyone is buying a new pc every other year (mine is around 4 years old now), not speaking about buying a new OS for an older PC. I think XP will be with us for quite some time. (Doesn't mean I disagree with you though)
This question has been raised a few times before and the answer still is "because he chose to work the way he does". And that's really all there is to say about
As Scawen is the only coder of this project for the moment (maybe Leo will be able to assist his father to finish the physics at some point ) you have to prioritise some things. And while it's true that the GFX engine has aged a bit over the years, it is a decent basis to develope physics on.
I'm sure an engine update is on the list (hopefully together with changing weather conditions), but it is not the most important thing to get done atm.
I was very happy with my pace considering that I this was the first time I actually used the lx6 for some decent racing, not speaking of using the shifter
Gotta go, need to prepare more excuses for tonight
I know nobody will even remotely like my idea, but I'll post it anyway.
Why not make use of the ballast system to level out the top teams a bit? This would have the advantage that balancing would be rather depending on how fast a team is rather than how quick the car is.
Of course this would still need some decent balancing before the season starts, but I think we have seen over the last years that teams do get a lot quicker over a season with their car due to better setups etc and therefore balancing can be a bit difficult.
Not having driven any of the gt cars I'd suggest 15,10,5 kg ballast depending on the standings of each class (maybe less for the "slower classes).
As non ps3 owner I feel very tempted to buy one with gt5 (and a hd screen... gonna be an expensive x-mas). Anyway, does anyone know if the vpp pedals (usb connector) work with the ps3?