There you see folks. LFS should have a warning or some play-time limiter, so you dont get fed up with it
"Driving LFS in large doses, might cause... *BLAH!* couldnt come up with the rest.. someone continue
Anyways, well be missing you, but im sure that you can´t resist LFS and its temptations
Well at least when next patch comes out..
This must be the most stragest post from me for a while.
This is yet another pointless thread of arguing. And guess what! ..its about the clutch...
Can´t you people understand that it´s now part of the game. You can´t just rumble and spank the car to the limit, as you could before.
I think that the clutch is great, it really is good for them, who can drive fast and clean without problems.
And someone said that "1 spin and the clutch is out" or something.. LOL!!!
That msmolt:s story is the most unbeliavable thing i´ve read on this forum!!
That sounds like taken from a movie, never quite thought that things like that really happen.
Well it´s fun to cruise with ur friends when you are too lazy to race or dont like drifting. You can just relax and what else can a LFS nolife do, when he´s bored
But racing is absolutely the number 1 thing in LFS for me
It was great to see so many lx´ers together yesterday.
Very good close racing and finally enough people. And thanks for Troy for the good stats page again
I dont own a gun as i´m a bit underage, but i´ll have some gun later.
Some riffle would be good, so i can SHOOT neighbours cat if it ever comes again to shit on my moped :gnasher:illepall
Well I´ve been flying in fs2004 for about 2 weeks now, and haven´t even touched the LFS shortcut for a while.
This because it´s good time for flying now at winter when u can´t do anything else cos here isn´t even snow so it´s very hard to do any wintersports.
And I think that this is familiar for other player also: You CAN be bored on LFS. It happens in regular cycle.
U play LFS 2 months; u get fed up with it and play something else for a month. Then LFS feels kind of new and fresh cos u have played something else lately.
I have fs9. I got it recently after playing fs2002 quite long time and i really like it.
Some people are saying negative things of fsx and they have switched back to fs9, im not sure what problems they had but anyways.
I have some vids in youtube of my fs2002 landings.
Just say when and where im ready to do some online flyin´