Why doesnt anyone make a race server with some good combos like fz5,lx6and Rac in kyoto or aston or fxo,xrt,rb4 rallycross in fern or sumthing like that. There is WAY enough cruise servers and they are all boring. I used to drive in TC for a while, but then i realised that WHAT A WASTE OF TIME IT IS TU CRUISE IN A RACING GAME!!!!!
U get good racing only in events and rarely in ctra.
All who keep those cruise servers should lose their S2 license forever!
The voting is just ridiculous. Neighbour countries vote for each other and all those former soviet union countries vote for russia and Sweden hates Finland and blahblahbalbahlbahblabahl...
Im a bit late but it was driver B fault. Shame on him..
A didnt see B coming next to him in the rumble of start and B was after the start in a blind spot what u cant see in mirrors..
B should have slowed down or go the other side
Thats my opinion