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S2 licensed
Quote from Minimaxman :Loads of snow where I live, college closed from Wednesday to Friday, only been able to dig the car out this morning (started snowing tuesday night)

Someone took this video of the town centre just down the road from me, showing how slippery the roads were

all doing the fatal thing when they start sliding, sitting on the brakes. Surely its common sense that if you let the wheels start moving again it will give you back some control
S2 licensed
Quote from SidiousX :What?

well most american muscle cars have huge engines and for the size of the engine produce bugger all power.
S2 licensed
we've had snow all night all day and its a good 20cm now, most ive ever seen
S2 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :are they ok

yeah seems the car has brawn the brunt, whole drivers side, front wing, doors and rear 3 quarter all smashed and scraped so possibly a write off or a few thousand to fix it. Its only a 1.6 Focus Zetec so most likely a write off
S2 licensed
my dad went out to our local sainsburys with my mum about an hour and a half ago and he's just phoned (we had a lot of snow at about 6) and some boob has crashed into our car, although my dad isnt totally blameless because i told him not to go out in the car in it.
S2 licensed
we have had quite a bit but its stopped now, we're also meant to have 40cm over night and are in the "high risk" red area that they are highlighting on the weather
S2 licensed
he should stay out of F1 whose gonna trust this scumbag now?
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :What people dont seem to understand is these jumps are just an opportunity for Red Bull and DC Shoes to make the big dollars and be advertized everywhere.

Ken Block and Travis Pastrana own DC Shoes;

They know damn well they can go over 269 feet;

They beat each other's previous score knowing that everyone will look at them, be like 'OMG THIS CAR HAS RED BULL AND DC SHOES EVERYWHERE ON IT I NEED TO BUY THEIR ITEMS!'



Pastrana has nothing to do with DC Shoes. Travis Pastrana has made his name through doing stunts and stuff. And a bit of rallying which 9/10 he will inevitabley have crashed out of.
S2 licensed
wait the boss got one? for doing what exactly? sitting on his arse all day while all his developers make the games.
S2 licensed
Quote from baSh0r :definately good stuff but id kick his nuts for crashing the car

and that wasnt the first one, he wrote a couple off in practicing it by rolling when he landed
S2 licensed
the one person in sport that deserves a knighthood is Ross Brawn. He's been given an OBE so at least he's being recognised.
S2 licensed
Quote from dungbeetle :Hmm, I just read my posts again and can't seem to find where I said that Button (or Hamilton or Hill for that matter) didn't deserve to be Formula 1 World Champions.

I always find it funny how the UK is full of twats that try and put words into your mouth.

where in my post did i say i was talking to you? what makes you so special that u think i was talking to you in particular.
S2 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :L4D is for 7.5€ atm on there after new sales arrived

there's a reason for that, and its not a good reason. Max Payne 2 is £1.79 and i bought that because well its got a good rating and its a game ive always wanted but never got round to buying.
S2 licensed
i always find it funny how UK is full of twats that moan when we dont have a british champion in something and as soon as we do they run them into the ground with stupid remarks about them not deserving it. Would you think the same if you'd worked for years and years to win something? no didnt think so
S2 licensed
are you sure you actually get the guitar? i cant see how they would drop it from £60 with the guitar to £20 with the guitar.
S2 licensed
F1 2009 if you want a descent racing game thats not a sim
S2 licensed
Also their statement to me is utter bs, they're blaming the community for not being willing to help or pay their damn bills for them. They choose to run these things, if they cant afford it incase the community doesnt donate then they shouldnt do it. Its not our fault its theirs.
S2 licensed
to be honest is everyone really that surprised? it was down for almost a year and if you're properly honest did you really miss it?

I didnt and i used it all the time. Ive just learned that you have to move onto other forums and now ive found some communities that are a thousand times more friendly and better run than RSC ever was.

It is sad that the place that began it all as such is gone but we'll just have to do with what we've got. RSC just wasnt the same the past few months since it came back.
S2 licensed
the games they have added now are crap, and mostly over £20, not really a big sale for these so called big titles. The other pack offers and 50% off are good but these special ones are rubbish
S2 licensed
press the big uninstall button, problem solved
S2 licensed
Quote from STF :Not related to GM and SAAB, but what do you guys think about this one?

S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :The proper RS was

no it wasnt, that one was fwd aswell
S2 licensed
its now belting it down with rain here and there is a flash of fork lightning every now and then but no rumbles of thunder
S2 licensed
the Focus RS isnt AWD, its FWD.
S2 licensed
What about Scania who make the lorries as that was owned by Saab?