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S3 licensed
all your mods are very good, but this stands out from the pack
an amazing work, top quality
the default setup handling is exemplary

Overall a great addition to the mods library, that level of quality certainly expands and widens the LFS experience. I guess quite a few people will get addicted. Bravo
S3 licensed
we dont ban for swearing, we ban for offenses, avoid insults for example.
S3 licensed

Quote from Joe mama1256 :pls remove me bans on live for speed da bans were bots i swear on my mama

Quote from Joe mama1256 :@turbofan oxdead banned me for saying sorry to a guy that i rammed by accident

You write lies here. To me, lying is despisable, despicable, contemptible and miserable.
I will write longer ban, lets say 180d, so you can think about it while growing up a bit.
Last edited by turbofan, .
S3 licensed

well am a bit curious about that "power for self advantage" you are writing about, maybe that's how you would behave as an admin instead

also why do u need to specify that Tiff is a woman ? what does it have to do with your ban ?

know that I invited Tiff in the admin team, after watching how she behaved for monthes, so I know she is fair and clean 100%

There are plenty of other servers.Ty for understanding
S3 licensed
got banned yesterday 12h
screams on forum cause global ban warning
comes back today
lasts 5 min before being banned again cause cant behave and harass other guests with rampcar

nice specimen, but doesnt belong here
S3 licensed
but this is your 7th ban... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
that's a lot
am sure there is a server more adapted to your driving style, somewhere.
S3 licensed
another one bites the dust
12h for harassing admin after a kick

I like ur last comment a lot : "who are these guys ?", made me laugh, ty.
S3 licensed
1. check ur replay, u stopped and blocked traffic, there was no one in front of you. Stopping on a live road is far from common sense, whatever was ur intent. Common sense and respect are mandatory on server.

2. a few ppl I dont like are active on server, I dont ban for personnal reasons

Most of all, it's your 7th ban, and u still drive like other guests are AI's, u just dont care. It seems then the server will be a bit less messy without you.
S3 licensed

I first kicked u for stopping a bus in the middle of the tunnel, blocking people behind you.
U reconnect and i write "next time u block -> ban"
U answer : "what ?"

That, is no good answer, one of the worst possible actually.
I wrote easy english, if u dont understand, get a translator
I wont repeat what I already wrote but ban you at once instead so I dont waste time.

As it is your 7th ban on server, it will be 180 days. :sad
S3 licensed
@windx unbanned

we have rules, specially in konvoys/cruise, a golden one : dont overtake, dont try to go back to ur spot.
Overtaking in konvoys generates conflicts, kids dont like it and fight back for their spot.
I agree that konvoys are often a messy event, but they are even more when no rules.
u are unbanned, good luck next time.
(i dont use it but i see discord links on previous page of the thread)
S3 licensed
when u cant drive straight, when u cant brake, when u cant take a single corner
dont try to race in the pack
have some respect for the other drivers
practice offline first


most amazing is that u ask why...
S3 licensed
dont be fooled, it's a robot, and has been reported
S3 licensed

plz get lost, u robot
S3 licensed
lets remind full context to avoid misunderstandings:
we never talked before, u come and ask :
"you are fast, what is your ethnicity ?"

30 days

Now remind one other thing : the JaR server is not a government institution, nor a charitable organization.
This is a private initiative, and yes we do what WE want.
I dont claim being professionnal, I dont care your judgement about the way I admin, and I owe you nothing, not even a reason for a ban.
S3 licensed
Well it's quite easy to understand and u wrote it : please just get lost.
Now if you dont understand common sense, am no teacher, am no dad or mumy, ask them instead.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Of course, the priorities I attach to various tasks, will not be the same as someone else's priority. We all have different priorities, so there's not a person in the world who could agree with all my choice of tasks to work on. But I must work on what I feel is important. Actually I find it a huge mental effort to complete these tasks, and that's why I need to follow the inspiration. Sometimes I'm awake at night working out how to do something...

This is the most sensefull way to avoid burnout. That's the way I function too, and it makes progress slower, inspiration is like waves on a beach, they come, and vanish, and another comes and vanishes.
It is not easy to resist the expectation of other people, society, forum community, and stick to our way of doing things, while resisting that pressure. This pressure alone costs quite an amount of energy.

Following the LFS adventure since 2008, I see it like you fell from your bike, got hurt and confused for some time, and got back on it a bit changed, with a renewed vision and faith about what makes senses in your life.
From this perspective, I find you quite admirable. (but on a few others I dont Big grin)
S3 licensed

seems u are not often online.
Real racism, and xenophobia in general is happening on a daily basis. You will see insults for race, skin color, sex orientation, nationality, handicap, and the bans that wipe those people off.

Well now, as you're trolling and rewriting history, you are not welcome on JaR from now on.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Uhm no. You're pulling it out of perspective. I said I understand the point of view of the cops. [...] I never said it's good that they killed the kid,get your facts straight.

I must have missed that part in the noise, and to me it's not worth checking a replay, am not perfect, and if I misjudged please accept my apologies and I hope you didnt get hurt in the process.

That discussion went too far in noise level anyway, usually I warn people that JaR is not the place for those sensible topics, but some of them are important nonetheless, like Russians opening threads on this forum, to make it clear to others that they dont agree with Poutine and such. Those threads are precious, but I should have been more strict, once again.

Just another drama on JaR Big grin
Next one soon, stay tuned !
S3 licensed
You got a kick yes, and next time a long ban, Mr troll

You were purposefully stirring a mess, writing that it is ok for police to kill dark skinned teens at a simple traffic stop.
If you really think like this, I dont want you on the server anyway.
S3 licensed
well, when people cant argue, they create stories and narratives, they cheat
it is very trendy these days, it even has a name : post-truth (

I thought you were smarter mr mouse

Cheese ! Big grin
S3 licensed
Fact is I am very easily triggered by direct offenses and insults, the kick/ban buttons work a lot on JaR server.
But well, I would not kick or ban someone writing me "you must be a boring person and a spoiled child". I even wouldnt receive it as an offense, but rather see it as a comment from someone who strongly disagrees with me, wich is perfectly ok even if it has a harsch and strong phrasing.
When I read this comment, it is my choice to take it as an insult or not.
As UM21 wrote :"It is only your point of view, not others"

As I am responsible of what I write, you are responsible of what you read and how you understand it.

Greetings Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Kid222 :@turbofan

Johney does have a point.

Thread is opened by a person who claims is bored of current state of LFS.

You jump in claiming you are sick of threads like this.

I do see an analogy in here. Maybe both of you not posting and just enjoying whatever you do is better option? Uhmm

Also insulting and the aggressive tone is not the way to go. Try to calm it down a bit.

I often kick or ban people writing insults, for example when they get crashed by someone and write "mother****" or "**** off"
guess what they answer me : "hey bro its not an insult, its a joke, relax"

and then all by magic, here on the forum, am writing anything but insults, and people want to teach me lessons on being polite ?
hmm guys, good joke.

Cheers Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from johneysvk :
What an idiotic comment.

@johney So I guess you should find this quote a personnal insult too. But I dont, as I dont find anything personnal insult in my posts.

I find ur comment, hmm lets say, 'normatively entertaining'. But I understand where the grain of sand is now, so thank you, but i'll forget again tomorrow, because it is so small.

Greetings. : )

edit :
sorry but u wrong on one point : it is not so obviously a shout in the void, lol

btw, when will we have the next update after the next update ? I cant wait Wink
Last edited by turbofan, .
S3 licensed
@noticeLV and the offended crowd
well am sorry I just love jumping in sidewalk puddles and splash everyone around, and they never like it but well, I cant help, am autistic
have fun
S3 licensed
and one week after release you'll get bored again because "it's always the same night and day cycle"... and make a new thread about when the next update because you get bored
hard times in perspective hum lol