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S3 licensed
Well no Xmas pressies this time, but I hope it´s worth the waiting. Nevertheless the setup thingy sounds interesting.
S3 licensed
Quote from alex_du_77 :I think the new lights are like that : (See attachment)

The oil temp is the revs redline ofcourse.

Or is it... Damn I´s so confused nowWWw

EDIT: nah veloci was faster..
S3 licensed
Quote from Heiko1 :ok tested on moms car Suzuki Vitara V6 2.0 it works ABS backwards Buildyear: 1995 :P

@ Shadoww ur just jealous that it dont exist a Cruise server on demo anymore. its nothing against u but....

Isn´t the V6 Vitara 3 litre engine?

FBM rims are great and the new shadows also. I´m not sure but it looks like there has been something changed with the reflections
Thanks a lot so far Scawen AND Eric AND Victor (people always thank only Scawen )
S3 licensed
I´m definetly in
S3 licensed

I just luv the devs. Every christmas they surprise us (well almost)

Just waiting for the day....
S3 licensed
Quote from 5tag :If he's talking of a normal corner... tires lock up?! While eventually hitting the curbs I'm on the gas again.

no i dont mean the inside curb at the middle of the corner. I mean the curb on the outside before the corner. Like in blackwood when brakin to that turn 4 after the straight.
corner entry question
S3 licensed
I had a race yesterday and i didnt have a battle for my position so i had time to think and test some things out. I was just thinking that whats the fastest way to entry a corner. If you use the whole width of the track to open up the radius of the turn, it means you have to go on the curb. Well curb has less grip than asphalt, so its easy for the tyres on the curb to lock up. To prevent this you have to lower the brakes max pressure. So you have to brake earlier. But then if you dont go on the curb you can brake later. In that case the turn is tighter so you have to turn more. So which one is faster way? Personally i think that the curb doesnt open the turn so much that it would be worth it to brake earlier.
What do you guys think?
S3 licensed
Good racing everyone and thank to de Souza organizing this.
1st race went just like I expected, rather clean, couple of too late braking and position wasn´t very good.
In the 2nd race, the reverse grid made things interesting. I was 2nd for half a lap and then I spun (by some kind help from Zeug (np)), rest of the race I escorted Scrap and got past him. Finished 2nd to last.. what do you expect in a race with such good drivers in it
Looking forward to next one!
S3 licensed
Happy birthday Scawen resent::elefant::drink::banana::laola::balloons::woohoo:

We apreciate the work you´ve done so far, even when sometimes people don´t seem to be pleased with anything
S3 licensed
If the target is to go forwards as fast as possible, then it´s best to keep it tidy and not to slide. If u go sideways, it´s againg the idea of going forwards and slowes you down.
People think that when they slide trough the corner, they go faster than when "gripping", because the engine usually revs higher and the corner entry speed is greater. That makes the illusion of the speed.

This is what I think, how it goes. At least I use it. Others can do what they want, but for me racing tidy is the way to go
S3 licensed
Looking forward to it
S3 licensed
Please leave out GTR.s and FBM. There´s enough servers with those cars. Fox would be good from the S-S cars, the others doesnt make a good competition.
And about tracks, I think Kyoto GP is too long, National would be perfect. And as J@tko said; NOT THE OVAL!!

S3 licensed
TBO and the LX6,RAC,FZ5 classes and some REAL racing tracks like Kyoto, aston, westhill and fernbay. NO south city
S3 licensed
It´s easy to hear the engine damage. The sound isn´t so smooth and flawless. It starts to brumble when u damage it.
I have problems with XFG in South city with the engine. Thats the only place for some reason, where I use to damage the engine.
S3 licensed
Me and RB4 will show up at the grid.
It´s the day after Finlands independence day, I make a skin that suits the theme
S3 licensed
Hi! I have a small problem with my G25. It doesnt calibrate on the center. When my wheel is straight the car goes to right. It´s not much but it´s annoying. Also the brake pedal seems to be applied a bit even when Ive released it. It shows when I go to the steering options that it´s not fully released.
S3 licensed
Maybe this is what he´s looking for. That´s not a mobile phone... more like a pocket PC, but I think it´s possible to get this to phone. ... tgauge_insim_application/
S3 licensed
JO53PHS owns Nod Looks like he has put some great effort into that pic.
S3 licensed
Finally somthing fot the FXO
S3 licensed
Veery good racing tonight

Nice amount of cars showed up to the race, and it was very clean (and boy was I amazed of that)
I managed to drive neat and keep tyres cool and during pit stops I gained on Michael and passed him.
Good racing with Element also, it was a matter of hundreds that the clock would have been filled before we started final lap. Then I managed to get past him

Again next Sunday?
S3 licensed
I just saw this post, but i think I´ll show up. Souds fun.
Now I´m off to practice
S3 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :Awesome detail! Just the Forumla Bimmer's exhaust seems weird facing downwards.

Yea, I don´t like it either, but FBM´s butt is made so well that I wanted to make a small tribute to it
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
2nd chicane of aston club reverse with LX4

It´s just so much fun! (dont ask why)
S3 licensed
I like the idea of the 50´s fast and dangerous track.

But I like corners, and the existing one dont have em´ too much, so I´d probably still like the original one better