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Finish with university.
S3 licensed
wee, looks like nkp is finally getting some proper cars

S3 licensed
Daft Punk - Solar Sailor (Tron Legacy OST)
S3 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Basically a function in matlab is as follows. This line must be the first line in your .m file:

function [output1, output2, ...] = myFunction (input1, input2, ....)
(and here is the body of the function where you can write any code you want)

function needs no "end"
S3 licensed
Too bad for Hulkenberg, but apparently Williams seems to need the money from Maldonado (as he seems most likely to get the drive atm). Barrichello is fixed as he can develope a car which is what Williams is really in need. Performance wise they should have kept Hulkenberg or get hold of Heidfeld...

Guess lots depends on the renault drivers and if Ferrari really wants to keep Massa. If they don't they could either get Kubica (who seems to get along with Alonso) or Sutil (haha) or Hulkenberg (as clear #2). Also Petrov isn't comfirmed yet either... I think the chance of a german replacing Petrov is quite high (Sutil, Heidfeld, Hulkenberg).

Btw: Are Trulli and Liuzzi confirmed yet?
S3 licensed
and don't forget the original lfs league.

Not being in a team doesn't exclude you from league racing.
S3 licensed
great lap from the hulkster

I hope that williams can continue the performance tomorrow
S3 licensed
Looks nice, too bad I don't enjoy single seaters...
S3 licensed
Quote from magicaldog :Have I missed something cause driving the formula 1 car in past 170 K it feels like driving in about 10 K. Absolutely NO sense of speed OR acceleration !

Have you tried adjusting the FOV (Field of View) to get a better immersion?
S3 licensed
Daft Punk - Derezzed (Tron Legacy OST)
S3 licensed
Quote from CSF :The Red Bull Karma is AMAZING

Was thinking the same... The whole year they complain about how bad their engine is and at the crucial part of the season the engine blows up.

Sutil is a retard...
S3 licensed
As far as I understodd it DirectX is delivers an Interface for Input (Keyboard, Wheel etc.) and Output (Graphics, Sound etc).

So from my knowlegde any LFS physics update doesn't even touch any DirectX related, unless Scawen has tp update some parts of the lfs graphic engine which I highly doubt.

If you mean PhysX (, thats something totally different and not supported by lfs as far as I know.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I am asking one question:

Is there any plan to change DirectX or would it be same?

I don't mean with that it should be changed, but just asking about will it need a change when new physics will arrive?

I don't know about you, but I count 2 questions here

A1: I think it is somewhere on Scawens to do list

A2: No, as far as I know a physics update shouldn't break DirectX
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :This question goes a bit beyond what LFS needs and what will work for most users. DX9 is in a way pretty outdated API and considering how hard MS has been trying to dump WinXP what would be the point of moving on to technology which might get dumped as well once WinXP is finally gone? WinXP users are getting themselves stuck in the past anyway 'cause Win7 solved most of the issues making them not upgrade to Vista.
If LFS devs were to update the graphics engine today, the most logical course of action would be to write a brand new DX10 based engine and use it along with the old one for compatibility reasons.

But whatever happens, I don't care a bit, as long as LFS maintains it's great physics and playability, let the DX be damned

Yet XP is still the most used Microsoft OS in Europe, and not everyone is buying a new pc every other year (mine is around 4 years old now), not speaking about buying a new OS for an older PC. I think XP will be with us for quite some time. (Doesn't mean I disagree with you though)
S3 licensed
Quote from civicman :why don't he ask some help?
it s a very good game but, we need to wait a lot if he continue to work alone.

he could work on tyre physics and someone on graphics or other tracks or what you want...

sorry for my english.

This question has been raised a few times before and the answer still is "because he chose to work the way he does". And that's really all there is to say about
S3 licensed
As Scawen is the only coder of this project for the moment (maybe Leo will be able to assist his father to finish the physics at some point ) you have to prioritise some things. And while it's true that the GFX engine has aged a bit over the years, it is a decent basis to develope physics on.
I'm sure an engine update is on the list (hopefully together with changing weather conditions), but it is not the most important thing to get done atm.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :

I guess I don't really get netkar's payment method.

It's italian, do you really need to know more?
S3 licensed
Quote from Mille Sabords :
Apparently I was less rusty than ThreeJump... but manny left us all in the dust.

I was very happy with my pace considering that I this was the first time I actually used the lx6 for some decent racing, not speaking of using the shifter
Gotta go, need to prepare more excuses for tonight
S3 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :You're saying there once was a time where you didn't need to get points to drive a certain car? Cause damn that's annoying.

Fun.. In a way, But also boring in another.

And the even older ones of us will remember the time before where you had to get points to drive a certain car..
History repeating itself
S3 licensed
This is what a charger should look like:

And nothing else.

I would accept that too.
S3 licensed
Watching Kobayashi was surely entertaining, lots of luck that his opponents didn't want to crash
S3 licensed
give them some cheap japanese cars and let the drivers have a go with them... :P