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S3 licensed
So i have driven that track version a bit.
Here's some quick feedback.

- idle sound is weirdly hypnotic
tone variation down helps a bit

- cockpit muffling too high, car has been stripped some weight, it should feel in the sound.

- viewpoint seats bit too low, I increased it 30mm in view options.

- engine response seems slow for a racing tuned engine
decrease inertia ?

The competition component could be a bit more pushed.
10% more power than the road version seems a bit weak, it could easily handle 400hp with those slicks.
It feels a bit dull as it is, not so much challenging. Like an entry/mid level racing car. Clubsport more than competition Smile

Dont get me wrong it's still very nice to drive, am sharing my perspective, but it's your thing, keep up !
S3 licensed
One thing that would allow a wider variety of sounds without having to rewrite code would be to allow extended limits for unevenness and pipe tone in shift A panel

I have been using hackzor techniques to bypass those parameters limit for years, sometime with amazing results.

- unevenness is safe to increase and usefull until value of 0.5 (current limit 0.05). It will add more bass as the value increases. Clipping is not worst than current limits.

- pipe tone is safe and usefull until 350 at least (current limit 50). It will add more punch and crisp when increasing unevenness (wich drowns the sound a bit in the bass only)

Safe = sound never crashed with those limits, and clipping is manageable as usual.
S3 licensed

nice first post ! winner !
S3 licensed
Amazing mod ! This drives so nice with default set. And looks balanced with other GTR's.

Great job !
S3 licensed
Quote from stuchlo :Etching post-processing shader test. Screenshot was not modified, everything is...

#2 is top

i wonder how it moves
S3 licensed
am still far to understand all the mechanics of hlsl and the render pipe.
but I pushed things a bit more and integrated a 5x5 blur in the world2 shader before the edge detection to make things a bit smoother.
For now it will affect simple surface with no reflection. Other surface may look a bit too much edged.

2 files have changed, World2.psh and PostProcess.psh
as usual, backup ur shader folder, and replace the to shaders by those in the archive, renaming them accordingly

check options->graphics
texture filtering / AF to 4x
all 4 Mip biases below to 0.0

Adding more detail will make far things more outlined and things will become unreadable and noisy. Try and find ur preference.

Next idea is to change detail as object get farther, something with a z buffer, when I can figure it out how to do that in hlsl plumbing, and an antialiasing pass or whatever to remove last bits of noise and flicker.
No sure I go this far however, mojo might burnout.

S3 licensed
Some more raw cartoon shader screenshots with a revised version of stuchlo's work
still could be improved with an antialising pass for the black edges outlines

Feels a bit like Michel Vaillant comics, I almost like it. Cheers Stuchlo !

S3 licensed
it's mostly stuchlo's work, thanks to him
extract and save file in data/shaders
copy/rename as PostProcess.psh

setup option->misc->post processing shader [yes]
and the texture filtering as described above

some more screenshots here
Last edited by turbofan, .
S3 licensed
I see cartoon shading when i close my eyes so I had another go.
I could implement a 5x5 blur matrix and remove those zero division warnings
All works good now, but i had to remove gamma correction to avoid instructions limit

Now the best result are achieved with help from texture filtering options
be sure to set options - graphics - texture filtering to max and the 4 Mip bias settings below to zero 0.0.
This give the smoothest render

edit: made it a bit more light, updated screenshot
Last edited by turbofan, .
S3 licensed
well, after some rest, I am not rly sure my thing actually does anything good
those zero divide errors maybe just make the shader bypass the blur and any better feeling is achieved with texture filtering settings

A different approach with post processed textures (.dds) and a contour filter would give better results

I dont rly like cartoon rendering, it reminds me old bad experiences at work as I have been working on some TV cartoon serie made in 3D with cartoon post processes, and that was a predicted total fail.
But I have a passion for post processing since forever, and noise as the primordial soup from wich harmony emerges.

I may have another try at it. sorry for the noise.
S3 licensed
Quote from stuchlo :Hello, here is my custom Live for Speed cartoon post-processing shader. It is...

I built a bit upon that cartoon shader
I found the contour convolution giving too much noise as usual when things move, so I found a way to add a 3x3 blur pass before the cartoon processing, so the rendering feels a bit smoother
I also boosted color saturation a bit
this is still very dirty code, dont laugh too much, I know almost nothing in glsl and this langage has so much constraints.

Still, this could be refined by adding a larger precomputed matrix to allow larger blur
also another blur pass might be good to smooth things out a bit more.

edit :

Last edited by turbofan, .
S3 licensed
this update will blow everything out
so much new things to discover and enjoy

But I truly hope this is the last progress report before it Big grin
enough screenshots, let's roll ! Do it !

Best wishes u both Smile
S3 licensed
I can testify that nene87 has been very nice this year, and it's always a pleasure when he joins us online.
He knows sportmanship and is very polite, never swearing. He also built very nice mods, and a bonus here because he didnt publish any bavaria or other popular driftmobiles clones.
Big grin
website : "derivatives allowed" filter
S3 licensed
like the "include WIP" and "include tweak"
in the search mod page on the website, it would be nice to be able to have a list containing only mods with derivatives allowed
S3 licensed
I realize my post is maybe too much for you ppl in that context of "realism".
Now, please understand that when watch that vid, those ads distract my eyes, I need some time to adapt and actually focus on the action. And I am most probably not the only one.

Greetings guys.
S3 licensed
that is the most amazing answer ! lol

So I believe u didnt get my point. Am not about ads before or cutting the video.
Simply look the screenshots above, and see those ads I am about, soft drinks, courriers, watches, you cant miss them.
Those are unnecessary brain washers, you could replace them with fictional brands at least.
Still a good job, only this.
Greetings nosle Smile
S3 licensed
great video edit with nice effects !
too bad it is full of ads, those look ridiculous and u dont even get money from them.
S3 licensed
Alright, what I actually meant is the weight balance is toward the rear, sorry for wrong phrasing.
S3 licensed
rear engined, rear wheel drive with 950Nm torque
sure thats not an easy one, but always interesting
S3 licensed
Yeah, it's like this, we do ban the trolls.
Seen your posts it really seems we were not wrong with you 2.
Now if u want to troll this thread too, the report button doesnt stand far from a click or 2.
Please go troll somewhere else, time will heal your wounds, keep faith.
S3 licensed
I remember buying that magazine with a test of the first Testarossa Koenig around 1985. Those lines and curves made me dream.
Now I can hop in LFS and try the thing !
This is an evolution of the original Koenig Testarossa with 1000HP instead of 500 while retaining the original 5 speed gearbox.
That car is fast. Default setup, while understeering a bit on lift off is ok to get a first try.
Once u get a stable setup, the handling is sporty, agile and fun, making it a great racing toy.

Ivan u do great mods. Thanx for making my dream come true, almost Smile
S3 licensed
Top job
Short wheelbase RWDs are often interesting to setup and drive. This one has great handling, u can even get some fun in tight corners.

I wonder what Jean Ragnotti would think of the mod Big grin, he was the great master of that car.

Keep up Vlad, great mod !
S3 licensed
Another author worth following.

Top mod here. Graphics, handling, sound, this is a pearl, a gold nugget, a diamond, whatever is rare and noble.
Get in that mod and you can feel the classic vibe of the era. Must be amazing in VR.
S3 licensed
Well we agreed to unban you as u say u wont share with him again. Thats alright, just dont do it again with banned users.
S3 licensed
well, I was about to unban you account, but asked admins about that ban.
now they tell me you shared this account with someone who is perm banned on server
I can't allow that user to escape his ban by using your account, he is a mess, we dont want him on server.