Problem with that system is that you'd need to keep track of the drivers eyes to get a proper highlighting / 3D-Projection. And it would drive all other passengers in the car crazy with a constantly shifting front screen I think. It could work with some kind of 3D-glasses, so you could even do some proper highlighting. Good idea though
Any lawyer will sue you instantly if you'd release a system that automaticly applies it's brakes once it's detected a pedestrian (unless the collision is not avoidable, t_{to collision} < t_{reaction}). If at all brake pressure would be applied so that there is an instant reaction once you press the pedal.
But you are right, pedestrian detection (and warning) is being done / possible.
Wikipedia links were for those who haven't got a clue and wanted at least to know what I was on about... I thought people would figure that out alone, but apparently I was mistaken.
Maybe I can get some help with this from the massive amount of wisdom and knowledge this Forum has...
I have to prepare a little presentation about Night Vision Systems ( being used in the automotive industry. While the basic systems used are no problem to explain I struggle a bit with finding ideas for future developement options and possible synergy effects with other driver assist applications such as ACC ( or active safety systems.
But I don't think that this would change anything because some clever management guy will come and say: "Our product is soo great but because of all the stupid piracy we don't sell enough. We need more and better cracking protection".
Personally I avoid all games / software that require me to have a permanent online connection just to use it (singleplayer) or have any other kind of "clever" protection system. I have nothing against buying software but it seems that you'll always have more problems with using it ("sorry, the catia license server is down, please work later" etc.) than the guy who downloads it somewhere (where it just works). And that is where it goes wrong imho...