I find it rather funny that the person who wants not to hype up things is teasing / hyping future development.
On the other side, given the years it's been in the making and the new found optimism, it might just be that all is finally coming together in some rather big release.
1. As far as I know / remember supporting the community with modding tools has been on "Scaviers" mind for a long time. My best guess is that additional stuff would most likely be limited to cars / tracks. At least that should be the easiest way. Given, that Eric seems to use custom tools (coded by Scawen) it should be a good guess that any official tool might be based on those editors.
However it doesn't seem to be very clever to release those while you are still working on the "core stuff of the game" as you'd have even more stuff and tools to support and people will complain if an update breaks popular mod x or else (see the work that is being done on shaders and track lighting). The approach here is to release stuff only "when it's done properly" instead of a rolling release (which makes sense given the number of coders working on this game which is still one, unless his kids have joined him in his quest by now)
2. I think there is a very long list everyone has of things that need to be implemented (link to the obvious https://www.lfs.net/forum/8-Improvement-Suggestions). Stuff like VSC and SC would certainly be nice, at least SC has been done by several leagues by having an admin drive around slowly in front of everyone else with varying results (<insert joke about admin driving skills here>).
Easier or related stuff usually gets implemented during a round of test patches, if it wasn't already on Scawen's very short "todo-list" (I think he is using continuous paper at this point). My guess here is that if a request seems reasonable, improves the gameplay, fits his shedule and peaks his interest, he'll probably end up at least thinking about it. At least that's how it looked to me on multiple occasions. It also depends on whether the patch is compatible or not (to previous LFS versions) on what get's actually implemented.
I'm happy that no one has given up hope yet and that some point we can get back to the original intention of this forum: Do it yourself tips for kitchen remodelling!
Thank you Scawen for the small update on what is going on behind the curtain.
And while I understand that every update on the graphics system will allow Eric to provide us more eye candy, I can't help but notice that tire physics aren't mentioned.
Given the long time (I think it is somewhere around ten years now) and probably head scratching that you already invested in the simulation of those black round things, can you give us any word of encouragement on that end? I can't help it, but it seems to me, that you prefer working on other stuff these days.
I know that LFS is your baby (as well as Eric's and Victor's) and that in the end we (the customers) all have to accept that or move on. And yes, I realize that you can only do so much as a single person at a time and that every statement you make here will be written in stone to be thrown back at you at some point.
But can you give us any realistic estimation / description on the current situation on that front?
Would it be possible to stick with a car class for 2 or 3 races in a row? With the little amount of driving I do these days, it would make things a lot easier
The rest of the "album" is in the add on pack (or at least should be)
10 - Victor Van Vlaardingen - Feel The Silence
11 - Victor Van Vlaardingen - Nowhere.mp3
Since I have never driven any of those supercars, let alone a F1 car, it's makes no difference to me anyway. From an experience point of view the FZ50 is a real as a <insert fancy car here>.
I think the issue with the Scirocco is less about the car, but a about the long period of time with no visible progress that followed the announcement. I guess that if the Devs had known how long the tire physics would take they'd had done a few things differently.
Let's wait and see what the future brings... updated cockpits hopefully as well