but uh-oh... all of sudden, this makes me feel the track is either on too high or corners have not enough banking, which it causes this sign to lie in middle of racing line.
hmmm, it is still beta
I suggest to make it more faster, not much required, but at least step-up more banking. ( Or, if possible, try to get rid off from that bloody sign... because this track is high quality for sure! )
If nothing else, dust it up completely in case overheat happens, but I think that should be overheating whole thing, not only CPU.
There are several reasons which causes Blackwood unable to use.
I see number 3. AFAIK, Blackwood in Demo mode contains only 3 race track configs and car park. Unlocking Blackwood via at least S1, you can have an access to open configurations, which requires more RAM and processes due heavier weight. Now here is my conclusion:
Your PC is never have been capable to run properly, which means there is something wrong. I doubt told minimum system requirements have been given false info, so there is something malfunctioning, since that system SHOULD run all tracks.
But with those specs it should run somewhat mediocre but fine...
...unless only if it is indeed Blackwood only, where problem occur, it means it has more details than Westhill, which means, well, look a post above this one.
there is speed limit working if no additional pitboxes added.
Not sure about airio, I guess it is simply similar method as everywhere else, just simply adding to database and adding to track pool or something.
Indeed that pitlane is one of the greatest thing made ever I have experienced.
EDIT: The praise is earned. Banked corners are smooth and things added to track, such as cones, gives some detailed atmosphere/background, but indeed the most amazing thing is that pitlane. It's exit goes under the track and gives vision to drive on tunnel.
EDIT: 2100/2100 objects used. Could not rly add walls and few sections are slightly "raw". But raceable and can do at least TWO laps each car! ( Surprisingly, MRT5 is somewhat as hard to compete one lap as BF1/FO8. Also LRF class might be a pain in your brains )
How I would know? I remember it was easy to modify back then because it was on at guest mode. Kids, like me back then could easily ruin it. ( Oh bummer... )
Now back then, I would refuse to do a task like managing things, so I rather report somewhere like here and may the things change, if any.