We really need something to stôp all the jerks on the server. There isn't a race without a racer making stupid things. First think I'm thinking of, is a replay save option from the last 10sec. which you can provide right away to the others on trhe server. Like this everybody can watch the situation after the race and can vote for a ban the driver. Most of the time u get not enoght votes because not everybody can see what did happen. The driver get's baned and disqualified. This should stay if the racer leaf's the server.
What about a function that when a car hits another car with a certain force, he gets an panalty. The mode should go back to the causer of the mess.
Also maybe a statistic where others can see how often gets somebody gets baned and kicked which you can after see at somebodys driver name (like stars and stuff). Maybe an option where the host of a server can choose that drigvers under a certain ban/kick status can't join. That meight maybe help to keep the racing attitude up.
Those are the things I'm thinking of right now. I keep thinking
Im sure that some wouldn't like they do right now. It's just an psychological point.Im sure that some wouldn't like they do right now. It's just an psychological point.
U have to send an ID card scan to LFS
It's not about that nobody can't know my or your name. But it would just look much more pro. Some have realy weird stuff on the top of their car......
I totaly agree. The real name should display everywhere in LFS. The atmosphere would be much nicer I think and like mentioned before, it would show for the whole thing more respect.
On every car should be automaticly a spot where the name shows up, like in real.
Sorry but this is wrong. Just some week ago I did read an article about that and they said that they pay to have their car on the cover or in the game. Because they like to get used the young ones to the car and to love it it so that they buy it when they are older. And that does make sense. If like, brain washing
Company's pay a lot of money to have for example their car in a game or on the cover of the game. Now you really think they are going to sue you because you did put their logo on your skin.....illepall
After testing the Thrustmaster Force Feedback and the Momo, I came to a clear result: Momo
The Thrustmaster is just to cheap done and u never feel like in a car. With a Momo you get much more of a felling.
With the Thrustmaster you have in the middle position a part where is no FFB, something you would never have in a car.
Anyway does the FFB has to have always a lag at a direction change of the force.
The paddles are to hight up I think and you can't work with them comfortable.
The only thing I did like more at the Thrustmuster were the 12 or 14 buttons on the wheel. I dont understand why the dont use the space at the Momo proper.........
So if somebody likes something proper he should go for the Momo. It's the money worth
We are 11 now, maybe we should start a race....some more come maybe.
I propose Sunday the 10th at 9pm CET a XF GTI Race and at 10pm a FXO GTR Race?!
I going to to put that in the event threrad as well.
A server would be nice to have
Hollywood English can speak everybody. Those 5 word's arn't hard to learn
And when u come along like this then I can speak much more languages......look at all the German dialect's where the north can't understand the south and the the west arn't the east and the south arn't the east........and so on.......
So that means we can't use it during a game? Be open for changes
Man be careful what ya saying
But you are right, there should be an option to ban all the british. Nobody can understand them and does like to here their accent
But anyway......it's not that everybody has to use it and there should be an option to switch persons off. And when somebody does speak not good english, I think this person will anyway not paticipate in the conversation
And why do we speak English at all? How about you English speaking people learn a second language :doh: